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HUGE Explosion at Moscow Airport! Putin's Presidential Plane Attacked by US and Ukrainian Troops
HUGE Explosion at Moscow Airport! Putin's Presidential Plane Attacked by US and Ukrainian Troops #arma3 #milsim #militarysimulator #gameplay #eliteoperator war is really bad, we are against invaders who shoot innocent people, I hope this war will end, This
How many T-34s and Shermans are there? #warthunder #countries #tanks
Thanks for watching and I will be glad if you like and subscribe Play War Thunder : http://warthunder.com/en/registration?r=userinvite_2117096 Music: NUEKI, TOLCHONOV - HIT Rompasso - Angetenar (Original Mix) #warthunder #funny #tanks #aircraft #helicopter
Today, Iran's military aids for Palestinian freedom #shorts #arma3
Today, Iran's military aids for Palestinian freedom #shorts #arma3 #gameplay #military #simulation #arma3 #ukrainewar #milsim #israel #palestine #gaza 🔗DISCLAIMER: All videos on this channel are simulations of Arma 3! They do not reflect reality and are a
2 minutes ago, Iran's counterattack against Israel #shorts #arma3
2 minutes ago, Iran's counterattack against Israel #shorts #arma3 #gameplay #military #simulation #arma3 #ukrainewar #milsim #israel #palestine #gaza 🔗DISCLAIMER: All videos on this channel are simulations of Arma 3! They do not reflect reality and are a f
BIG DISASTER! North Korean aircraft carrier was blown up by the US on its way to Iran
BIG DISASTER! North Korean aircraft carrier was blown up by the US on its way to Iran #ukrainavsrusia #ASvsRusia #NatoVsRusia #Arma3 #Milsim This is Arma 3 gameplay video SIMULATION ONLY, NOT REAL LIFE! Thank you for watching! -----------------------------
Putin Suffers Huge Losses! 700 Tons of Russian Ammunition Stockpiles Destroyed by Ukraine in Kyiv
Putin Suffers Huge Losses! 700 Tons of Russian Ammunition Stockpiles Destroyed by Ukraine in Kyiv #arma3 #milsim #militarysimulator #gameplay #eliteoperator war is really bad, we are against invaders who shoot innocent people, I hope this war will end, Thi
在二戰時期,蘇德戰場上,蘇軍和俄軍在烏克蘭的土地上進行了數次較大規模的裝甲集群對衝。但是當時間來到了21世紀,我們驚奇地發現,在當下的俄烏戰爭中,俄烏雙方對裝甲部隊的投入顯得相當剋制,並沒有再出現二戰時期大規模裝甲對轟的情況。 為什麼會有這樣的情況呢?火力君今天帶您一起通過地形的因素,來分析當下俄烏戰場中,到底為何沒有大規模裝甲對轟的出現。
🔴 (LIVE) Abrams, HIMARS, Aid to Gaza | Combat Footage Review
At 6pm EST Funker Host @ronnieadkins discusses: - #israel - #gaza - #ukraine - #iran Our Intro Music is provided by @KILLSTREAKUS ------- Ways to Support Us: Download the Mobile App: https://funker530.app.link/3M7FXz8jGhb Funker530 Pro: https://funker530.c
Moment Ukrainian suicide drone attacks Russian self-propelled artillery/Military Simulation #shorts
This is a simulation. Thank you for watching! 2S3 2С3 Акация Switchblade T-72 Урал
Moment Ukrainian suicide drone attacks Russian T-72/Military Simulation #shorts
This is a simulation. Thank you for watching! Switchblade T-72 Урал
开通了会员功能,兄弟们有兴趣的可以捧个场哈~感谢了~: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGFz-zYGZhUtIegXMv9v4rw/join 00:00 前言 00:27 瘋狂的瓦格納 04:03 瓦格納與立陶宛 11:18 散發消息的目地 就在近日,根據俄媒體的報道 俄政府高級官員對外透露 瓦格納正意圖奪取波蘭和立陶宛之間的走廊 好家伙,瓦格納這是腦子出問題了嗎? 竟然想要以一己之力硬剛整個北約 那麼,這件事到底是怎麼一回事呢? 接下來,跟著大兵一起來看一下 Just
反叛的瓦格納,綜合實力正面碾壓俄羅斯正規軍,與車臣特種部隊五五開,戰鬥力不弱於歐洲國家,不如遠離烏克蘭戰場,去非洲自立為王!| 俄烏 | 頓巴斯 | 巴赫穆特 | T-72 | 紮波羅熱 | 反攻 |
紹伊古下令收編瓦格納,普裏戈津公開拒絕。現在決定瓦格納命運的權利,交到了普丁的手裏。是讓瓦格納繼續參戰,從而被消磨殆盡,名存實亡。還是讓其遠離烏克蘭戰場,去非洲執行俄外交戰略?瓦格納與俄正規軍、車臣部隊相比,誰的戰力值更高一些? Shoigu ordered Wagner to be incorporated, but Prigozin publicly refused. Now the right to decide Wagner's fate is in Putin's hands. It is to
Mi-24 shot down by STINGER over waters Arma3 MilSim
#shorts #Arma3 #Simulation Mi24 shot down by STINGER over waters Arma3 MilSim Buy Cheap Arma3: https://www.cdkeys.com/arma-3-pc-steam?mw_aref=DigitalWar Cheap games!!: https://www.cdkeys.com/?mw_aref=DigitalWar Subscribe: shorturl.at/dkuD9 Facebook: shortu
塞爾維亞背刺俄羅斯,援烏3500枚M21火箭彈,俄羅斯這是要變成孤家寡人了?| 烏俄戰爭 | BM-21 | 冰雹火箭炮 |
繼巴基斯坦之後,又一個中立國家選擇反俄。最近,俄羅斯的好兄弟塞爾維亞援烏3500枚M21火箭彈,直接背刺俄羅斯,而且這或許不是塞爾維亞第一次援烏! After Pakistan, another neutral country chose anti-Russia. Recently, Serbia, a good brother of Russia, assisted Ukraine with 3500 M21 rockets, directly stabbing Russia, and this may
瓦格納即將完成巴赫穆特合圍,烏軍炸毀水壩淹沒俄軍,多個作戰部隊圍殲瓦格納突擊部隊,俄羅斯為何難以橫掃烏克蘭 | 瓦格納 | 閃電戰 | 俄烏 | 火力君 |
烏克蘭軍方可能會從巴赫穆特的關鍵據點撤軍,這表明俄羅斯可能會佔領已成為烏克蘭抵抗象徵的城市。克里姆林宮部隊發動了長達數月的血腥攻勢,以佔領烏克蘭東部的鹽和石膏礦城市巴赫穆特,該城市已成為鬼城。 The Ukrainian military may withdraw from the key stronghold of Bakhmut, a sign that Russia may seize the city that has become a symbol of Ukrainian resistance.
俄羅斯副外長韋爾希寧11日表示,俄羅斯已準備好與烏克蘭進行無條件談判。俄媒認為,韋爾希寧此番表態字裏行間透露出非常重要的表述和潛臺詞,準確傳達俄方實質立場。不過,烏方對此並沒有積極回應,並宣稱只有烏克蘭的勝利才能結束“歐洲戰爭”。 Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Vershinin said on the 11th that Russia is ready for unconditional negotiations with Ukraine. Russian media b
俄烏超十萬士兵集結赫爾松,決戰要開始? |俄烏戰爭|赫爾松|
近期俄烏雙方都展開了緊急行動,據稱超過十萬人聚集在赫爾鬆地區,這是要在赫爾松展開大決戰的啊。 Recently, both Russia and Ukraine have launched emergency operations. It is said that more than 100,000 people gathered in the Kherson area. This is to start a d
俄烏戰爭開戰半年,俄羅斯的花銷已經超過1620億美元,直接透支了未來三年的軍費。除了戰爭的直接損失,還有間接的經濟損失,總額遠超在戰爭上的損失。俄羅斯現在就正處於蘇聯入侵阿富汗的前期,會不會走蘇聯的老路? Half a year after the start of the Russian-Ukrainian wa
發佈日期:2022年9月8日 責任編輯:Jessy #su57 #俄烏戰爭 #時事軍事夏洛山 ------------------ --------- ‼️重要通知:1月1日起,香港大紀元官方YouTube頻道將遷往 https://bit.ly/3qzCGLH ,請立即訂閱。 【#時事軍事夏洛山】星期二四日,香港時間晚上9時跟大家見面。 ✅