珠海最好食!荔枝柴叉燒!60元一斤!吃過最美味!值得專門去!?古街豆腐花2元!美食旅遊攻略!交通路線!海鮮餐廳!消費150元!吃到爽!CP值極高!超隱蔽!開車30公里!Canton Food Tour

3 個月前
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#美食 #旅遊 #珠海

GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/Etqz2WJHB4ptTkso8
BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/fd/oKu
餐厅消费:叉燒拼排骨 一斤 ¥60,蒸沙蜆 ¥50,羅氏蝦 ¥40


斗門區是中國廣東省珠海市下轄的市轄區、地處珠江三角洲西南端,珠海市西部,東臨中山市,南與金灣區相連,西面和北面與江門市接壤,斗門有很多趙 姓的人,因為南宋時皇室曾經逃難到這裡。
明朝洪武十四年(1381)香山縣潮居鄉改稱黃樑都。 大沙、馬墩、上橫屬新會縣潮居都。
清朝光緒六年(1880)黃樑都改稱黃梁鎮。 清宣統二年(1910)改鎮為區,依數字編列,稱香山縣為第八區。
1931年,區名依數字編列,稱中山縣第八區。 上橫、大沙、馬墩稱新會縣第八區。
1951年3月,仍為中山縣第八區。 上橫、大沙、馬墩稱新會縣第九區。
1958年11月,稱中山縣斗門大公社,為中山縣7個大公社之一。 橫粉鄉、大沙鄉屬新會縣睦洲人民公社。
本地通行四邑話,斗門地區民眾俗稱斗門話,與標準粵語(廣州話)有一定的差距。 另外還有使用蜑家話(水上話)和客家話。
Doumen District is a municipal district under the jurisdiction of Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province, China. It is located at the southwest end of the Pearl River Delta, west of Zhuhai City, adjacent to Zhongshan City to the east, connected to Jinwan District to the south, and Jiangmen City to the west and north. Doumen has many Zhao People with this surname because the royal family fled here during the Southern Song Dynasty.
Before the Song Dynasty, the area around Doumen was called Huangziwei and belonged to the trendy capital of Xinhui.
In the 22nd year of Shaoxing in the Song Dynasty (1152), the islands near Huangyang Mountain were placed under the jurisdiction of Xiangshan County and were still called Chaoju Township.
In the 14th year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1381), Chaoju Township in Xiangshan County was renamed Huangliangdu. Dasha, Madun and Shangheng belong to the Chaozhou capital of Xinhui County.
In the sixth year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty (1880), Huangliang was renamed Huangliang Town. In the second year of Xuantong of the Qing Dynasty (1910), the town was changed into a district, organized numerically, and Xiangshan County was called the eighth district.
In 1925, it was renamed the Eighth District of Zhongshan County.
In 1930, it was renamed Huangliang District, Zhongshan County.
In 1931, the district names were listed numerically and were called the Eighth District of Zhongshan County. Shangheng, Dasha and Madun are called the eighth district of Xinhui County.
In March 1951, it was still the eighth district of Zhongshan County. Shangheng, Dasha and Madun are called the ninth district of Xinhui County.
In November 1958, it was called Zhongshan County Doumen Commune, one of the 7 large communes in Zhongshan County. Hengfen Township and Dasha Township belong to Muzhou People's Commune of Xinhui County.
On July 19, 1965, with the approval of the State Council, Doumen County was established and belongs to the Foshan area of Guangdong Province.
In July 1983, Doumen County became part of the Zhuhai Special Economic Zone and became the only municipal county in Zhuhai.
In April 2001, the State Council approved Doumen to be removed from the county and established as a district. In December of the same year, Doumen District was officially established and was called Doumen District of Zhuhai City.
First runner-up of Miss Hong Kong in 1982.
Siyi dialect is spoken locally, and people in the Doumen area are commonly known as Doumen dialect, which is somewhat different from standard Cantonese (Cantonese). In addition, Yujia dialect (Shuihua dialect) and Hakka dialect are also used.








00:00 Intro
00:45 200元一晚的飯店自助早餐有什麼吃?
06:33 驅車20公里/斗門鎮大赤坎/品嚐美食/肥仔強燒味海鮮餐廳
11:22 叉燒拼排骨/蒸沙蜆/羅氏蝦
24:37 路上遇到農民買甘蔗蔬果
28:42 斗門古街/兩元豆腐花/雞仔餅/雞蛋仔
40:36 Ending
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