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Sogni a portata di prompt - l'era dell'AI generativa | Valentina Alto | TEDxComacchio
L’intelligenza artificiale ci ha investiti come uno tsunami. Indomabile e inarrestabile ha modificato in maniera indelebile il nostro modo di vivere il lavoro, lo svago e il quotidiano. Un cambiamento dalle conseguenze molteplici, che potrebbe rivelarsi un
Is Entrepreneurship for Everyone? | Hani Naguib | TEDxCairoUniversity
Is entrepreneurship for everyone? Hani W. Naguib is an avid evidence-based entrepreneurship advocate, startup mentor, and innovation consultant, based in Cairo Egypt. He answers this question based on more than 12 years of unwavering commitment to supporti
Challenges of a Gymnast | Lulu Al-Saleh | TEDxYouth@BBSKuwait
Lulu, a Gymnastics champion, tells her journey in local and international tournaments; and reflects on her choice of quitting Gymnastics! Grade 8 Student This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a l
Can we stop MS and ALS? | Michael C. Levin | TEDxUniversityofSaskatchewan
Most persons living with multiple sclerosis (MS) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) continue to get worse. Researchers and healthcare providers don’t know why, or how to stop it. Although the two diseases are different, they share the common feature o
Unveiling The Cosmos: Wonder, Beauty, and Meaning | Sheil Dharan | TEDxYouth@AllianceAcademy
Embark on a cosmic journey guided by Sheil Dharan, a former NASA Ames Research Intern, as he invites you to rediscover the awe-inspiring wonder, beauty, and profound meaning woven into the fabric of our universe. Picture Neil DeGrasse Tyson's magnetic char
私たちはなぜ外国語を学ぶのか? | 松清 一平 | Ippei Matsukiyo | TEDxFukuoka
"Why Do We Learn Foreign Languages?" The son of a watchmaker, Ippei's samurai roots run deep. A rugby player from a young age in the unpretentious position of hooker, Ippei found a job covering stories in Korea. As he learned Korean, he experienced a parad
Le positif attire toujours le bonheur... enfin presque ! | Cécile NEUVILLE | TEDxCaen
Se répéter chaque matin que la vie est belle devant son miroir... serait-ce la recette du bonheur ? Mais comment trouver la paix intérieure suite à un traumatisme ou face à toute cette souffrance dans le monde ? Il existe réellement des clés pour trouver e
Sustainable Development Goals explained with 3 useful tips | Environment SDG Sustainability
In this whiteboard animation, I explain how the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are interconnected (the SDG wedding cake) and how you can use them to understand how sustainable your country or your business is. 0:00 Introduction 0:41 T
Master Shi Heng Yi – 5 hindrances to self-mastery | Shi Heng YI | TEDxVitosha
Meet Shaolin Master Shi Heng Yi in his serene talk about self-discovery. Learn why rainfall is an essential part of each flowering. And every small step – part of the journey to the highest peek. The hindrances along the way to self-discovery and personal
Do university rankings matter? | Hiroshi Ono | TEDxOtemachiED
Hiroshi Ono is a sociologist who also has a background in mechanical engineering. His research interests include sociology of education, human resources, and the science of happiness. Discussing rationales of university rankings system, he sheds light on w
3 steps to achieving the SDGs | Linda Midgley | TEDxAlkmaar
The SDGs are a hot topic. They unleash a lot of enthusiasm, but when it comes to making real progress- there’s still a lot of work to be done. Linda shares 3 principles which companies, governments and ordinary citizens can apply to make a real and lasting
最簡單的時間管理方法 - The Ivy Lee Method
事情總是處理不完?學了時間管理卻只是讓任務愈堆愈多?你需要的是真正極簡單卻又最有效的時間管理系統... The Ivy Lee Method!!! 更多生活策略 → https://goo.gl/gUEzKT 時間管理的終極秘訣,一條公式搞定時間管理 https://youtu.be/DmuhxxIrJH0 3個步驟,計劃美好的一週 https://youtu.be/bPljhfKT8Wg Time Management Secrets
〈撼山河〉、〈追追追〉 | 陳明章 Mingchang Chen | TEDxTaipei
著名台灣創作人陳明章於2015 TEDxTaipei Big Bang現場演奏其創作曲〈憾山河〉和〈追追追〉 Mingchang Chen is a renowned guitar and Yueqin (traditional Chinese string instrument) player, composer, producer, and folk singer. He has written numerous soundtrack scores for acclaimed movies such a
Find Your Way Home: Pei-Hsia Lai (賴佩霞) at TEDxTaipei 2012
Translated into English by Kelly Lee • Reviewed by Yun Liu 1984年賴佩霞發行首張個人專輯"冷凍我愛"。日後,因緣際會受邀參與基督教更生團契的更新教育推廣計劃,遍行台灣各不同年齡之青少年監獄、關護所、中途之家、勒戒所、成人男子、女子監獄。所到之處,一篇篇血淚斑斑的生命故事,深深震撼了這位剛入社會的新鮮人。這特殊的生命經驗不但打開了她的心靈視野,也讓她對生命有了更深的省思及期許。隨著年齡增長,她投入人性探索的工作也愈來愈深。希望透過"愛與瞭解",化解