
NV Access: Our Mission (Developers of free screen reader NVDA)

11 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
Two blind computer programmers from Australia are changing the lives of blind and vision impaired people all over the world with their free screen reader, NVDA.

Without a screen reader, blind and vision impaired people cannot use a computer. However, the cost of screen reading software puts computers out of reach for many people. That's where not-for-profit organisation NV Access comes in. Led by Michael Curran and James Teh, NV Access has developed the free, open source screen reader NVDA, or NonVisual Desktop Access.

For many blind and vision impaired people, NVDA is the only option they have for gaining access to computers, and therefore to education, employment and independence.

NV Access relies on donations and sponsorship. With ongoing funding it could continue to improve NVDA and ensure that it remains compatible with the world's rapidly changing technology.

Please donate today, or sponsor us, at www.nvaccess.org

Video production by http://www.blackandwhitemarketing.com.au/
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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