Walk from Taoyuan Night Market to Arts and Cultural Business District 從「桃園夜市」走到「中正藝文特區」/台灣 Taiwan 台湾

3 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
繼前兩次沿著熱鬧的桃園市桃園區中正路(Zhongzheng Rd., Taoyuan Dist., Taoyuan City)步行,這次我接著從桃園觀光夜市出發,走到大興西路的藝文特區邊緣,再往回走。一開始,在夜市前面的超商就看到一隻可愛且友善的狗狗,心想此次的散步一定好運連連,可以拍到許多有意思的畫面,但沒想到30多分鐘後.....

【4K】Walk from Taoyuan Night Market to Arts and Cultural Business District 從 桃園夜市 走到 藝文特區/台湾 Taiwan Walking Tour

★參考影片 (More videos):
https://youtu.be/yTNwW19ugcs 【4K】Taoyuan Railway Station Front Commercial District桃園火車站前商圈到大廟景福宮_桃園駅前商店街
https://youtu.be/r9oJrxJZbQA 【4K】Night Walk From Jing Fu Gong Temple to Taoyuan Night Market大廟景福宮到桃園夜市の危險步行
https://youtu.be/sp-nZwisfEM 【4K】Walk in Taoyuan Tourist Night Market 迺夜市!雨中逛桃園觀光夜市
https://youtu.be/XJWeUpUp18s 【4K】桃園中正藝文特區商圈近況 Taoyuan Zhongzheng Arts and Cultural Business District

Thank you for watching ~ If you like, please subscribe to my channel and press the high rating button. 謝謝放鬆觀看,如果喜歡這影片,也請幫我按讚、訂閱、小鈴噹與分享 ~

★時間戳記 (Time Stamps):
00:00 Taoyuan Tourist Night Market 桃園觀光夜市
00:08 friendly dog 友善的狗
09:51 Ciwen 慈文路
11:29 Tieset Fruits and vegetables 台西農產
13:19 7-Eleven 超商
15:22 Taoyuan Metro Green line (under construction) 桃園捷運綠線 (建設中)
17:50 Arts and Cultural Business District 桃園中正藝文特區商圈
18:20 cute dog 遇見可愛的小狗
19:00 return (Zhongzheng Rd.) 回程 (中正路)
22:49 Tzu Wen Junior High School 慈文國中
29:32 Braised Pork Rice (Lu Rou Fan) & cute dog 魯肉飯(滷肉飯) &又看到可愛的狗

★Google Maps 地標 (Placemarks)
→00:08 https://goo.gl/maps/qq5jCcPZyrzTE8av8
→01:57 https://goo.gl/maps/kFewSrX5Lcajhr6M9
→09:51 https://goo.gl/maps/wbDUjrtZWHsqEeCt5
→11:29 https://goo.gl/maps/Cw7nmTtHCEg28spd9
→13:19 https://goo.gl/maps/6niAXxUkeHpbCL6u9
→15:22 https://goo.gl/maps/QHck5eUNYocemmEs5
→17:50 https://goo.gl/maps/rVsWUaAmGZtbvtRn6
→20:24 https://goo.gl/maps/K4i2LeeB6Xsx8Fbp7
→22:49 https://goo.gl/maps/S15EA8cai56k1LTG7
→26:23 https://goo.gl/maps/6kEy5t3LawFXHgKY7
→29:32 https://goo.gl/maps/yhfKBtZ8ced1Bq2V8
→31:50 https://goo.gl/maps/8m8wwwyX3CSWZnhu7

★拍攝時間 (Filmed):星期六 (Saturday土曜日) 5 : 00 pm,December 2020年12月

★拍攝器材 (Filmed using):
DJI Pocket 2 + 增廣鏡 (DJI Pocket 2 Wide-Angle Lens)

★看更多影片 (Watch more videos):

●●All Walking Videos 一次看全部影片 http://bit.ly/39peSmq
●Northern Taiwan Walks 亂步北台灣 http://bit.ly/39vXE7f
●Central Taiwan Walks 亂步中台灣 http://bit.ly/36olpvI
●Southern Taiwan Walks 亂步南台灣 http://bit.ly/3aeINNo
●Eastern Taiwan and Outlying Islands 東台灣與離島 http://bit.ly/3px7R8Q
●Night Markets 台灣夜市集 http://bit.ly/3p7jPVF
●Station Walks 制霸全台灣車站 http://bit.ly/3cqyCs1
●Little Things 散步看到的那件小事 http://bit.ly/3qWIgqf
●Help You Sleep 好睡助眠小品? http://bit.ly/3a9jc8M
●●看全部播放清單 →→ http://bit.ly/36n702V

★社群聯絡 (Contacts):

Thank you for watching and see you next walk~

#桃園 #Taoyuan #桃園夜市 #夜市 #桃園觀光夜市 #中正藝文特區 #桃園藝文特區 #NightMarket #Taiwan #台灣 #台湾 #臺灣 #대만 #dog #藝文特區
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