「站見」鐵路展 – 列車復修全面睇🚊 Station Rail Voyage Exhibition – a Comprehensive View of Train Restoration🚊

2 個月前
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#港鐵45周年 #連繫相伴45載 #站見鐵路展 #紅磡站 #鐵路展 #柴油機車56號 #黃頭 #東鐵綫第一代電氣化列車 #烏蠅頭 #中期翻新列車 #

3 retired trains, diesel locomotives No. 56, Yellow Head, and MLR, recently completed their restoration works✨ They are now ready to meet everyone at the Station Rail Voyage Exhibition in Hung Hom Station🎉🎉 Let’s get a close-up view of them🔍👀

For more information about the exhibition🔍https://stationrailvoyage.mtr.com.hk

#MTR45 #MTR45Years #TogetherInMTR #ProudToBeMTR #StationRailVoyage #HungHomStation #RailwayExhibition#YellowHead #GML56 #MLR
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