
特斯拉自動輔助駕駛轉換高速公路, 左右游移驚險萬分 Tesla Autopilot unable to handle changing freeways, swerved left &

3 年前
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今天特斯拉自動輔助駕駛帶我們去一芳. 自動輔助駕駛轉換高速公路左右游移驚險萬分. 另外我們還測試自動輔助駕駛過彎道以及變換車道. Today, Tesla Autopilot takes us to Yifang. It did not change freeway successfully, and was swerving left and right. We also tested AP on curved turn and auto lane change.


特斯拉自動輔助駕駛須知 Tesla Autopilot (AP) and Full Self-Driving (FSD) explained, what you must know https://youtu.be/fc4MO7au4l8

特斯拉Model Y空調電力消耗差別測試.在高速公路上他差點衝入其他​​車道! Tesla Model Y's AC consumption, it almost ran into next lane. https://youtu.be/O_9C315Z9AU

特斯拉Model Y里程耗電量測試 Tesla Model Y Performance Los Angeles to San Diego round trip battery range test https://youtu.be/gvQ-amSY0Fs

特斯拉Model Y市區街道中紅綠燈交通號誌及停車標誌自動停止起步2020.24.6.1自動駕駛軟體更新體驗Tesla Model Y Autopilot Full Self-Driving test https://youtu.be/SD2C3gS-laM

特斯拉Model Y自動駕駛實際體驗 - 心驚膽戰測試智慧召喚功能以及自動倒車入位 Tesla Model Y real world Test - Smart Summon & Autopark https://youtu.be/aBTCsg_LWKA

特斯拉Model Y版食字路口, 今天想要吃什麼? 讓特斯拉Model Y帶你探險 Tesla Model Y Feeling Hungry and Feeling Lucky adventures. https://youtu.be/aJKfzgcZ1-8

特斯拉的優點, 為什麼選擇購買特斯拉. Why did we choose to purchase Tesla Model Y. https://youtu.be/qU1gYC7ld7s

特斯拉今天宣布第二季的盈餘, 股價在今天盤後交易一度飆升Tesla posted a profit in the 2nd quarter, defying Wall Street estimates. https://youtu.be/cacVkXg9CaM.

特斯拉ModelY降價了, 不管是已訂購車, 還是購買它的股票, 對你造成什麼影響? Tesla drops Model Y prices today, how does it impact you? https://youtu.be/HigpPH0pORc

全新的特斯拉Model Y 第1次拿回車 15分鐘後不幸再一次進廠整修 Brand new Tesla Model Y back to the bodyshop after 15 minutes of inspection https://youtu.be/Kk1VHcBYRbs

特斯拉Model Y 初体驗(不幸當天就進入車場整修) Tesla Model Y - Contactless delivery experience. First impression and issues. https://youtu.be/NV5EgNO55kE

特斯拉 Model Y又有問題了, 進廠修了三次. 與我八字不合還是犯太歲? Tesla Model Y issues, this time it was repaired three times. https://youtu.be/uwcB1Isv-x8

特斯拉新買家需知: 特斯拉不為人知的秘密第一章: Model Y 新買家需知 Tesla's unknown secrets, what first time buyer should know https://youtu.be/eL2L5KEz1Qs

特斯拉商譽保修: 特斯拉不為人知的秘密第二章 Tesla's unknown secrets, Goodwill Warranty https://youtu.be/P1lBlyf9J5k
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