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Candid Athletic Training
1 年前
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Candid Athletic Training A fun and entertaining look at all things Athletic Training. http://www.candidathletictraining.com Mon, 13 Feb 2023 15:18:00 +0000 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 #206 - Athletic Trainer Insurance Plus!! We have Joe on from Athletic Trainer Insurance
BlackPink.org presents... The Rhythm Notes of Health Podcast
BlackPink.org presents... The Rhythm Notes of Health Podcast BlackPink.org’s initiative to educate our community on health matters that affect Black people. We are here to take the intimidation out of your health concerns and your relationships with health
1 年前
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S護理師的日常 這是我在澳洲當護理師的日常紀錄,包括:護理系的國際學生會遇到的困難,護理工作有趣的地方,還有關於健康知識方面的分享。 Hi, there, this is S nurse and welcome to my channel where I would like to share with you of what I learn in work. If you’re international nursing student, patients or even just normal peop
1 年前
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《元氣醫聲》 由元氣網製播的《元氣醫聲》,將由聯合報醫藥記者與國內醫藥界領袖對談,帶給您最新、最即時、最精闢的醫界內幕,以及重量級的專家見解。 【更多精彩內容】 元氣網醫聲:https://health.udn.com/health/cate/122416 Powered by Firstory Hosting https://health
1 年前
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天使新天地 我是Monica 從事護理工作 20年擔任 內科 血液透析 婦產科 小兒科醫生單位 能分享醫護白色巨塔的故事 得到醫療新知識 當家人成員生病 如何照護病患問題 提供相關疾病護理衛教 不至於錯手不急 在這裡可以找到你們要的醫療護理知識答案 歡迎收聽天使新天地 Powered by Firstory Hosting https://open.firstory.me/user/angelnewworld Wed, 26 Oct 2022 12:36:13 GMT 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 父母疏忽 女童
#374 올해 특히 무섭고 겁나는 RSV 감염 확실하게 알려드립니다 #소아과 #코로나19 #독감 #모세기관지염 #접종 #RSV (정유미 소아청소년과 전문의, FABM, IBCLC)
RSV(호흡기세포융합바이러스) *코, 목, 기관, 기관지, 세기관지, 폐 감염 *주로 늦가을~초봄 유행: 올해는??? *주로 2세 미만 *코로나 유행기에는 적었으나 올해 일찍부터 유행 *올해는 2세 이상 연장아에서도 유행 중증 RSV 진행 고위험군 아기 *유행 시기에 생후 12주 이하인 아기 *미숙아나 저체중출생아, 특히 29주 미만 *만성 폐질환 있는 미숙아 *특정 심장병 아기 *면역 저하 상태인 질병이나 치료 중 중증 RSV 진행 고위험 환경 *모
The Exam Room by the Physicians Committee
1 年前
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The Exam Room by the Physicians Committee Raise your health IQ with a fun and inspiring plant-based podcast from nutrition experts at The Physicians Committee. "The Weight Loss Champion" Chuck Carroll, who lost 280 pounds, is frequently joined by Dr. Neal
1 年前
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太一好球帶 血球總是成群結隊不落單, 醫療也絕非單打獨鬥, 我是血液腫瘤科王銘崇醫師, 讓我用聲音帶著你了解血液疾病新知, 好「球」或是壞「球」不再誤判。 粉絲專業: https://www.facebook.com/hemacgmh 熱血好淋居: https://hemacgmh.weebly.com/ -- Hosting provided by SoundOn https://www.hemacgmh.weebly.com 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 白血病友以自身經驗分享-feat.珩中 血癌讓人感到恐
Analytics For You
1 年前
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Analytics For You This is a space to talk about innovation, technology, Digital Solutions and of course analytics in the healthcare field. https://rss.com/podcasts/analyticsforyou 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 General Manager DISS Guatemala and Honduras In this episode we t
りんごちゃんの"健康日記🍎"【日本健康医学士協会】 予防医学の観点から健康増進を目指す健康医学にまつわるレポートなどをお届け📰 国立研究開発法人と共同研究を行う山下 積德院長(つみのり内科クリニック)のお話や、健康医学士、りんご教室受講者の声、地域で輝く医療従事者へのインタビューなど盛りだくさん🍎 ---健康医学の学びと実践、継続の喜びに寄り添うマルチサポーター、それが健康医学士です。 体験型健康教室『りんご教室』を鹿児島発でスタート。現在、日本各地で展開中! http://www.yobouigaku.a
PICU Doc On Call
1 年前
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PICU Doc On Call PICU Doc On Call is the podcast for current and aspiring Intensivists. This podcast will provide protocols that any Critical Care Physician would use to treat common emergencies and the sudden onset of acute symptoms. Brought to you by Emo
朝まで勝手に勉強会(眼科の最新論文を紹介) 科学雑誌が多様化していく中、眼科科学論文を全て網羅することがなかなかできません。また、日本人眼科研究者が筆頭著者の論文だけでも年間1000本以上の論文が掲載されています。北澤耕司と坪井孝太郎が、特に日本発の論文を中心に
日経メディカル 聴く論文
1 年前
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日経メディカル 聴く論文 日経メディカル Online(https://medical.nikkeibp.co.jp/)の好評コラム「海外論文ピックアップ」で紹介した最新医学論文の概要をコンパクトに読み上げます。毎週金曜日に配信します。 https://medical.nikkeibp.co.jp/ 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 109.日経メディカル 聴く論文(2023.02.13-02.17) COVID-19肺炎後に活動性肺結核のリスクが増加 他 2023年2月13日から2月17日に日経メディカル Onli
PT Inquest
1 年前
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PT Inquest PT Inquest is an online journal club. Hosted by Erik Meira and JW Matheson, the show looks at an article every week and discusses how they apply to current physical therapy practice. https://ptinquest.com 2022-09-14 02:55:00 您的瀏覽器不支援
Maximizing Medicare with Paul Sheldon
1 年前
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Maximizing Medicare with Paul Sheldon Medicare can be a confusing road to travel. Luckily, Paul Sheldon is here with the expertise and guidance to help you travel the maze and to find the destination that is right for you. Tune in each week for the late
1 年前
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Covid-19 Lo que cambió nuestras vidas https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/janer-mendez 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Uchi-waza Karate https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/janer-mendez/episodes/Uchi-waza-e1a1opn Mon, 05 Sep 2022 23:04:08 GMT 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Vínculos afect
1 年前
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SétimoCast Medicina baseada em vivências. 4 médicos especialistas pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP) abrem o jogo sobre os bastidores da medicina no Brasil através de conversas descontraídas mas repletas de conhecimento. www.setimoano.com.br 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。
The New Horizon Talks
1 年前
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The New Horizon Talks Welcome to The New Horizon Talks, a podcast series by CSL Behring. Hosted by Science Writer and Broadcaster Vivienne Parry, it explores issues surrounding cell and gene therapies and their promise to change the lives of people living
1 年前
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徐醫生愛講話(台語) 徐醫師用台語來討論各種健康、疾病相關的問題,讓熟悉台語的長輩能更輕鬆的了解如何變得更健康。 Powered by Firstory Hosting https://open.firstory.me/user/cl6byilgn04ws01sbdcfpb7b9 Tue, 02 Aug 2022 09:07:22 GMT 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 EP1 高血壓藥可不可以停 高血壓藥一定要吃一輩子嗎,讓徐醫師講給你聽! Powered by Firstory Hosting https://