
阿津台『惡名昭彰 首道曙光 inFAMOUS First Light』(6) 無法復原的傷口

9 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
你將扮演女主角Fetch費曲,經歷她那關於「心碎」、「濫藥」和「自暴自棄」的故事,看看在<inFAMOUS Second Son 第二之子>登場前,她究竟如何成為了異能人。你亦將可在拘留設施Curdun Cay和各種雪景等全新地區探索,感受不一樣的<inFAMOUS>。

ps4 惡名昭彰 首道曙光 声名狼藉 破晓 inFAMOUS First Light dlc 1080p 60fps
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► 同系列影片清單在此 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEzqZq_wDhpdjdU-ieNdFTqDbWzypZANe

Abigail Walker, a young conduit in the D.U.P.'s custody in their prison Curdun Cay, is ordered to give a demonstration of her powers to one Brooke Augustine whom using the powers of another conduit "generously" supplies holographic foes for Abigail to kill. Once that is done Abigail is told to tell the events that led up to her arrest. 7 years earlier Abigail was one of the first of the new Conduits who emerge following The Beast's rampage across the countryside.
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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