184 統測英文 098年度_02 最新詳解 吳文英文 高中英文 #Shorts #學英文 #learnenglish #englishspeaking

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2. The large number of students quitting schools *reflects how serious the drop-out problem has been. (A) advertises (B) shows (C) encourages (D) discusses

How to help your students?
There are many ways you can support your students to help them succeed in their studies. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Be 1. _______. Make sure your students know that you are available to help them with any questions or concerns they have.

2. Create a positive and supportive learning 2. _______. Encourage your students to ask questions, participate in discussions, and take risks in their learning.

3. Offer 3. _______ help. If you have students who are struggling, consider offering extra help outside of class, such as tutoring or review sessions.

4. Encourage students to set 4. _______. Help your students set realistic and achievable goals for themselves, and encourage them to track their progress towards those goals.

5. Provide 5. _______ feedback. Give your students specific and actionable feedback on their work, and help them understand how they can improve.

6. Encourage students to take care of themselves. Encourage your students to take breaks, get enough sleep, and take care of their physical and mental health.

7. Be a good 6. _______ model. Set a good example for your students by being organized, prepared, and respectful.

1. available
2. environment
3. extra
4. goals
5. constructive
6. role
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