@Benj Haisch

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How To BEAT The YouTube Algorithm in 2024 🤯
This video explains how the YouTube algorithm works in 2024. If you want to beat the YouTube algorithm to get more views and subscribers this video is for you.
【自費實測】6間大阪人氣拉麵店🍜大公開!|日本人推介6選✨|靚仔店長再度登場|2024大阪美食攻略|難波心齋橋美食自由行|人気ラーメン6選の食レポ|大阪グルメ旅|心斎橋グルメ|JOY TV #日本拉麵
今集Benja同Yuko又去咗大阪遊客聖地心齋橋一帶 自費實測日日排長龍嘅人氣拉麵店到底有幾好味 全部真心食評,以免大家嚟旅行時浪費時間去中伏 深夜放毒好邪惡😆 今集仲要有靚仔店長浅田さん登場 事不宜遲,馬上去片! ①濃厚中華そば よし田 心斎橋店 地址:大阪府大阪市中央区南船場3丁目6−25 IBC心斎橋east 1F https://maps.app.goo.gl/UiJKiKUe5Gp8PPAP9 ②鶏Soba 座銀 にぼし店 地址:大阪府大阪市中央区南船場3丁目9−6 https://maps.ap
Bitcoin, FOMC, & CPI (Aftermath)
2 週前
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Let's talk about the aftermath of #FOMC and #CPI as it relates to #Bitcoin Into The Cryptoverse Premium: https://intothecryptoverse.com Into The Cryptoverse Newsletter: https://newsletter.intothecryptoverse.com/ LIFETIME OPTION: https://intothecryptoverse.
Bitcoin, FOMC, and CPI
2 週前
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Let us talk about #BTC, #FOMC, and #CPI. Into The Cryptoverse Premium: https://intothecryptoverse.com Into The Cryptoverse Newsletter: https://newsletter.intothecryptoverse.com/ LIFETIME OPTION: https://intothecryptoverse.com/product/subscription-to-the-pr
【2024大阪美食攻略】日本人帶路、回頭率100%必食餐廳大公開!|大阪獨家秘製鐵板燒|木津市場以外9XX円超值海鮮丼|在日港人食足20年超水準店|JOY TV #大阪自由行
大家嚟日本旅行就一定唔少得食美食 通常大家會去食啲乜呢? 壽司郎?蟹道樂?鳥貴族?No no no! 我哋當然唔會帶你哋食呢啲咁普通嘅餐廳啦 今集除咗Benja同Yuko之外 仲請到日本人靚仔店長浅田san一齊帶大家去大阪嘅熱門地段「心齋橋、難波」一帶食本地人常去嘅人氣餐廳 大家以後嚟日本玩就可以多個選擇啦 事不宜遲,去片! ~~~~~~~~~~ 鉄板神社なんばグランド花月前 大阪府大阪市中央区難波千日前12−5 朱雀ビル 1F ぺりーのいくら丼 大阪府大阪市中央区東心斎橋2丁目2−7 寿し炉端喜多郎寿し
1 個月前
 • 6 次觀看
Into The Cryptoverse Premium: https://intothecryptoverse.com Into The Cryptoverse Newsletter: https://newsletter.intothecryptoverse.com/ LIFETIME OPTION: https://intothecryptoverse.com/product/subscription-to-the-premium-list-lifetime/ Alternative Option:
Ethereum: Dubious Speculation
1 個月前
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Just some good ol' dubious speculation on #Ethereum. Into The Cryptoverse Premium: https://intothecryptoverse.com Into The Cryptoverse Newsletter: https://newsletter.intothecryptoverse.com/ LIFETIME OPTION: https://intothecryptoverse.com/product/subscripti
Bitcoin & FOMC
1 個月前
 • 21 次觀看
Let us talk about #BTC and #FOMC. Into The Cryptoverse Premium: https://intothecryptoverse.com Into The Cryptoverse Newsletter: https://newsletter.intothecryptoverse.com/ LIFETIME OPTION: https://intothecryptoverse.com/product/subscription-to-the-premium-l
【必看!】2024日本20件必買人氣產品|在日22年港人不斷回購の誠意推介!👍|日本藥妝購物自由行|出口貿易數據支持📊|日圓新低而家唔去日本掃貨等幾時?|JOY TV #日本購物 #日本藥妝
日圓日日創新低 唱埋一大堆日圓放喺屋企係咪有啲身痕? 日本貨大家都知有質素保證 但去行藥妝店百貨公司時有9千幾萬樣嘢 總會有啲參差不齊嘅商品 係咪唔知咩先至值得買? 等在日22年、有多年出口經驗嘅Yuko話畀大家知 日本有啲咩真心好用嘅產品 等大家慳返啲做功課嘅時間~ ~~~~~~~~~~ 想不用出外上課、隨時隨地在網上學日文嗎? 「Benja 網上日語」免費網上工作坊:https://benja.hk/ ーーーーーーーーーー JOY TV Facebook專頁: https://www.facebook.
日本露營懶人包⛺️|遊客都可兩手空空去日本露營?|同海豚零距離接觸🐬|仲可以騎馬🐎|大阪出發1.5小時|日本自由行露營體験|JOY TV #日本露營
好耐無出日本露營片喇! 今次介紹呢個camp場位於我地最鍾意嘅淡路島~ 日本嘅camp場唔止乾淨 今次呢度仲可以騎馬睇海豚 係我日本去camp嘅首選之地 想感受下喺日本去camp有幾好玩? 即刻去睇片啦! 是日浪遊Facebook專頁: https://www.facebook.com/itisadaytrip 是日浪遊Instagram專頁: https://www.instagram.com/itisadaytrip 0:00-0:43 開場 0:43-0:51 木津市場購買食材 0:51-1:55 介
Simplifying Complex Money Ideas, Offsetting "Home Bias" Investing, and Better Retirement...
Our mentor today is one of the foremost thinkers and practitioners in the financial planning space. Peter Mallouk joins us to dispel the myth that the stock market is like the stock market, that the bond market is still dangerous (a year later), that AI is
Bitcoin and FOMC
3 個月前
 • 27 次觀看
Let us talk about #Bitcoin as it relates to the most recent #FOMC! Into The Cryptoverse Premium SALE: https://intothecryptoverse.com Into The Cryptoverse Newsletter: https://newsletter.intothecryptoverse.com/ LIFETIME OPTION: https://intothecryptoverse.com
Bitcoin Watch Party
3 個月前
 • 14 次觀看
Into The Cryptoverse Premium SALE: https://intothecryptoverse.com Into The Cryptoverse Newsletter: https://newsletter.intothecryptoverse.com/ LIFETIME OPTION: https://intothecryptoverse.com/product/subscription-to-the-premium-list-lifetime/ Alternative Opt
How To Make Instagram Reels That ACTUALLY Go Viral in 2024 (For Beginners)
This video shows you how to make Instagram reels that go viral in 2024. If you want to learn how to make instagram reels or how to go viral on Instagram this video is for you. Register for the Instagram Mentorship Program and grow on Instagram GUARANTEED (
Bitcoin: Bull Market Support Band
3 個月前
 • 89 次觀看
Time for a bull market support band video I suppose. Into The Cryptoverse Premium SALE: https://intothecryptoverse.com Into The Cryptoverse Newsletter: https://newsletter.intothecryptoverse.com/ LIFETIME OPTION: https://intothecryptoverse.com/product/subsc
Bitcoin: Dubious Speculation
3 個月前
 • 47 次觀看
I suppose it is time for some #Bitcoin dubious speculation! 0:00 - INTRO 0:46 - Comparing Cycles 6:31 - Retail Social Metric 11:12 - Breaking Down ETH/BTC 22:44 - The Fed vs BTC.D 28:52 - Spot ETFs & QQQ 37:55 - ETH/BTC vs BTC/USD 43:58 - Retail Fear & Gre
Bitcoin: Fear & Greed Index
3 個月前
 • 28 次觀看
This chart shows the Bitcoin price over time color coded by the Fear & Greed Index. The Fear & Greed Index analyzes emotions as well as the Bitcoin market sentiment and crunches those numbers into a simple meter from 0 to 100. 0 means "Extreme Fear", while