印象.摩洛哥-The beauty of Morocco

7 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
Morocco is just like a kaleidoscope!

A gateway to Africa, and a country of dizzying diversity. Here you'll find epic mountain ranges, ancient cities, sweeping deserts and warm hospitality.
It is a storied country, that has, over the centuries, woven its ties to Sub-Saharan Africa, Europe and the wider Middle East into whole cloth. Its mixed Arab and Berber population forms a strong national identity.
From Atlas to Saharan dunes,from the countryside to the city, from the call of prayer in the mosque to the beat of local hip hop,from the traditional Tagine to a decent French restaurant. Morocco has a thousand faces,sounds and smells, all ready to welcome the traveller looking for spice and adventure.
Let’s pack your bag ,go for a great adventure with Sunday Tours.

阿拉伯 北非 藍色建築配白牆
沙漠綠洲 上帝的故鄉 Marrakech
手工皮革 按摩羊皮 Fez的大染缸
日出駱駝 撒哈拉沙丘 Merzouga黎明的地平線上
柏柏爾語 古老傳說的說書人 吹笛弄蛇 德吉瑪廣場
夕陽西下 餐桌上的薄荷茶 Tajine在炊煙裊裊時登場

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