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NFT Morning, Decouvrez tous les projets NFT et Crypto-art
NFT Morning, Decouvrez tous les projets NFT et Crypto-art Decouvrez tous les projets NFT et Crypto-art sur Clubhouse, en newsletter et en podcast et rejoignez la french communauté. www.nftmorning.com https://www.nftmorning.com/podcast 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 #725 | NF
Real Talk NFT
6 天前
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Real Talk NFT Dive deep into NFTs and Web 3.0 every week with Joe Chui and Brian McNutt. Joe flipped a six-figure debt into a $700,000 portfolio within a year. Brian, an early discoverer of CryptoPunks, has secured six-figure profits from a single NFT and
5 天前
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攝影之路 攝影之路 https://player.soundon.fm/p/7e279ef4-354e-4efb-b194-8599a119b566 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 S2E01 澳洲回顧,正式成為兩年一更的時光膠型創作者 今晚,你想聽哪首蔡健雅? TANYA 蔡健雅 「Let’s Depart !給世界最悠長的吻」巡迴演唱會 高雄站 活動日期|2024.9.14 19:30 活動地點|高雄巨蛋 售票時間|2024.6.15 12:00 購票連結: https://bit.ly/4bPRdJB ---
1 週前
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非正常旅行 一个不爱上班的自由摄影师和她来自全世界各地的朋友们,想来聊一聊这些年“在路上”的搞笑事件、奇葩故事、悲惨经历以及对于旅行这件事一些不成熟的小看法。正如我从来就没有按计划旅行过,这档节目也是如此。如果你发现我们从南半球聊到了北半球,从搭车穷游聊到了喝酒跳舞,从旅行攻略聊到了交友秘籍…那么恭喜你,已经成功get到了这档节目的调性 -- 不正常!对于这个节目我最大的期待是: 替你打发通宵火车、长途飞机、独自旅行路上的无聊时间。让我们一起探索不一样的生活方式,解锁更广阔的天空吧!每期节目文字版以及更多关
NFT Catcher Podcast
1 週前
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NFT Catcher Podcast w/ Jennifer Sutto & Michael Keen: NFTs are going mainstream. Jennifer & Michael keep their audience informed about all relevant projects as the industry continues to expand. With a focus on market dynamics and turning a profit, this pod
1 週前
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比特幣輕鬆聊 一個適合0~100歲收聽的節目,主持人用最簡單的語言,漫談比特幣與數位貨幣的入門以及趣事分享。 大家一起攜手穿越牛熊,小韭菜將來也能成為巨鯨! 還在等什麼?趕快訂閱收聽,一起來感受比特幣的魅力與威力!! 2.通往"比特幣輕鬆聊"所有社群平台的連結通道: https://linktr.ee/Bitcoinfreetalk 3.LINE群組連結: 您已被邀請加入「比特幣輕鬆聊」!請點選以下連結加入社群! https://line.me/ti/g2/xtK1szrVbzWEBSXz-xZb8g?ut
2 週前
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アートのミーム 美大出身の編集者・鈴木〆太郎とプロダクトデザイナーの染谷昌宏が、美術やデザインについてゆるゆる語るポッドキャストです。 毎週月曜17時ごろ配信中! 美術やデザインのトピックや、作家の紹介などをわかりやすく話します。 【染谷昌宏のデザインプロダクト sugata】 https://www.someya-shouten.jp/ https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/artnomeme 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 #38-2 娯楽としての「美術」とラッセン、戦
Circuit 42
3 週前
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Circuit 42 Here at Circuit 42 we'll focus on aspects of pop culture including comics, anime, video games, science and awesome interviews. You can catch all of our hosts talking about everything geeky in pop culture. https://www.facebook.com/Circuit42 您的瀏覽器
Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee
1 個月前
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Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee Contemporary art podcast hosted by Arif Kornweitz & Andrea Gonzalez. Get in touch with us through info@jajajaneeneenee.com Our jingle is by Josh da Costa. Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee is a radio space for curatorial and artistic practices. We
The Golden Silent Films - A Silent Film Podcast
1 個月前
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The Golden Silent Films - A Silent Film Podcast A podcast examining all things Silent Film and Silent Film adjacent. Episodes of the Golden Silent Films Podcast will vary, from specific single movie breakdowns and discussions to full length biographies of
The Fire and Water Podcast Network
1 個月前
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The Fire and Water Podcast NetworkThe Fire and Water Podcast Network http://fireandwaterpodcast.com/ Tue, 06 Sep 2011 12:00:00 EST 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Cheers Cast 7.14: I Kid You Not CHEERS Season 7, episode 14: “I Kid You Not” Hosted by Ryan Daly with special gue
nft now podcast
1 個月前
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nft now podcast The nft now podcast is your go-to source to succeed in the fast-moving world of web3. Each week we interview visionary creators, builders and collectors so you can stay up-to-date on the most important trends and tactics for the internet’s
The Modern Art Notes Podcast
2 個月前
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The Modern Art Notes Podcast The Modern Art Notes Podcast is a weekly, hour-long interview program featuring artists, historians, authors, curators and conservators. Pulitzer Prize-winning art critic Sebastian Smee called The MAN Podcast “one of the great
2 個月前
 • 106 次觀看
区块链|元宇宙世界 给生活埋下一颗种子,时间会为你开出花来。我会把文稿整理好放到公众号上,方便大家学习微信公众号:btc20121... https://www.ximalaya.com/album/50006759 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 收益率交易市场——Pendle Defi领域的创新,收益率交易市场——Pendle欢迎一起讨论私信 https://www.ximalaya.com/sound/722624083 Sun, 14 Apr 2024 23:30:00 GMT 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 稳定
2 個月前
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與動物相愛的練習|創作你的毛孩故事 「與動物相愛的練習」是為所有人設計的練習題,學習與動物相愛,陪伴你一起創作和牠之間最獨一無二的故事,並培養對於動物們的友善與友愛之心。 ▍兒少動物教育計畫 https://reurl.cc/97OK4d ▍官網 https://notailbanana.com.tw/ ▍課程部信箱 hello@notailbanana.com Powered by Firstory Hosting https://nbas-daily-practice.firstory.io Sun,
The Photography Frame of Mind
2 個月前
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The Photography Frame of Mind A deeper look into photography and photo editing improvement. Matt Kloskowski and guests provide real, actionable improvement advice for photographers of all levels. https://mattk.com Mon, 04 Sep 2023 20:41:48 GMT 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。
3 個月前
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假掰攝影眼 雜談攝影與窗口接案日常。 Powered by Firstory Hosting https://open.firstory.me/user/clr5t8shb063h01ytfji2byp1 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 03:46:58 GMT 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 怎麼挑攝影棚P0008 (地雷,空間,挑高,地點,器材,停車,樓層) 租過很慘的棚嗎?還是要租過很棒的棚可以推?見留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/clr5t8shb
3 個月前
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WiSP A podcast network for women in sport and art and life.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/wisp--4769409/support. https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/wisp--4769409 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 AART: S2E10 - Anna Echols, Cake Artist & Desig
NFT 365 Podcast with Fanzo
3 個月前
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NFT 365 Podcast with Fanzo The mantra of this podcast is simple: WE is greater than Me... NFTs 365 is a daily podcast hosted by Brian Fanzo, aka @iSocialFanz. Brian is a Digital Futurist and Web 3.0 Visionary with a passion for exploring the world of NFTs