
最美台灣|當3年旅遊Youtuber部落客眼中最美台灣|Best of Taiwan 3 years of travel YTR in Taiwan Here are places U must go

1 年前
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歡迎留言跟我們說你們眼中的台灣! #歡迎大家將影片分享給熱愛這片土地的人們!

This video documents the most beautiful scenery we encountered, during our three years as travel YouTubers and bloggers in Taiwan!
These clips were shot without any fancy camera equipment or advanced skills, but rather our genuine awe after experiencing these places firsthand.
If you're planning a trip to Taiwan, then these are the must-see beautiful places we recommend for you.

Of course, Taiwan has many natural and cultural wonders worth exploring! These are just the places we've visited so far.
There are still many places we haven't been to yet. We welcome you to join us in exploring them!

(We went clockwise from north to south and then to the offshore islands.)


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#Keelung #Newtaipeicity #Hsinchu #Miaoli #Taichung #Changhua #Chiayi #Tainan #Kaoshiung #Pingtung #Kenting #Taitung #Hualian #Yilan #Matsu #Kinmen #Travel #Jiufen
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