
又見達利、馬格利特 倫敦超現實主義盛宴|Sotheby’s London to Offer Works by Surrealist Masters Dalí and Magritte

6 年前
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馬格利特(René Magritte)絕對是超現實主義的佼佼者,再加上達利(Salvador Dalí)這位大師,蘇富比這次在倫敦的晚拍自然讓一眾擁躉翹首以待。The Value特意請來James Mackie,讓這位印象派及當代藝術部主管,為大家細說達利畫作背後的愛情故事,以及解構馬格利特的獨特奇想世界。

Full article: http://bit.ly/2GgSEl4

Rare works from surrealist masters like René Magritte and Salvador Dalí will be auctioned at Sotheby's Surrealist Art evening sale on 28 February. The Value has invited James Mackie, Head of Impressionist & Modern Art, to talk about some highlights, including Dalí's Gradiva, a newly-discovered work by the artist that comes to the market for the first time, and Magritte's Ciel-bouteile and Le jockey perdu.
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