
香港仔龍舟競渡大賽 | 香港仔海濱公園 | 端午節 | Aberdeen Dragon Boat Race | Aberdeen Promenade | Dragon Boat Festival

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#香港仔龍舟競渡大賽 #香港仔海濱公園 # 端午節

Despite many speculations around the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival, one of the more well-known ones is that the day is to honour Qu Yuan, a Chinese patriotic poet and a beloved state servant who gave his life for his country. He was, however, exiled by Emperor Huai because of false accusations and, after the next emperor surrendered the country to their rivals, Qu drowned himself in the Miluo River.
Upon hearing of Qu’s death, villagers rowed along the river to recover his body, but in vain. To prevent the fish from eating his body, they made zongzi, or glutinous rice dumplings, and threw them into the river. This has since evolved into the Chinese traditions of eating zongzi and rowing dragon boats during the festival.

影片內容 Contents:
00:00 前往路線 Access route
02:14 香港仔海濱公園 Aberdeen Promenade
05:53 龍舟競渡大賽 Dragon Boat Race

拍攝日期 Date of photography : 2024-06-10
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