【抗戰義勇軍Anti-Japanese Volunteer Units】EP22|抗戰初期匪患橫行,家國破碎,紈綺少爺成長為義勇軍抵抗日軍的故事|主演:劉小鋒 王梓桐

8 個月前
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#抗戰 #抗日#抗戰義勇軍# Anti-Japanese Volunteer Units#槍桿小劇場​​#ChineseDrama​#luojin #戰爭#抗戰#抗日神劇#刘小锋 #王梓桐#赵亮 #浴血十四年 #中国电视剧

【抗戰義勇軍Anti-Japanese Volunteer Units】每晚GMT+8 20:00准时更新4集

歡迎訂閱:槍桿小劇場📺——每日更新經典抗戰劇,諜戰劇等戰爭題材的好劇!感謝關注! Update classic Anti Japanese War dramas, spy war dramas and other good dramas with war themes every day! Thanks for your attention!

【地雷回响 Landmine echo】土地雷炸懵日本侵略者 吴樾主演https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIIVfEv_emI2cnJBimy_IzGDHTNt8TCT9
【使命狂彪Glorious Mission Knockout】于曉光加盟兄弟連,熱血抗戰盡顯英雄本色https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIIVfEv_emI25tRYxYg71GWCOSv59YAEI
【鐵血榮光Who are they】一支没有正规编制的队伍 却像一把尖刀般直插敌人心脏 不输给其他队伍的气势勇冠三军
【孤胆神枪手Shooter Crackdown】孫紅雷孤勇抗戰 一桿破槍讓日本侵略者聞風喪膽 |主演孫紅雷 海清
【暗谍Covert Espionage】特戰小隊秘密行動奪回被掠文物,粉碎敵人計劃!

九一八事變後,上海藥材商人項青松私下組織募捐,支援東北抗日義勇軍,其子項彬禮瞞著父親也偷偷參加抗日活動。 一二八事變爆發後上海陷入混亂,項家遭受大難,項彬禮加入東北抗日義勇軍,後因上級投降,項彬禮投奔共產黨領導的抗聯,上級決定讓項彬禮回上海建立地下交通 線,為抗戰武裝提供物資藥品等。 淞滬會戰爆發後,項彬禮加入新四軍二支隊,在華中開闢根據地,開展遊擊戰,簡稱“江抗大隊”,夜襲殲關車站,全殲日軍護路警備隊。 上海派遣軍參謀部特調山口一雄擔任無錫警備大隊長,對付江抗。 經過兩年艱難轉戰,雙方在各戰線上搏殺,互有勝負。 1941年,經歷皖南事變的江抗大隊重返華中根據地,新四軍軍部對其整編後建華中獨立支隊,派項彬禮擔任支隊長,為打破日偽的「清鄉」、「屯墾」計劃, 不斷與敵作戰,最終迎來1945年抗勝利。
It tells the story of Xiang Binli, the son of Shanghai medicinal materials merchant Xiang Qingsong, who secretly participated in anti-Japanese activities without telling his father after the September 18th Incident. After fourteen years of bloody resistance, he finally won the war.
After the September 18th Incident, Shanghai medicinal materials merchant Xiang Qingsong privately organized a fundraiser to support the Northeast Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army. His son Xiang Binli also secretly participated in anti-Japanese activities without telling his father. After the 128th Incident broke out, Shanghai fell into chaos and the Xiang family suffered a catastrophe. Xiang Binli joined the Northeast Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army. Later, due to the surrender of his superiors, Xiang Binli defected to the Anti-Japanese Alliance led by the Communist Party. His superiors decided to let Xiang Binli return to Shanghai to establish underground transportation. line, providing supplies and medicines to the anti-Japanese armed forces. After the Battle of Songhu broke out, Xiang Binli joined the Second Detachment of the New Fourth Army, opened a base in central China, and carried out guerrilla warfare, referred to as the "Jiang Anti-Japanese Brigade". It attacked Xushuguan Station at night and wiped out the Japanese road protection team. The Shanghai Expeditionary Army Staff Department specially appointed Yamaguchi Kazuo as the captain of the Wuxi Guard Brigade to deal with Jiang Kang. After two years of hard fighting, the two sides fought on various fronts, winning and losing each other. In 1941, the Jiang Kang Brigade, which had experienced the Wannan Incident, returned to its base in Central China. The New Fourth Army reorganized it and established an independent detachment in Central China. Xiang Binli was appointed as the detachment leader. In order to break the Japanese and puppet plans of "clearing the countryside" and "reclamation", Continuously fought against the enemy, and finally ushered in the victory of the Anti-Japanese War in 1945.
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