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Volunteers struggle to rescue flood victims; US bill bans maps showing Taiwan as part of China
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【2021苗栗隱藏美食】貢鍋共鍋麻辣鍋專賣店,文青老宅裡的手做私藏料理。鴨血鍋底無限吃!手工蛋餃肉汁香甜、皮Q好吃阿! - #苗栗美食 #貢鍋共鍋麻辣鍋專賣店 #文青老宅 - 一個從裝潢到原物料都有所堅持的新創品牌「貢鍋共鍋麻辣鍋專賣店」,在土生土長的苗栗市,知道哪個阿婆
Taiwan ‘prepared’ for China attack, says country's foreign minister Joseph Wu
Taiwan’s foreign minister Joseph Wu has told The Guardian the international community must unite to resist China's desire to ‘expand its authoritarian order’. China has ramped up its incursions into Taiwan’s air identification zone in recent months.
美國人認為台灣如何?What do AMERICANS Think of TAIWAN?
[有字幕] 美國人認為台灣如何?What do AMERICANS Think of Taiwan? [請訂閱] My other channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCjArF8x9pnulWoxuWPhX_g Orson's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp6Ut2mKByawx73vuyyuLsw Orson's Instagr
Taiwan pro-Beijing politician: You can change China | Conflict Zone
Free press, free elections, free speech – all are present in Taiwan, but absent in China. Taiwanese pro-Beijing politician Chou Hsi-wei says, “We should emphasize the differences. Go there, work with them, be their friends, be their brothers, and chan
台灣跟大陸到底是何種關係 台獨好?還是統一好? 看完請多多思考 留言隨時歡迎 但別吵來吵去 因為真的沒什麼好吵的 真的要吵的話... 麻煩摻在一起做成撒尿牛丸 謝謝 小額贊助安撫蒟嫂 https://p.ecpay.com.tw/E2494
萬安演習!TAIWAN has an AIR RAID drill??
6 年前
 • 36 次觀看
An 'in the field' look at how Taiwan prepares its residents for the possibility of a military invasion.... I have a Patreon... for any Team VVVIP Members who wanna officially be part of the community...check it out: https://www.patreon.com/lifeintaiwan2017
How Bad Is Air Pollution in Taiwan? 台北空氣品質很差?
I was asked by one of my subscribers whether Taiwan's air pollution should be a concern as he intends to study Chinese in Taipei. Not going to lie, clear blue skies are hard to come by in the city of #Taipei nowadays. Year after year, I find the number of