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South Korea battery maker apologises for deadly fire that killed 23 workers | The World
The death toll has risen to 23 in South Korea from a blaze at a battery manufacturer. The company has apologised over the deadly fire, as investigations into the cause get underway. Sarah Jane Bell reports. ABC News provides around the clock coverage of ne
At least 23 people lost their lives in Hwaseong fire including 17 Chinese nationals...
At least 23 people lost their lives in Hwaseong fire including 17 Chinese nationals, one Laotian, five Koreans 화성 화재 현장서 시신 1구 추가 수습, 실종자일 가능성… 총 23명 사망 Investigations are underway to determine the cause of the brutal blaze that killed and injured at least
Xác định quốc tịch những nạn nhân trong vụ cháy nhà máy pin ở Hàn Quốc - PLO
Số người chết trong vụ cháy nhà máy pin ở Hàn Quốc tăng lên 22 người, nhiều người mang quốc tịch Trung Quốc. Ngày 24-6 xảy ra một vụ hoả hoạn lớn tại một tòa nhà bê tông cốt thép 3 tầng thuộc nhà máy sản xuất pin lithium Aricell ở TP Hwaseong (cách Seoul 4
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【#頭條開講 LIVE】 三山定海疆!北京逆轉南海局勢!美菲立場動搖開始互毆?習親見杜達!化解歐洲的不諒解?火龍480很要命!美加軍艦快閃!20240624完整版 ‪@頭條開講HeadlinesTalk‬ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRU8sIjBOZM #韓國 #電池工廠 #大火 #中國公民 #京畿道 #華城 #火災 #ARICELL #波蘭 #杜達 #國事訪問 #貿易額 #俄羅斯 #北韓 #普丁 #錢凱港 #秘魯 #牛肉 #解放軍 #登陸艦 #南海 #實戰化 #小馬
Over 20 workers killed in South Korea lithium battery factory blaze
A fire that ripped through a lithium battery factory in South Korea has killed more than 20 workers. The fire department said 18 victims were Chinese nationals and two others were also foreigners. Efforts are underway to find six people that are still miss
Deadly fire at S. Korean lithium battery factory kills at least 23 workers
화성 화재 23명 사망… 희생자 유족 눈물 Good evening. Thank you for joining us. I'm Yoon Jung-min. We continue our coverage of the deadly fire that broke out at a battery manufacturing facility, which killed at least 23 people. Police and fire authorities began a joint in
17 Chinese nationals feared dead in S.Korea's battery plant fire
China's ambassador to South Korea Xing Haiming inspected the site of a fire at a lithium battery factory which killed some 22 people, mostly Chinese migrant workers. The exact number still needs to be further confirmed, according to Xinhua citing S. Korean
Urgence | Incendie industriel à Hwaseong-si : Explosions à l'usine Aricell de batteries
Un événement tragique a secoué Hwaseong-si, en Corée du Sud. À l'usine Aricell, spécialisée dans la fabrication de batteries primaires au lithium, un incendie dévastateur s'est déclaré ce matin, suivi d'explosions dévastatrices dans les cellules de batteri
Rescue workers at scene of deadly South Korea factory fire | AFP
Around 20 bodies have been found at a South Korean lithium battery factory after a massive blaze, the Yonhap news agency says, with firefighters still searching the building. According to one firefighter, over 100 people were working in the factory when wo
South Korea battery plant fire leaves at least 22 people dead
A fire at a lithium battery plant in South Korea has killed at least 22 people, most of them Chinese nationals, officials said Monday. A witness said it sounded as if it was “raining bullets” when the fire and a series of explosions ripped through the fact
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【#頭條開講 LIVE】 三山定海疆!北京逆轉南海局勢!美菲立場動搖開始互毆?習親見杜達!化解歐洲的不諒解?火龍480很要命!美加軍艦快閃!20240624完整版 ‪@頭條開講HeadlinesTalk‬ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRU8sIjBOZM #韓國 #電池工廠 #京畿道 #華城 #火災 #ARICELL #波蘭 #杜達 #國事訪問 #貿易額 #俄羅斯 #北韓 #普丁 #錢凱港 #秘魯 #牛肉 #登陸艦 #小馬可仕 #仁愛礁 #菲律賓 #中國海警 #藍嶺號
Urgence | Incendie industriel à Hwaseong-si : Explosions à l'usine Aricell de batteries
Un événement tragique a secoué Hwaseong-si, en Corée du Sud. À l'usine Aricell, spécialisée dans la fabrication de batteries primaires au lithium, un incendie dévastateur s'est déclaré ce matin, suivi d'explosions dévastatrices dans les cellules de batteri
Lithium battery plant fire in South Korea kills at least 22
22 people have been found dead after a large fire broke out at a factory that produces lithium batteries in South Korea. The blaze began after numerous battery cells exploded in the warehouse but what triggered the explosion is currently unknown. Al Jazeer
Fire at Hwaseong lithium battery factory kills 22, injures 7
화성 아리셀 화재, 22명 사망 및 7명 중경상 Good evening. It's 9 PM here in Seoul. Thank you for joining us on Arirang News. I'm Eum Ji-young. We start our coverage with the massive fire that broke out this morning at a battery factory in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi-do Province, wh