@Dr Robert Lee 李波

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【幫港出聲與HKG報聯合製作‧今日焦點】涉騙福利辱國歌實捉到你 濫用自由已收檔 立辱警罪此其時!
「長洲覆核王」郭卓堅涉呃福利被捕,港隊比賽有人觀眾涉辱國歌同樣被捕,這些事件證明,在白紙黑字的法律及執法者貫徹執行下,某些人濫用資源與自由的想法,是時候「收檔」了。 社會一切有序撥亂反正,適逢昨日(6月6日)香港警察隊員佐級協會主席林志偉發表連任就職演講,提到會堅持不懈地爭取成立「侮辱公職人員罪」(俗稱「辱警罪」),市民也會說:現在一切安定下來,下一站是時候推動這條醞釀已久的重要法例了! 今集幫港出聲與HKG報聯合製作節目《今日焦點》,主持人周天慧由此出發,與你探討濫用自由行為如何「收檔」,並詳述立辱警罪的
Miss Kay Finally Comes Home, Lisa’s Surgery & a Tornado Nearly Killed Jase’s Son | Ep 896
The guys have a lot to talk about after Miss Kay finally comes back home to the river, Lisa comes through her breast cancer surgery like a champ, and Jase’s home in Tennessee is directly hit by a tornado with his son, Cole, inside. Larry Bowles joins Phil,
【幫港出聲與HKG報聯合製作‧今日焦點】初選案黃營大敗 14罪成2脫罪 律政司上訴到底 一有位即罵「黑警」 黃人敗者心態扭曲
近日黃營運氣相當不濟:今日(5月30日)47人非法初選案裁決,16名不認罪被告,14人罪成名成立,只有李予信、劉偉聰脫罪,律政司隨即提出上訴,案件將於6月25日求情。市民要看一眾被告的最終下場,還需多一點耐性。另外,黃店「大渣哥」蝕入肉,宣布摺掉餘下的店舖,正式在港玩完。 雖然黃營敗走敗走再敗走,但他們仍是死心不息。近日大坑西邨重建再被政治化,據報道「平民屋宇」女職員巡查時報警,表示被2名男子以手襲擊及言語恐嚇,警方將拘捕2人。但有「黃獨友」二話不說,衝出來渲染「警察粗暴拘捕市民」、「濫權黑警重新爆發」、「
用兩週讓自己膚質變好!還買了新鏡頭|ft. Ulike白皇后LED美容面膜儀
本支影片使用的是Ulike白皇后LED美容面膜儀 Ulike折扣碼:ULIKERHH,立減900 Ulike官網:https://bit.ly/3St3zQZ 現購買還送面膜*3盒+凍乾安瓶*1盒 0:00 前言 1:26 day 1~3 飲食 運動 3:25 保養品 4:13 好險好讚 5:49 日常小片段 6:57 開箱新鏡頭 8:47 跑去燙髮 9:20 台北時裝週 10:06 Ulike白皇后 14:28 outro
NEW Tesla Model Y 2024 - Buy Now or Wait?
1 個月前
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Upgrade your Tesla with MagBak Accessories! - https://creators.magbak.com/robert-rosenfeldmb2 Use Code ROBERTROSENFELD15 for 15% OFF Tesla just cut prices on the entire 2024 Model Y lineup bringing discounts back to historic lows. But with rumors of a huge
Tesla Launches NEW Model Y
1 個月前
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🔒Remove your personal information from the web at http://JoinDeleteMe.com/ROSENFELD20 and use code ROSENFELD20 for 20% off 🙌 DeleteMe international Plans: https://international.joindeleteme.com Tesla’s huge Model Y Juniper refresh is launching early! Plus
Phil Charges a Crawfish Tax & Why Bacon Is Back on the Menu | Ep 865
Phil accepts payment in the form of local crustaceans for loaning out equipment, and Jase categorizes God’s lifting of dietary restrictions from his followers as a genius marketing strategy. The guys cover the watershed moments when Peter and Paul realize
【幫港出聲與HKG報聯合製作‧今日焦點】口誤「港獨」失禮 國家觀薄弱一錯再錯 「美國隊長2.0」無提早放監 國安犯何需酌情
3月24日,香港體壇一日兩錯,既是三項鐵人世界盃香港站頒獎禮上,出現播錯國歌一幕;以及中國香港舉重健力總會主席葉永玉,於致詞時竟用「國家」來形容香港。當中後者爭議甚大,除了是因為葉主席是依稿發言外,更被揭發過往曾於合照時多次出錯,倒轉區旗。 另一邊廂,「第二代美國隊長」馬俊文,原定於昨日(3月25日)因獄中行為良好可提早出獄,卻因23條實施下,修訂《監獄規則》,令他無緣提早獲釋。回顧當年馬俊文求情信是何其狂妄,今日要服完實際刑期,又何需酌情及可憐? 幫港出聲與HKG報聯合製作節目《今日焦點》,主持人周天慧借
How To Make Instagram Reels That ACTUALLY Go Viral in 2024 (For Beginners)
This video shows you how to make Instagram reels that go viral in 2024. If you want to learn how to make instagram reels or how to go viral on Instagram this video is for you. Register for the Instagram Mentorship Program and grow on Instagram GUARANTEED (
If you’re a small channel you need to make sure you’re using YouTube’s latest feature to get more subscribers. This video covers a huge opportunity for small channels on YouTube to increase their views and subscribers with YouTube’s latest algorithm update
Day 29: Full Body Strength & Power / HR12WEEK 4.0
4 個月前
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Today's FULL BODY STRENGTH workout is loaded with dumbbell strength training exercises mixed with intense explosive movements for power! We are getting in a total body workout designed to build strength, improve endurance and increase power. Challenge your
Day 27: Upper Body Strength Supersets & AMRAP / HR12WEEK 4.0
In today's UPPER BODY STRENGTH workout we have four different strength supersets to make our way through. We will be targeting the arms, shoulders, chest and back. And just to make sure that we really get each of these muscle group we will add on a killer
Civil War | Trailer Jetzt Online
4 個月前
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INFOS ZUM FILM Mit: Kirsten Dunst, Wagner Moura, Nick Offerman Inhalt: Die USA in naher Zukunft: Das Land ist tief gespalten, verschiedene Staaten spalten sich ab und schließen Bündnisse – ein Bürgerkrieg steht kurz bevor. Inmitten der chaotischen Zustände
Das erwachen der Jägerin | Kritik Jetzt Online
4 個月前
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INFOS ZUM FILM Mit: Daisy Ridley, Ben Mendelsohn, Garrett Hedlund Inhalt: Helena (Daisy Ridley) führt mit ihrem Ehemann Stephen (Garrett Hedlund) und ihrer kleinen Tochter ein beschauliches Leben in einer Vorstadt in Michigan. Hinter der gutbürgerlichen Fa
Spaceman | Trailercheck Jetzt Online
4 個月前
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INFOS ZUM FILM Mit: Adam Sandler, Carey Mulligan, Kunal Nayyar Inhalt: Sechs Monate nach Beginn seiner einsamen Forschungsmission am Rande des Sonnensystems muss der Raumfahrer Jakub (Adam Sandler) erkennen, dass dessen zurückgelassene Ehefrau Lenka (Carey
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Nowy ROG Phone to taki telefon, na który czekałem. No prawie ;) Aktualne ceny: ROG Phone 8 http://nawrowski.pl/ROGPhone8 ROG Phone 8 Pro http://nawrowski.pl/ROGPhone8Pro ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition 7099 zł Ten film musisz zobaczyć! http://nawrowski.pl/film Doł