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I caught over 10,000 herbiboar for this.. | UIM Collection Log Completionist (#30) [OSRS]
In this series I attempt to get every item in the OSRS Collection Log on an account that I can't access my bank on and am limited to the 28 slots in my inventory (Ultimate Ironman). In this episode I continue my hunt for the 3 hunter pets and show the loot
#端午節 #端午糭 #足料 #高營養 #必吃 #自家製 #經典龍舟音樂 #dragonboatfestival #homemade #ricedumpling #shorts
【南乳18羅漢齋】 https://youtu.be/QtViCo8cs-4 【五味子蜜】 https://youtu.be/t7zGg8W1Hfc 【Yorkshire pudding 約克群布甸】 https://youtu.be/GPsKVAlky60 【砂鍋紅燒獅子頭】 https://youtu.be/2lFLGIJp2Qw 【 炒飯麵乾身秘技】 https://youtu.be/R4oTO9e-iY0 【芝士蒟蒻燒】 https://youtu.be/0TooTjuVsyY 【香蕉糕】 http
新同學仔和老師陪我一齊找素 #低食又大碟 #有例湯 #大自然素食 #shorts #lunchset
【南乳18羅漢齋】 https://youtu.be/QtViCo8cs-4 【五味子蜜】 https://youtu.be/t7zGg8W1Hfc 【Yorkshire pudding 約克群布甸】 https://youtu.be/GPsKVAlky60 【砂鍋紅燒獅子頭】 https://youtu.be/2lFLGIJp2Qw 【 炒飯麵乾身秘技】 https://youtu.be/R4oTO9e-iY0 【芝士蒟蒻燒】 https://youtu.be/0TooTjuVsyY 【香蕉糕】 http
Delicious! Korean Popular Food Compilation Top5
Delicious! Korean Popular Food Compilation Top5 🔎 timeline chapter 00:00 Korean Style Spicy Sausage Stew! Rice, Noodles, Drink, Coffee ALL FREE!!! 🔗LINK : https://youtu.be/Y83-mXoPaSE 18:02 Amazing! Korean Popular Food, Pork Bone Soup - Korean Street Food
#今晚去食印度餐 #印度烤芝士 #鐵板上 #風味十足 #panir #tikka #indianfood #shorts
【南乳18羅漢齋】 https://youtu.be/QtViCo8cs-4 【五味子蜜】 https://youtu.be/t7zGg8W1Hfc 【Yorkshire pudding 約克群布甸】 https://youtu.be/GPsKVAlky60 【砂鍋紅燒獅子頭】 https://youtu.be/2lFLGIJp2Qw 【 炒飯麵乾身秘技】 https://youtu.be/R4oTO9e-iY0 【芝士蒟蒻燒】 https://youtu.be/0TooTjuVsyY 【香蕉糕】 http
#粉葛茯苓湯 #袪濕湯 #濕重 #疲労 #皮膚痕癢 #itchyskin #healthysoup #shorts
【南乳18羅漢齋】 https://youtu.be/QtViCo8cs-4 【五味子蜜】 https://youtu.be/t7zGg8W1Hfc 【Yorkshire pudding 約克群布甸】 https://youtu.be/GPsKVAlky60 【砂鍋紅燒獅子頭】 https://youtu.be/2lFLGIJp2Qw 【 炒飯麵乾身秘技】 https://youtu.be/R4oTO9e-iY0 【芝士蒟蒻燒】 https://youtu.be/0TooTjuVsyY 【香蕉糕】 http
24小時的暖胃好夥伴!#沖泡湯 新品上市 加班時來一包、宵夜時來一包, 讓新品沖泡湯系列成為你的暖心暖胃好夥伴! 由台灣在地生產的沖泡湯系列, 共有4種口味: ...
24小時的暖胃好夥伴!#沖泡湯 新品上市 加班時來一包、宵夜時來一包, 讓新品沖泡湯系列成為你的暖心暖胃好夥伴! 由台灣在地生產的沖泡湯系列, 共有4種口味: 日式經典海帶芽湯、豆腐味噌湯 與帶有飽足感的番茄蔬菜湯、毛豆玉米濃湯。 🥣省去熬煮時間,加入熱水輕攪即可享用 🥣湯品含有豐富配料,恰到好處的飽足感 🥣熱量僅85~128大卡,美味飲用無負擔 🥣單包設計方便攜帶,隨時沖泡補充能量 不論加班應援、早餐暖胃、 宵夜止飢或佐餐搭配, 打開一包沖泡湯加入約200mL熱水攪拌, 隨時隨地,享用湯品的溫暖和美味。
韓國大醬된장 V.S. 日本味噌みそ不同哪 ⁉️ 5分鐘就看懂👀 市面上味增醬料分析解說知識篇! 日式牡蠣土手鍋、韓式豆芽牡蠣飯, 日韓好菜一次學會, 濃郁好湯底, 輕鬆做讓你喝一口補元氣👨‍🍳
Kai心食堂泡菜2024年第一季4/8~5/8開賣了🎉 一年只賣4次yo~ 官網看這裡:https://www.kaixinfood.com.tw 這次將會有一款限量新品~韓式蔥泡菜 它是韓式炸醬麵配吃的最佳拍檔喔! #味噌 是一種發酵豆製食品, 在日本叫(みそ #miso),韓國則是稱之為 #大醬(된장doenjang) 無論在日本還是韓國, 味噌都是各種炒食、烤食、鍋類食物和湯的主要味道來源之一。 日式味噌 市售種類繁多,主要是原料的成分和比例的不同。 只要簡單記三種: 紅味噌(顏色深香氣味道重) 白味
蛤蜊料理集錦 5 easy and delicious clam recipes 因為小朋友熱愛吃汆燙的蛤蜊,所以蛤蜊幾乎成為我們家必備的食材之一,也讓我能嘗試...
蛤蜊料理集錦 5 easy and delicious clam recipes 因為小朋友熱愛吃汆燙的蛤蜊,所以蛤蜊幾乎成為我們家必備的食材之一,也讓我能嘗試不同的蛤蜊料理和大家分享。 今晚來分享5道近期拍攝的蛤蜊料理,如果你也熱愛這份食材,趕緊收藏下來,一起來試試吧! PS.歡迎留言分享你最喜歡以下哪一道蛤蜊料理喔! (1) 香蒜香菇蛤蜊湯 Clam Soup with Garlic and Shiitake Mushroom (2) 蛤蜊炊飯 Clam Rice (3) 蛤蜊蒸蛋 Steamed Eg
香菇蛤蜊排骨湯 Pork Bone Soup with Shiitake Mushroom and Clam 料理手札 蛤蜊建議浸泡於約3%的鹽水中,並靜置至吐...
香菇蛤蜊排骨湯 Pork Bone Soup with Shiitake Mushroom and Clam 料理手札 蛤蜊建議浸泡於約3%的鹽水中,並靜置至吐沙完全(約2小時),再洗淨備用。 排骨建議冷水下鍋汆燙,以避免瞬間預熱而收縮,使骨縫內的雜質無法完全排出。 —— 食材 梅花排骨-300g、蛤蜊-400g、香菇-200g、薑片-20g、熱水-2L、米酒-2湯匙 調味 鹽-1茶匙 步驟 (1) 將蛤蜊放入碗中,放入1茶匙的鹽,倒入水覆蓋表面(約300ml),靜置2小時後,將蛤蜊洗淨備用。 (2) 排骨
Soup thrown on Monet painting in protest by climate activists #Shorts
The museum said they will pursue criminal charges against two climate activists after they threw soup on a Monet painting in France. A previous version of this video incorrectly described those arrested. They are environmental activists. #France #painting
高端的食材往往只需要簡單的烹饪 煎魚不粘鍋方式 #美食分享 #美食教學
熱愛美食,熱愛分享,壹日三餐,人間煙火,歡迎訂閱評論轉發!Love Food, love to share, three meals a day, human fireworks, welcome to subscribe to the comments to forward!
The "Mona Lisa" Gets Souped
4 個月前
 • 25 次觀看
The climate cultists are at it again. This time, they've thrown soup on the Mona Lisa. There is seriously no justification for this. Only DailyWire+ members can watch the full episodes of my podcast. Join here: https://bit.ly/3kj7pOd LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for n
Climate change activists throw soup at Mona Lisa painting in Paris
Two protesters on Sunday (Jan 28) hurled pumpkin soup at the bullet-proof glass protecting Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" in Paris, demanding the right to "healthy and sustainable food." Read more at http://tinyurl.com/mtx2wxfh WATCH MORE: https://thestar
Moment protesters throw soup at Mona Lisa painting in Paris
Two environmental protesters hurled soup on to the Mona Lisa at the Louvre in Paris, calling for 'healthy and sustainable food'. The painting, which was behind bulletproof glass, appeared to be undamaged. Gallery visitors looked on in shock as two women th
Moment protesters throw soup at Mona Lisa in Paris
4 個月前
 • 26 次觀看
Protesters have thrown red soup at the Mona Lisa painting in the Louvre Museum in Paris. The protesters snuck under a security barrier and chucked the soup at the 16th Century Leonardo Da Vinci painting, which is protected by bulletproof glass and is unlik
Mona Lisa Defaced In Paris; Attack On Painting To 'Protest Against...' | Watch
Climate activists targeted the world-famous 'Mona Lisa' painting at the Louvre Museum in Paris on January 28. Protesters threw red and orange soup at the glass-protected painting. The 16th-century painting by Leonardo da Vinci is one of the world's most fa
香菇蒜頭排骨湯| 冬季湯品 Pork Bone Soup with Shiitake Mushroom and Garlic 料理手札 排骨建議冷水下鍋汆燙,...
香菇蒜頭排骨湯| 冬季湯品 Pork Bone Soup with Shiitake Mushroom and Garlic 料理手札 排骨建議冷水下鍋汆燙,以避免瞬間預熱而收縮,使骨縫內的雜質無法完全排出。 —— 食材 梅花排骨-300g、香菇-200g、大蒜-80g、薑片-20g、青蔥-1小支、熱水-1800ml、米酒-1湯匙 調味 鹽-½茶匙 步驟 (1) 將排骨放入鍋中,倒入冷水覆蓋,中火煮至沸騰,撈起洗淨備用。 (2) 中火熱鍋,放入1湯匙的食用油,放入大蒜及薑片,將大蒜拌炒至表面金黃。 (3)
冬季湯品集錦 5 Winter Warmer Recipes 這幾天寒流來襲,今晚來分享溫暖的冬季湯品集錦,大家趕緊儲存下來,一起來試試! PS. 歡迎留言分...
冬季湯品集錦 5 Winter Warmer Recipes 這幾天寒流來襲,今晚來分享溫暖的冬季湯品集錦,大家趕緊儲存下來,一起來試試! PS. 歡迎留言分享你最喜歡以下哪一道料理唷! 詳細食譜可參考貼文頁的限動精選。 Find the recipe on my stories highlights or previous posts. ----- (1) 香蒜香菇蛤蜊湯 Clam Soup with Garlic and Shiitake Mushroom (2) 麻油松阪豬 Taiwanese Ses