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三分鐘快速制作法!打造三倍回報優質投資策略 | 高效理財技巧大揭秘|CryptoPARD 加密學院(廣東話、中文字幕)
在這個短片中,我們將展示如何在三分鐘內快速制定一個能帶來至少三倍以上回報的優質投資策略。從市場分析到資產配置,我們將指導您步驟詳細,輕鬆掌握制定高回報投資策略的關鍵要點。此外,我們還將介紹一些高效的工具和資源,幫助您快速分析市場趨勢,並作出明智的投資決策。無論您是投資新手還是資深投資者,這個短片都將為您提供寶貴的洞見,助您在投資道路上更進一步。 ------------------------------------------------------------ 【CryptoPARD 加密學院📔】 🌟👀
分析CPI巿埸心態淺談香港加密貨幣巿埸|15-11-2023 CryptoPARD 加密學院(廣東話、中文字幕)加密貨幣|比特幣|以太幣|虛擬貨幣|黃金
------------------------------------------------------------ #CryptoPARD #cryptocurrency #crypto #exchange #otc #OTC #cryptonews #mining #虛擬貨幣 #加密貨幣 #加密學院 #Bitcoin #BTC #ethereum #ETH #炒幣 #新手必看 #fomo #比特幣 #以太幣 【CryptoPARD 加密豹】 大家好,我係阿豹!歡迎黎到加密豹 CryptoPARD 「
比特幣供應告急&機構巨額投資!加密貨幣市場最新動態:從教育革新到法規挑戰 | 全面加密貨幣趨勢分析2023|CryptoPARD 加密學院(廣東話、中文字幕)
本期影片深入分析比特幣市場的最新趨勢與重要動態。首先,我們探討Glassnode的報告,指出比特幣非流動性和長期持有達到創紀錄新高,以及新錢包的急增對市場的影響。接著,我們分析芝商所比特幣期貨的未平倉量突破11萬枚,超越幣安,展示了機構投資者的積極參與。Nansen CEO對於新牛市的11大催化劑進行了盤點,我們將一一詳述這些可能引領幣價復甦的因素。此外,大學如何在貨幣革命中調整課程內容,以及幣安與台灣高檢署合作打擊金融詐騙的最新舉措也在我們的討論範圍內。我們還將關注歐洲議會對Defi的最新法律草案,泰國總
AI分析大對比:Bing vs Bard vs ChatGPT-4 | 香港司政報告解析比較|CryptoPARD 加密學院(廣東話、中文字幕)
在這期影片中,我們將進行一個精彩的AI產品比較,以探討微軟的Bing、Google的Bard以及OpenAI的ChatGPT-4如何解析香港的司政報告。透過對市場上三大AI技術的深度比較,我們將揭示它們在理解和分析本地政府報告方面的優劣。這些AI技術各有什麼獨特之處?它們在解析香港司政報告時的表現又如何?哪個AI工具能更好地助您洞悉香港的政治與政策動向?立即點擊觀看,為您的分析工作找到最適合的AI助手! ----------------------------------------------------
FOMC: Economy, Stocks, Bitcoin
7 個月前
 • 52 次觀看
With the most recent #FOMC, it gives us plenty to talk about with regards to interest rates, #Bitcoin, #inflation, the yield curve, #DXY, and more! Into The Cryptoverse Premium: https://intothecryptoverse.com Into The Cryptoverse Newsletter: https://newsle
摩根士丹利宣布加密貨幣的寒冬或許已經結束 | 最新區塊鏈行業動態解析|CryptoPARD 加密學院(廣東話、中文字幕)
在這期視頻中,我們將探討摩根士丹利最近的報告,宣稱加密貨幣的寒冬可能已經結束。摩根士丹利是全球領先的金融服務公司,其對加密貨幣市場的看法對投資者和市場參與者具有重要指示意義。我們將深入分析報告的重點,以及這對未來加密貨幣市場的可能影響。 通過觀看本視頻,您將更好地理解加密貨幣市場的當前趨勢和未來可能的發展。如果您想保持對加密貨幣行業的最新了解,請訂閱我們的頻道,並開啟通知以獲得最新更新。 #摩根士丹利 #加密貨幣 #市場分析 #投資 #加密貨幣市場 #財經新聞 #Blocktempo 相關連結: 原文報導
Bitcoin: Dubious Speculation
8 個月前
 • 37 次觀看
This should be fun. Into The Cryptoverse Premium: https://intothecryptoverse.com Into The Cryptoverse Newsletter: https://newsletter.intothecryptoverse.com/ LIFETIME OPTION: https://intothecryptoverse.com/product/subscription-to-the-premium-list-lifetime/
Bitcoin: Pre-Halving Year Returns
8 個月前
 • 44 次觀看
Let's provide an update on #Bitcoin pre-halving year returns! In this video we discuss seasonality of the pre-halving year and what we might expect over the coming weeks. Into The Cryptoverse Premium: https://intothecryptoverse.com Into The Cryptoverse New
Bitcoin: Social Risk
8 個月前
 • 31 次觀看
Let's discuss the social risk for #Bitcoin to better understand interest in the cryptoverse! Into The Cryptoverse Premium: https://intothecryptoverse.com Into The Cryptoverse Newsletter: https://newsletter.intothecryptoverse.com/ LIFETIME OPTION: https://i
Bitcoin Dominance
8 個月前
 • 30 次觀看
#Bitcoin dominance put in new yearly highs today. As liquidity is drained from the cryptoverse, liquidity from higher risk altcoins tends to flow to lower risk assets like #BTC. #BTC rallies break altcoins off of their #BTC support levels, so that when the
Bitcoin: Bull Market Support Band
8 個月前
 • 34 次觀看
Time for an update on our #Bitcoin bull market support band, considering that we have a new weekly close for #Bitcoin. This bull market support band is essentially our line in the sand for separating different types of market environments. Where do you thi
CPI Report
8 個月前
 • 50 次觀看
With the most recent #CPI report, let's dive back into the macroverse to unpack the numbers. In this video, we discuss headline inflation, core inflation, and break the inflation numbers down by category. We also discuss potential impacts of the recent CPI
CPI Report
9 個月前
 • 43 次觀看
With the most recent #CPI report, let's dive back into the macroverse to unpack the numbers. In this video, we discuss headline inflation, core inflation, and break the inflation numbers down by category. We also discuss potential impacts of the recent CPI
Bitcoin: The Secondary Scare Has Begun
10 個月前
 • 53 次觀看
Has the secondary scare begun for #Bitcoin? In this video we discuss why the secondary scare happens, and the historical length and magnitude of it, based on historical comparisons. What do you think of this analysis on #Bitcoin? Let me know in the comment
Bitcoin: Dubious Speculation
1 年前
 • 36 次觀看
Don't mind me, I'm just dubiously speculating about #Bitcoin, #crypto, and more! Into The Cryptoverse Premium SALE: https://intothecryptoverse.com Into The Cryptoverse Newsletter: https://newsletter.intothecryptoverse.com/ LIFETIME OPTION: https://intothec
1 年前
 • 82 次觀看
Let us talk about the most recent #CPI report, the Federal Reserve, #inflation, interest rates, and more! Into The Cryptoverse Premium: https://intothecryptoverse.com Into The Cryptoverse Newsletter: https://newsletter.intothecryptoverse.com/ LIFETIME OPTI
1 年前
 • 49 次觀看
Let us talk about the most recent #FOMC! Powell had quite a lot to say about the #labor market, #recessions, #inflation, and the #banking crisis. What do the markets think about the next FOMC meeting? Into The Cryptoverse Premium: https://intothecryptovers
🚨錯過了暴漲的 LSD 幣種?「#Layer2 幣種」以太坊升級前必須留意! 以太幣準備再飛一次?!|Arbitrum 還是 Optimism 更強勢?|以太坊坎昆升級|以太坊擴容 Rollup
#以太坊 #layer2 #eth 以太坊的上海升級如之前在影片中跟大家分享一樣,以太幣沒有受到拋壓之外,更帶來一個不錯的漲幅 🚀🚀🚀 如果大家記得的話,上海升級之前以 LDO 為首的「流動性質押」相關代幣就漲了一波! 這次坎昆升級有傳就會在5月到6月之間有新的升級消息,「Layer2 Rollup」就與升級有關👀👀 如果這次的走勢會像上海升級般強勢的話,就更不能忽視了 💪🏻💪🏻 想捉住這次機會就要先了解這次升級是什麼、有哪些相關幣種可以多加留意~ 00:00 錯過了暴漲的LSD幣種?「#Layer2 幣種
ETH/BTC Outlook: Shanghai Hard Fork
1 年前
 • 62 次觀看
As we near the Shanghai hard fork, it is worthwhile to provide an update on the #ETH / #BTC valuation. In this video we talk about likely moves by #ETH / #BTC, seasonality, and marketcap ratios. What do you think of this analysis? Let me know in the commen