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藥理詩詩:Not Only Pharmacy
10 個月前
 • 409 次觀看
藥理詩詩:Not Only Pharmacy 藥師|爵士歌手|創作人|藝術家|旅行者 | 廣播主持人 擁有多重身分的詩詩,不單只是一位專業藥師,同時也是已經發行過兩張全創作專輯並持續詞曲創作中的的爵士歌手,並以背包客的身份悠遊世界超過五十個以上的城市。 愛貓、愛閱讀、愛藝術、愛音樂、愛繪畫。 愛哲學、愛科學、愛運動、也愛健康。 2020年底,詩詩開始透過Podcast 來分享自己的生活與想法。 - - 不想被任何標籤定義的我和你,決心用自由自在的姿態,寫下屬於我們時代的生活態度。 來聽我正經八百地胡說八道。
The Doctor Duo Down Under🇦🇺🎙: 在オーストラリア日本人医師夫婦のPodcast
The Doctor Duo Down Under🇦🇺🎙: 在オーストラリア日本人医師夫婦のPodcast 🇦🇺 「The Doctor Duo Down Under」は日本の医学部を卒業し、医師三年目でオーストラリアに引越した大学院生 Yoshito (@midcheese) とジュニアドクター Marie (@mariettina1) が送る日本人医師夫婦のPodcastです。 🎙 Down Underはオーストラリアの愛称。在豪臨床医・研究医の目線から、医療や研究、生活など様々なトピックでお喋りします
Chai With The Pre-Med Guys
10 個月前
 • 13 次觀看
Chai With The Pre-Med Guys Each conversation starts with a fresh cup of chai and ends up with a riveting tale about our lives as pre-med students. Come join us in our journey, as we bring forth students and healthcare professionals to talk about medicine a
The Academy Exchange: HIV Today & Tomorrow
10 個月前
 • 17 次觀看
The Academy Exchange: HIV Today & Tomorrow In the Academy Exchange, we discuss the latest advances in HIV prevention, care and treatment as well as examine the societal and systemic issues facing people with and at risk for HIV. Brought to you by the Ameri
TIF® Talk
10 個月前
 • 31 次觀看
TIF® Talk Welcome to TIF® Talk, sponsored by EndoGastric Solutions®, a podcast that interviews physicians and real-life patients about the most common gastrointestinal disorder, GERD, commonly known as chronic acid reflux. Listen to patients and physicians
The Rx Factor Podcast
10 個月前
 • 40 次觀看
The Rx Factor Podcast A pharmacist does more than count pills. Join your favorite pharmacist, Doctor Lany, as she debunks the count mix lick stick misconception of pharmacy one episode at a time. If you want to learn more about pharmacy through the eyes of
11 個月前
 • 18 次觀看
あずま理学療法士事務所 介護,リハビリテーション,LIFE,デイサービス,科学的介護 https://saipon.jp/h/online_pt_office/5 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 そもそもLIFEとは? なぜLIFEをする必要があるのかを詳しくお伝えしています。 https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/azuma-pt-office1/episodes/LIFE-e26qs6p Tue, 11 Jul 2023 16:59:51 GMT 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。
11 個月前
 • 20 次觀看
身意旅行 每週五更新 我是物理治療師Yuwen,邀請你在一個安全、舒適的空間裡,來一場身體與意識的旅行,一起出發囉 Powered by Firstory Hosting https://open.firstory.me/user/balancemanual Fri, 05 Aug 2022 10:21:07 GMT 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 ep47 晚安系列-圓圓圈圈繞一圈 這集用KKBOX聽的話,有歌聲相伴唷(選曲) 台灣的山林和水流 孕育出很多生命 這集,想和你一起認識台灣 和台灣相伴入睡,說晚安~
11 個月前
 • 60 次觀看
Radiotherapy The longest running community radio show in the universe dedicated to health, medicine and well-being, curing Saturday night hangovers every Sunday morning since 1996! A team of medicos, nurses, psychologists and special guests from around Aus
The Audio PANCE and PANRE Physician Assistant Board Review Podcast
The Audio PANCE and PANRE Physician Assistant Board Review Podcast Multiple Choice Physician Assistant Board Review and Rotation Exam Questions on the Go – Listen and Learn http://podcast.thepalife.com/ 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Podcast Episode 106: Ten PANCE, PANRE, an
1 年前
 • 177 次觀看
IC之音|健康元宇宙 台灣現代醫療從清朝與日治時期的草創,到今天全民健康保險實施已超過27年。短短百年間,便從醫療資源極度貧乏狀態,快速轉變成為醫療資源豐富、水準先進、民眾就醫無障礙的環境。 如今,台灣即將邁向超高齡社會,長照需求大幅增加,加上大數據、人工智慧、物聯網等科技愈趨成熟,智慧醫療、智慧健康相關應用開發方興未艾。 醫療健康產業的蛻變,持續ING現在進行式。 隨著時代發展,台灣第一所醫事技術專門學校「元培醫事科技大學」也不斷進步。透過醫護學院、健康學院、福祉產業學院的設置,不僅成為台灣醫護健康系所最
Le pillole di Umanya: Le ultime ricerche in parole semplici spiegate da medici in prima linea
Le pillole di Umanya: Le ultime ricerche in parole semplici spiegate da medici in prima linea Brevi interviste con medici discutendo le ultime ricerche nel loro settoreShort interviews discussing recent research with leading medical professionals, (in Ital
1 年前
 • 21 次觀看
Pulmpod The first and only pediatric pulmonology podcast hosted by Hani Fanous, MD https://pulmpod.com 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 The Snoring (Force) Is Strong With This One In this episode we discuss the evidence behind the effectiveness of watchful waiting, weight loss
CC's Rehabilitation World (CC的復健天地)
1 年前
 • 44 次觀看
CC's Rehabilitation World (CC的復健天地) I am CC, a rehabilitation physician. I would like to share my life and career in my Podcast. 我是CC,一名復健科醫師。我想跟大家分享關於我的生活和工作上的大小事。 The Channel is divided into three groups. 本頻道分成三種節目類型: 1. [CC的分享] CC shares personal experi
ANA Investigates
1 年前
 • 30 次觀看
ANA Investigates At a time when support for basic and translational science needs a strong voice and the burden of neurological disease is growing, the ANA is the champion of neurological research and the ally of all physicians and scientists who strive to
Little People, Big C
1 年前
 • 36 次觀看
Little People, Big C Welcome to Little People, Big C; the podcast shining a light on the world of childhood cancer, brought to you by The Child Cancer Research Foundation. They’re the stories of courage and strength as told by Australian families, as they
春名恒明の春らんまん 健康通信
1 年前
 • 12 次觀看
春名恒明の春らんまん 健康通信 兵庫県上郡町の漢方薬局「春爛満」の春名先生とアシスタント愛川さゆりが、健康についてリスナーからのお便りをもとにトークする優しい番組です。 http://jocr.jp/audio/ 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 やりたいことが見つからない、物事に対して熱くなれない【2023年5月28日放送分】 兵庫県上郡町の漢方薬局「春爛満」の春名先生とアシスタント愛川さゆりが、健康についてリスナーからのお便りをもとにトークする優しい番組です。 Mon, 29 May 2023 14:00:00
Harrison's PodClass: Internal Medicine Cases and Board Prep
Harrison's PodClass: Internal Medicine Cases and Board Prep Courtesy of AccessMedicine, Harrison’s PodClass delivers illuminating and engaging discussions on key principles of internal medicine, around board-style case vignettes from the acclaimed McGraw-H
De Piel a Cabeza
1 年前
 • 29 次觀看
De Piel a Cabeza Un recorrido por la salud de la mano de Ana Molina, Dermatóloga y Rosa Molina, Psiquiatra y neurocientífica. En este podcast semanal encontrarás herramientas para cuidar de tu salud física y mental, entrevistas con otros profesionales del