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SA Today with Jennie Lenman
1 年前
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SA Today with Jennie Lenman Join journalist Jennie Lenman as she explores the great state of South Australia; from its food and wine, to its events, attractions, sports, politics and real estate. https://audioboom.com/channels/4819258-sa-today-with-jennie-
Matt and Doree's Eggcellent Adventure: An IVF Journey
6 個月前
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Matt and Doree's Eggcellent Adventure: An IVF Journey Matt Mira and Doree Shafrir spent two and a half years, a lot of money, and nearly 100 episodes of this podcast trying to get pregnant through IVF. Now that they're actually pregnant, welcome to Season
Food Heaven Podcast
2 年前
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Food Heaven Podcastwendy lopezjessica jones Join BFF’s and registered dietitian nutritionists Wendy Lopez and Jessica Jones as they talk to different health & nutrition experts about how we can live healthier, more balanced lives. Each week they deep dive
Not Skinny But Not Fat
1 年前
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Not Skinny But Not Fatamanda hirsch Amanda Hirsch, @notskinnybutnotfat on Instagram, shares her hot takes on entertainment news, celebrities & pop culture, and interviews your faves! http://notskinnybutnotfat.libsyn.com/website Tue, 14 Feb 2023 08:00:00 +0
Anna Faris Is Unqualified
4 個月前
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Anna Faris Is Unqualified Relationship advice from completely unqualified Hollywood types. New episodes every week! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. http://www.unqualified.com 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Kaitlyn Bristowe (Re-release) In this fl
Joyful Courage - A Conscious Parenting Podcast
1 年前
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Joyful Courage - A Conscious Parenting Podcast The Joyful Courage Podcast is a place for inspiration, education and entertainment on the parenting journey. You are not alone, and this podcast exists to remind you of that... I am your host, Casey O'Roa
It's Super Effective: A Pokemon Podcast
2 天前
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It's Super Effective: A Pokemon Podcast It's Super Effective is a weekly Pokémon podcast that covers news and information on Pokémon GO, the Pokémon anime, and the video games (such as Pokemon Scarlet & Pokémon Violet, as well as, Pokémon UNITE and Masters
The Bellas Podcast
1 年前
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The Bellas Podcast Sisters, mothers, WWE Hall of Fame Inductees, TV personalities, best-selling authors, and entrepreneurs; Nikki and Brie Bella pick up the mics to give you uncensored access to their lives like never before. Welcome to The Bellas Podcast
Radio HITS Radio -GUEST ARCHIVE- | Fm yokohama 84.7(FMヨコハマ)
Radio HITS Radio -GUEST ARCHIVE- 洋楽、K-POPの新曲、ヒット曲、最新アルバムの紹介、そして80年代、90年代の名盤など、音楽ファンに届けるプログラム「Radio HITS Radio」。番組DJ今泉圭姫子が、来日アーティスト、海外とリモートで繋いでのインタビューは、番組の人気コーナーとなっている。その貴重なインタビューをPodcastプログラムとしてお届けします。 【番組概要】毎週木曜日26:30〜放送中「Radio HITS Radio」DJ 今泉圭姫子 https:/
Silent Sales Machine Radio
1 個月前
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Silent Sales Machine Radio The ONLY Amazon seller podcast that features 100's of RECENT, REAL stories and strategies for Amazon FBA sellers around the world! Welcome to the most listened to and success filled Amazon seller podcast on the web! This is the o
The Downfall Of Diddy | The Case Against Sean 'Puffy P Diddy' Combs
The Downfall Of Diddy | The Case Against Sean 'Puffy P Diddy' Combs In "The Downfall Of Diddy," Tony Brueski, renowned host of the Hidden Killers Podcast and True Crime Today, delves into the tumultuous saga of Sean 'P Diddy' Combs, a figure whose life of
Finding Ana | This Disappearance of Ana Walshe
6 個月後
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Finding Ana | This Disappearance of Ana Walshe Get ready for a gripping true-crime podcast that delves deep into the mysterious disappearance of Ana Walshe, a devoted mother who vanished without a trace. We'll leave no stone unturned as we talk to investig
1 個月前
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原神のヒトリゴト『樹脂待ちラジオ』 HoYoverseが運営するオンラインゲーム『原神(Genshin Impact)』の旅人であるサノがキャラクター紹介やアップデート情報など原神にかかわるコンテンツを樹脂の回復の待っている間におしゃべりするラジオです。 基本的には毎週日曜日更新になります。新マップ解放時など探索を楽しんでいる間は更新が滞るかも? お便り&ご指摘は以下のURLよりお願いします。 【Googleフォーム】 https://forms.gle/42u19DTbE7oHqorc8 https://
Beyond the Map: a World of Darkness Series
1 個月後
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Beyond the Map: a World of Darkness Series What if we told you everything you know about the world is wrong? What if we told you that all the things you believe to be impossible are in fact very much possible? Reality is not what you think it is. It is so
文/胡文琦 媒體報導,日昨立法院審查行政院針對「國會改革五法」修正所提出的覆議案,對此,在野國民黨立委鄭天財質詢指出,刑法第141條之一須要「經過法院的審理判決」,並不像此番行政院卓團隊文宣所稱「懷疑就可以形成的」。對此,法務部長鄭銘謙則強調,「該條文涉及到主觀價值的判斷」,是一個「不明確的法律概念」云云。 部長鄭銘謙指出,刑法第141條之一違反了大法官第585號解釋,「該法是不明確的概念」,立委質詢包羅萬象五花八門,如何去確定是一個真實判斷的問題,而且沒有辦法去判斷真偽,如果立委質詢的是一種錯誤的訊息,我
【吸血鬼:諾斯費拉圖】首支預告 - 2025年2月21日 戲院見
http://www.nosferatu.tw 他來了 羅柏艾格斯 最新力作【#吸血鬼:#諾斯費拉圖】 2025年2月21日 戲院見
小朋友喜欢的果冻新品,双层水果果冻制作教程!#果冻 #自制果冻 #美食推荐
大家好,這裡是美食教學頻道 [一道美味]。 在這裡,你能找到各種詳細的食譜教學和烹飪技巧,涵蓋家常菜、烘焙、麵食等多個菜系。 無論你是廚房新手還是經驗豐富的廚師,都可以在我們的頻道有所收穫。 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvjQJSJK1DFewr5Tvxbkc8cmNnMFh8yie https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvjQJSJK1DFcYZhlY05ijiyKf8KFt0DhZ https://www.yo
【全聯推薦】生活蘇格蘭綠茶評價 清爽不死甜的新選擇
昨天去大巨蛋看龍象大戰的時候,在捷運站看到生活飲料出新品了!!! 小時候最喜歡喝生活泡沫綠茶,沒想到竟然會出新品,很吸引我捏 !! 看球之前特別查了一下 原來是生活在2024新出的 女神代表作「生活蘇格蘭綠茶」 採用高山茶嫩葉製成,主打口感清香,一口接一口意猶未盡 販售通路為全聯全台門市新上市 話不多說,趁午休跟同事去全聯扛個2手回來!! 包裝是一個在茶園裡的女神,但還是一眼就看出它是生活的產品,就還滿親切的 生活蘇格蘭綠茶 一瓶是300mL,跟以前一樣~ 小包裝就是上班煩悶、午餐搭配都很方便!!! 帶便當
小吃貨進口零食 台中零食批發推薦,小吃貨進口零食進化北店新開幕!集合各國進口零食餅乾、泡麵、糖果、飲料、伴手禮,價格便宜超好買,整箱扛或零售單買都划算,慶開幕Google五星評論送巨無霸購物袋。 小吃貨進口零食專賣目前在台中共有三間門市,分別為西區四維店、中科福雅店以及北區進化北店。6月份才新開幕的小吃貨進化北店,位於進化北路與進化北路118巷交叉口,前方有「稅務新村」公車站牌。 小吃貨主打『好吃的零食,我們更便宜』,超過千種人氣進口零食商品,網路討論度最高的團購零嘴都找得到!因為小吃貨店內空間有限,即使現