
Simple Facebook Group Strategy | Facebook Marketing, Online Business, Engaged Community, Social Media Strategy, Marketing Pla

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Simple Facebook Group Strategy | Facebook Marketing, Online Business, Engaged Community, Social Media Strategy, Marketing Plan
Do you want to know how to set up and optimize your Facebook group? Do you need a content strategy you can actually stick to? Are you wondering how to get new members into your Facebook group every single week? Then you’re in the right place! Welcome to Simple Facebook Group Strategy, the podcast for Christian entrepreneurs who want to create an engaged community to support their online business. This podcast will teach you how to create engaging content, grow your group, and build community with your audience so you can make money online. Hey! I’m Sarah Beisel. Jesus follower, entrepreneur, and boy mom. Over the last 3 years, I’ve developed simple strategies for optimization, growth, and engagement, so you can create a Facebook group that actually supports your business. I grew my group from 0-1.5k members on my own and I make consistent sales every single month without showing up anywhere else on social media. And I did all of this in less than 30 minutes per day. I believe that when we pour into our community strategically, we pave the way for the kind of relationships that turn into paying customers. Once I finally understood how to build community inside my Facebook group, I started seeing my engagement skyrocket and new members requesting to join without me even inviting them. So if you’re ready to start your Facebook group, create an engagement strategy, and develop a growth plan so you can FINALLY have the foundations to market your business successfully, grab a coffee and pull up a chair. Let’s create your simple Facebook group strategy together. Next Steps: Grab the Free Launch Checklist: www.sarahbeisel.com/checklist Join our Free Community: www.sarahbeisel.com/community Get in touch: info@sarahbeisel.com
Tue, 05 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0800
125 // Scheduling Posts v. Admin Assist. What's the Difference and When to Use Each In Your Facebook Group.

Facebook groups have a lot of cool features to help you create content quickly and easily. But with more tools comes more confusion! So it's no surprise I get asked often how to schedule posts, what to use Admin Assist for, and what's the difference between the two.

So in today's episode, I'm tackling the question: what's the difference between scheduling a post v. using Admin Assist to automate it? If you're not using these tools, you'll want to listen in and find out how to use them for your Facebook group!

Happy listening!


Next Steps:

Join the FREE Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Facebook Group Launch Checklist: www.sarahbeisel.com/checklist

Contact me: info@sarahbeisel.com

Work with Sarah:

Want to know exactly what steps to take to create a facebook group that people love to be part of? Join me inside Facebook Group Foundations, where I'll teach you how to create and grow an engaged online community! www.sarahbeisel.com/facebookgroupfoundations

Tue, 05 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0800
124 // Panicking When You Get Feedback In Your Christian Business? 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Make Any Decisions.

It's inevitable that as you grow your Christian business, there will be A LOT of opinions about what you're doing. But not all of that feedback is valid. Sometimes, the best thing to do with feedback is toss it in the dirt. But how do you decide what the right course of action is?

In this episode, I'm sharing 5 questions you need to ask yourself before you make any decision when you get feedback. Go through this process any time you're unsettled or unsure what to do when someone shares their opinion with you!

Happy listening!


Next Steps:

Join the FREE Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Facebook Group Launch Checklist: www.sarahbeisel.com/checklist

Contact me: info@sarahbeisel.com

Work with Sarah:

Want to know exactly what steps to take to create a facebook group that people love to be part of? Join me inside Facebook Group Foundations, where I'll teach you how to create and grow an engaged online community! www.sarahbeisel.com/facebookgroupfoundations

Tue, 27 Feb 2024 00:00:00 -0800
123 // How She Revived Her Dead Facebook Group and Started Getting More Engagement Than Ever Before

Want to know how Rachel managed to take her group where nobody was commenting or posting and transform it into a space where she could build relationships and have conversations with her members?

Or how Cheryl got clarity on what her Facebook group purpose should be and now has powerful conversations with her members about her expert topics?

In today's episode, I sat down with two of my students and let them take over the mic as they shared about their experiences inside my course, Facebook Group Foundations. If you have been curious at all about what it's like to work with me, you'll want to hear their stories!

Happy listening!


Next Steps:

Join the FREE Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Facebook Group Launch Checklist: www.sarahbeisel.com/checklist

Contact me: info@sarahbeisel.com

Work with Sarah:

Want to know exactly what steps to take to create a facebook group that people love to be part of? Join me inside Facebook Group Foundations, where I'll teach you how to create and grow an engaged online community! www.sarahbeisel.com/facebookgroupfoundations

Tue, 20 Feb 2024 09:40:25 -0800
122 // 5 Facebook Statistics that Prove Facebook Groups Are A Powerful Marketing Tool

If you're unsure if Facebook is still a good place to market your business, you'll want to hear these 5 statistics that prove Facebook and Facebook groups are here to stay!

Happy listening!


Next Steps:

Join the FREE Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Facebook Group Launch Checklist: www.sarahbeisel.com/checklist

Contact me: info@sarahbeisel.com

Work with Sarah:

Want to know exactly what steps to take to create a facebook group that people love to be part of? Join me inside Facebook Group Foundations, where I'll teach you how to create and grow an engaged online community! www.sarahbeisel.com/facebookgroupfoundations

Tue, 13 Feb 2024 06:53:08 -0800
121 // Steal This Strategy To Create A Searchable Facebook Group Name

Your Facebook group name is so important! Not only is it how many people will find your community, but it's also how they decide whether to join your group or not. So you need to have a Facebook group name that really stands out.

That's why Hala asked me to help her choose a Facebook group name when she came to me for coaching. I talked her through my strategy for choosing a Facebook group name and I want you to use this strategy yourself!

Happy listening!


Next Steps:

Join the FREE Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Facebook Group Launch Checklist: www.sarahbeisel.com/checklist

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Work with Sarah:

Want to know exactly what steps to take to create a facebook group that people love to be part of? Join me inside Facebook Group Foundations, where I'll teach you how to create and grow an engaged online community! www.sarahbeisel.com/facebookgroupfoundations

Tue, 06 Feb 2024 00:00:00 -0800
120 // Here's Why My Student Stopped Posting In Her Empty Facebook Group... And Why You Should Too

When you first create your Facebook group but nobody has joined yet, what should you be doing? Does the Facebook algorithm need you to create content in your group so people will start to find your community? Should you focus on content creation or growth?

My student asked me this question a few weeks ago on our coaching call. She has a brand new group and wanted to post content to her group before anyone had joined. Listen in to our conversation and hear why you should stop posting to an empty Facebook group and what to do instead.

Happy listening!


Next Steps: Join the FREE Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Facebook Group Launch Checklist: www.sarahbeisel.com/checklist

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Work with Sarah:

Want to know exactly what steps to take to create a facebook group that people love to be part of? Join me inside Facebook Group Foundations, where I'll teach you how to create and grow an engaged online community! www.sarahbeisel.com/facebookgroupfoundations

Join the "Create an Engaged Facebook Group" Challenge!

Is starting a Facebook group on your 2024 list? Join me in the "Create Your Engaged Facebook Group" Challenge! This free challenge will teach you how to start your group and get fantastic engagement. Register at www.sarahbeisel.com/challenge

Tue, 30 Jan 2024 00:00:00 -0800
119 // Why a Facebook Group is the ONLY Place on Social Media You Can Build Community.

Ever wondered why I talk so much about using Facebook groups for your online business community? Don't people talk about having a community on other social media platforms like Youtube or Instagram? Well, there's a few very important things missing from all of those other social platforms that makes a Facebook group the best.

I believe Facebook groups are the ONLY place on social media you can build genuine community. Let's chat about what community means and why Facebook groups are so powerful for helping you build relationships in your Christian business.

Happy listening!


Next Steps:

Join the FREE Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Facebook Group Launch Checklist: www.sarahbeisel.com/checklist

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Work with Sarah:

Want to know exactly what steps to take to create a facebook group that people love to be part of? Join me inside Facebook Group Foundations, where I'll teach you how to create and grow an engaged online community! www.sarahbeisel.com/facebookgroupfoundations

Join the "Create an Engaged Facebook Group" Challenge!

Is starting a Facebook group on your 2024 list? Join me in the "Create Your Engaged Facebook Group" Challenge! This free challenge will teach you how to start your group and get fantastic engagement. Register at www.sarahbeisel.com/challenge

Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 -0800
118 // 4 Facebook Group Name Mistakes That Are Stopping People From Joining

Your Facebook Group name tells people what to expect from your online community! But I see a lot of mistakes in the names people choose. Here are the top 4 mistakes people are making with their Facebook group name so you can avoid falling into the same trap!

Happy listening!


Next Steps:

Join the FREE Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Facebook Group Launch Checklist: www.sarahbeisel.com/checklist

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Work with Sarah:

Want to know exactly what steps to take to create a facebook group that people love to be part of? Join me inside Facebook Group Foundations, where I'll teach you how to create and grow an engaged online community! www.sarahbeisel.com/facebookgroupfoundations

Join the "Create an Engaged Facebook Group" Challenge!

Is starting a Facebook group on your 2024 list? Join me in the "Create Your Engaged Facebook Group" Challenge! This free challenge will teach you how to start your group and get fantastic engagement. Register at www.sarahbeisel.com/challenge

Tue, 16 Jan 2024 00:00:00 -0800
117 // 3 Things I Do to Get a 400% Engagement Rate in My Facebook Group

Is getting more engagement in your Facebook group on your wish list for 2024? I know it can feel impossible to get good engagement in your Facebook group when you're posting and only hearing crickets! But I promise that with a few simple tweaks and the right strategy, you can create a thriving community.

In today's episode, I'm sharing the 3 things I do in my Facebook group to get a 400% engagement rate. These things are so simple but they make all the difference in creating a Facebook group that's full of interaction and conversation!

Happy listening!


Next Steps:

Join the FREE Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Facebook Group Launch Checklist: www.sarahbeisel.com/checklist

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Work with Sarah:

Want to know exactly what steps to take to create a facebook group that people love to be part of? Join me inside Facebook Group Foundations, where I'll teach you how to create and grow an engaged online community! www.sarahbeisel.com/facebookgroupfoundations

Join the "Create an Engaged Facebook Group" Challenge!

Is starting a Facebook group on your 2024 list? Join me in the "Create Your Engaged Facebook Group" Challenge! This free challenge will teach you how to start your group and get fantastic engagement. Register at www.sarahbeisel.com/challenge

Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 -0800
116 // How to Use Bible Meditation and Prayer to Hear From God. A Conversation with Christine Taylor - Part 2

Do you struggle to hear from God in your business? Are you wondering what you can practically do to grow closer to God and hear His voice? It can be hard to know whether the ideas we have are from God or a distraction from the enemy, and it can leave us paralyzed and afraid to take any action.

I brought on Christine Taylor to have a conversation about how we can hear from God. She's a Christian spiritual director specializing in Bible meditation and imaging prayer. We have such a powerful conversation about growing in our faith so we can more clearly hear God's voice that we couldn't fit it all into one episode! So join me for Part 2 of this 2-part interview to learn about imaging prayer and why this form of prayer is an incredible way to grow closer to God and distinguish His voice.

Happy listening!


Next Steps:

Join the FREE Authentic Christian Entrepreneurs Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Facebook Group Launch Checklist: www.sarahbeisel.com/checklist

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Work with Sarah:

Want to know exactly what steps to take to create a facebook group that people love to be part of? Join me inside Facebook Group Foundations, where I'll teach you how to create and grow an engaged online community! www.sarahbeisel.com/facebookgroupfoundations

About Christine:

Dr. Christine (Chris) Taylor has her M.A. in Biblical Studies and her D.Min. in Christian spiritual formation and creativity. She combines passion for God's saving work in the world with the spiritual gifts of prophecy, discernment of spirits, wisdom, and knowledge. Her favorite thing is guiding Christian women into hearing God on an intimate basis, in the Bible and in imaging prayer.

Website: www.doctorchris.org

Grab her free e-book: "What Is Christian Imaging Prayer and Why Do I Need It?" https://doctorchris.org/free-pdf-download/

Wed, 03 Jan 2024 00:00:00 -0800
115 // How to Use Bible Meditation and Prayer to Hear From God. A Conversation with Christine Taylor - Part 1

Do you struggle to hear from God in your business? Are you wondering what you can practically do to grow closer to God and hear His voice? It can be hard to know whether the ideas we have are from God or a distraction from the enemy, and it can leave us paralyzed and afraid to take any action.

I brought on Christine Taylor to have a conversation about how we can hear from God. She's a Christian spiritual director specializing in Bible meditation and imaging prayer. We have such a powerful conversation about growing in our faith so we can more clearly hear God's voice that we couldn't fit it all into one episode! So join me for Part 1 of this 2-part interview to hear Chris's journey into business and how we can use bible meditation to apply God's word more fully to our lives.

Happy listening!


Next Steps:

Join the FREE Authentic Christian Entrepreneurs Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Facebook Group Launch Checklist: www.sarahbeisel.com/checklist

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Work with Sarah:

Want to know exactly what steps to take to create a facebook group that people love to be part of? Join me inside Facebook Group Foundations, where I'll teach you how to create and grow an engaged online community! www.sarahbeisel.com/facebookgroupfoundations

About Christine:

Dr. Christine (Chris) Taylor has her M.A. in Biblical Studies and her D.Min. in Christian spiritual formation and creativity. She combines passion for God's saving work in the world with the spiritual gifts of prophecy, discernment of spirits, wisdom, and knowledge. Her favorite thing is guiding Christian women into hearing God on an intimate basis, in the Bible and in imaging prayer.

Website: www.doctorchris.org

Grab her free e-book: "What Is Christian Imaging Prayer and Why Do I Need It?" https://doctorchris.org/free-pdf-download/

Tue, 02 Jan 2024 00:00:00 -0800
114 // 6 Steps to Plan Your Facebook Group for 2024

Want to know exactly what I do at the end of each year to review my Facebook group and prepare for the next year? In this episode, I'm sharing the 6 steps I follow every year to assess my Facebook group and make plans to improve my engagement and growth next year!

Happy listening!


Next Steps: Join the FREE Authentic Christian Entrepreneurs Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE 30 Days of Service Challenge: sarahbeisel.com/30daysofservice

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Work with Sarah:

Want to know exactly what steps to take to create a facebook group that people love to be part of? Join me inside Facebook Group Foundations, where I'll teach you how to create and grow an engaged online community! www.sarahbeisel.com/facebookgroupfoundations

Tue, 26 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0800
113 // The Number 1 Way to Increase Engagement in Your Facebook Group. Live Coaching With Robbin!

Want to increase engagement in your Facebook group? Have you been wondering how to start conversations and get your members speaking to you and each other? Are you getting frustrated because it feels like you're talking to a wall every time you post?

Join me for this live coaching episode where I help Robbin create daily thread posts for her Facebook group! We chat about why these posts are so great when you want to increase engagement and you'll get some ideas for the types of post you can create for your group!

Happy listening!


Next Steps:

Join the FREE Authentic Christian Entrepreneurs Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE 30 Days of Service Challenge: sarahbeisel.com/30daysofservice

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Work with Sarah:

Want to know exactly what steps to take to create a facebook group that people love to be part of? Join me inside Facebook Group Foundations, where I'll teach you how to create and grow an engaged online community! www.sarahbeisel.com/facebookgroupfoundations

Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0800
112 // Free v Paid v Pop-Up. Which Type of Facebook Group Do You Need?

Free v Paid v Pop-up Facebook groups... what's the difference between them? Are you struggling to decide which type of Facebook group is right for you? Today, I'm answering the question "Do I need a free, paid, or pop-up group for my business?". I've got 4 questions to help you decide which is right for you!

Happy listening!


Next Steps:

Join the FREE Authentic Christian Entrepreneurs Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE 30 Days of Service Challenge: sarahbeisel.com/30daysofservice

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Work with Sarah:

Want to know exactly what steps to take to create a facebook group that people love to be part of? Join me inside Facebook Group Foundations, where I'll teach you how to create and grow an engaged online community! www.sarahbeisel.com/facebookgroupfoundations

Tue, 12 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0800
111 // How I Went From 0-1000 Members in my Facebook Group.

Ever wondered what it really takes to grow your Facebook group to over 1,000 members? Then this episode is for you! Join me as I walk you through the steps I took to grow my group from 0-1000 members. I'm sharing all the ups and downs in my journey and the 4 practical steps you need to take to see the same success I have.

Happy Listening!


Next Steps:

Join the FREE Authentic Christian Entrepreneurs Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE 30 Days of Service Challenge: sarahbeisel.com/30daysofservice

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Want to know exactly what steps to take to create a facebook group that people love to be part of? Join me inside Facebook Group Foundations, where I'll teach you how to create and grow an engaged online community! www.sarahbeisel.com/facebookgroupfoundations

Tue, 05 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0800
110 // Ready to Launch Your Facebook Group? How to Create A Successful Online Community in 6 Easy Steps

It's time, friend. Time to get that facebook group out into the world! I know it's been on your heart but you haven't started yet because you don't know how to set up all the tech and optimize your group so people will actually find it. You just want someone to walk you through all of the steps so you know you're doing it right!

You're going to want to listen in to this one. Join me in this super tactical episode where I'm walking you through the 6 easy steps you need to create your group and set it up for success.

Happy Listening!


Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Want to know exactly what steps to take to create a facebook group that people love to be part of? Join me inside Facebook Group Foundations, where I'll teach you how to create and grow an engaged online community! sarahbeisel.com/facebookgroupfoundations

Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:00 -0800
109 // How to Choose A Name and Description that Grows Your Facebook Group. Live Coaching with Shell!

Want to know how to attract the best fit people into your facebook group? Have an amazing name and description! People will only take a few seconds to decide if they're interested in joining your group, so your name has to bring people in right from the start. And if they need a little more info? They're heading right to your description to learn what the group is all about.

Join me in this live coaching episode, where I chatted with Shell about her group name and description! We talked about some strategies for how to name your group so people are interested in joining, and what key info needs to go into your description so prospective members know exactly what your group is about!

Happy Listening!


Join the Grow Your Christian Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE 30 Days of Service Challenge -> www.sarahbeisel.com/30daysofservice

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Want to know exactly what steps to take to create a facebook group that people love to be part of? Join me inside Facebook Group Foundations, where I'll teach you how to create and grow an engaged online community! Launching November 27th, get on the waitlist now for juicy bonuses and exclusive discounts! bit.ly/facebookgroupfoundations

Tue, 21 Nov 2023 00:00:00 -0800
108 // Plan Out Your FB Group Content for the Month With These 4 Steps!

Want to streamline the content creation for your facebook group so it takes less time? Ready to avoid those seasons where days and weeks go by without you posting because you either forgot, didn't know what to say, or didn't give yourself time to create content?

You're going to love this episode friend! Today, I'm giving you my 4-step content creation plan that I use every single month in my facebook group. It helps me plan out and create all of my content in just a few hours each month and it make sure I'm always consistently showing up. Go listen to the episode and start implementing this plan for yourself!

Happy Listening!


Join the Grow Your Christian Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE 30 Days of Service Challenge -> www.sarahbeisel.com/30daysofservice

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Want to know exactly what steps to take to create a facebook group that people love to be part of? Join me inside Facebook Group Foundations, where I'll teach you how to create and grow an engaged online community! Launching November 27th, get on the waitlist now for juicy bonuses and exclusive discounts! bit.ly/facebookgroupfoundations

Tue, 14 Nov 2023 00:00:00 -0800
107 // The Most Important Thing Your Brand Community Needs to Be Successful

Ever wondered what truly makes the difference between a successful brand community and one that flops? Are you part of any facebook groups that feel so special and fun to be part of and you're curious why those communities work so well?

In today's podcast episode, I'm sharing the one thing that any brand community needs to be successful. And of the hundreds of groups I've seen over the years, this one thing really does make all the difference. Get this right and you'll have the right foundation for an engaged community that thrives.

Happy Listening!


Join the Grow Your Christian Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE 30 Days of Service Challenge -> www.sarahbeisel.com/30daysofservice

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Want to know exactly what steps to take to create a facebook group that people love to be part of? Join me inside Facebook Group Foundations, where I'll teach you how to create and grow an engaged online community! Launching November 27th, get on the waitlist now for juicy bonuses and exclusive discounts! bit.ly/facebookgroupfoundations

Tue, 07 Nov 2023 06:22:34 -0800
106 // Make a Big Impact in Small Ways. How to Share God’s Love With Your Community. A Conversation with Jessica Klassen

We live in a world where connection is hard to come by, and encouragement even harder. As more and more people struggle with their self-worth and are falling from faith at scary high numbers, we need a light in the world.

That's what Jessica Klassen is setting out to do with her company, Ripple Boxes. I had her on the podcast today to chat about how the smallest gestures can leave the biggest impacts, and how her products are helping cast ripples of hope, love, peace, and encouragement around the world.

Take a listen to our conversation, and spread the love by sharing this conversation with your friends and family. It's time to cast a ripple and be the much needed change this world so desperately needs.

Happy Listening!


Next Steps:

Join the Grow Your Christian Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE 30 Days of Service Challenge -> www.sarahbeisel.com/30daysofservice

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Want to know step-by-step how to start your facebook group and create engaging content that your members love? Join me inside Facebook Group Foundations, the course for Christian entrepreneurs to learn how to create an engaged online community! Get on the waitlist now! bit.ly/facebookgroupfoundations

Connect with Jessica:

Website: www.rippleboxes.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/jessica.rippleboxes

Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-connected-faith-podcast/id1679841673

Grab her free gratitude journal: https://keap.page/cco915/gratitude-journal.html

Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 -0700
105 // The Secret to Getting More People to Join Your Facebook Group. Live Coaching with Ashley.

Want to know how to get more of the right people into your facebook group? Ever wondered what things people are considering when they're deciding if they want to join a facebook group?

Then you're going to want to dive in to this live coaching episode! I'm walking Ashley through 4 simple things you can do to make your facebook group more attractive to your ideal members. Let's get it!

Happy Listening!


Join the Grow Your Christian Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE 30 Days of Service Challenge -> www.sarahbeisel.com/30daysofservice

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Want to know exactly what steps to take to create a facebook group that people love to be part of? Join me inside Facebook Group Foundations, where I'll teach you how to create and grow an engaged online community! Launching November 27th, get on the waitlist now for juicy bonuses and exclusive discounts! bit.ly/facebookgroupfoundations

Tue, 24 Oct 2023 00:00:00 -0700
104 // Worried About Spammers In Your Facebook Group? Avoid These 5 Things!

What do you do with spammers when they get inside your facebook group? And how do you avoid them in the first place?

I'm answering these questions in today's episode! I'm sharing 5 things that you can do to easily prevent spammers getting into your group. Because nobody wants that. And because the internet is full of very sneaky people, unfortunately spammers will sometimes slip past these 5 barriers, so we'll also chat about what to do when someone does get into your group.

This is a super tactical episode with action steps you can go implement today. Let's shore up those group walls!

Happy Listening!


Join the Grow Your Christian Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE 30 Days of Service Challenge -> www.sarahbeisel.com/30daysofservice

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Want to know exactly what steps to take to increase engagement in your facebook community? Let me audit your group and create an action plan for you to get more of the right members into your group and get them commenting consistently! Send me a message via voxer for a quick discovery call -> https://web.voxer.com/u/sarahbeisel

Tue, 17 Oct 2023 00:00:00 -0700
103 // How to Be a Blessing to Your Online Community While Pursuing God First. A Conversation with Ryan Keating.

Do you struggle to know how to truly be a blessing to your online community? Do you sometimes wonder how to keep God at the center and pursue him first while still creating a successful business?

It can be so difficult trying to navigate the business world as a Christian. How do we know if we are putting things before God? How can we be sure we are pursuing His purpose? And how do we know if we are blessing our online community by using our gifts?

I sat down with Ryan Keating, an American business owner and mission worker living in Northern Cyprus. When he and his family had to flee Turkey because of the ministry they were doing there, they were led into Cyprus where he had to figure out how to continue his ministry and serve his new local community.

We chat about what it really means to serve our community, how to balance business and God, and how we can really share God's love and be the light in our business. This is a life changing conversation for sure!

Happy Listening!


Join the Grow Your Christian Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE 30 Days of Service Challenge -> www.sarahbeisel.com/30daysofservice

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Want to know exactly what steps to take to increase engagement in your facebook community? Let me audit your group and create an action plan for you to get more of the right members into your group and get them commenting consistently! Send me a message via voxer for a quick discovery call -> https://web.voxer.com/u/sarahbeisel

About Our Guest

Ryan Keating is an American business owner and mission worker living in Northern Cyprus. To learn more about his ministry, connect with him on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/exilecoffeeandwine/

Tue, 10 Oct 2023 00:00:00 -0700
102 // How Much Time Does it Really Take to Grow Your FB Group? 6 Things That Take Less than 30 Minutes a Day

Afraid to start your facebook group because you think it will take too much time? Are you worried you don't have enough time to invest in your community?

One of the most common worries I hear from people who haven't started a facebook group yet is that it will take too much time. But I'm here to tell you that it doesn't have to take hours and hours to have a highly engaged facebook group that's also growing really well.

In this episode, I'm sharing 6 things I do every single week to grow my group and keep it engaged, and it all takes less than 30 minutes a day. Listen in and learn how to get super efficient at managing your group!

Happy Listening!


Next Steps:

Join the Grow Your Christian Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE 30 Days of Service Challenge -> www.sarahbeisel.com/30daysofservice

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Want to know exactly what steps to take to increase engagement in your facebook community? Let me audit your group and create an action plan for you to get more of the right members into your group and get them commenting consistently! Send me a message via voxer for a quick discovery call -> https://web.voxer.com/u/sarahbeisel

Tue, 03 Oct 2023 00:00:00 -0700
101 // 5 Reasons Why A Facebook Group is the Best Place to Build Community Online

Facebook groups, mighty networks, circle... there are so many places you can build community online. But is there one place that's truly better than the rest?

In this episode, I'm sharing why I believe a Facebook group is the right choice for your online community. I hope this will encourage you to take the leap and start your group on facebook right now!

Happy Listening!


Join the Authentic Christian Entrepreneurs Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE 30 Days of Service Challenge -> www.sarahbeisel.com/30daysofservice

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Want to know exactly what steps to take to increase engagement in your facebook community? Let me audit your group and create an action plan for you to get more of the right members into your group and get them commenting consistently! Send me a message via voxer for a quick discovery call -> https://web.voxer.com/u/sarahbeisel

Thu, 28 Sep 2023 00:00:00 -0700
100 // Ready to Ditch Social Media? How You Can Make Money Online with Podcasting. A Conversation with Stefanie Gass.
Do you wish there was a way for you to make money online without having to show up on social media every day? Are you ready to claim back your time and prioritize your family without sacrificing your business? Podcasting might be the answer you're looking for! And to help you figure out if starting a podcast is the right step for you, I sat down with my podcast coach, Stefanie Gass. Stef is a multi-six figure Christian business coach with a top 20 podcast, Online Business for Christian Women. She helps Christian women start and grow a podcast. Tune in to today's episode to hear how she went from overwhelmed on all the social media platforms to only showing up on her podcast and making more money than ever before. Happy Listening! Sarah Next Steps: Join the Grow Your Christian Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity Grab your FREE 30 Days of Service Challenge: www.sarahbeisel.com/30daysofservice Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com Want to know exactly what steps to take to increase engagement in your facebook community? Let me audit your group and create an action plan for you to get more of the right members into your group and get them commenting consistently! Send me a message via voxer for a quick discovery call -> https://web.voxer.com/u/sarahbeisel Connect with Stef: Stefanie Gass is a Christian business and podcast coach, boundary boss, boy mom, and multi-six-figure CEO. She helps women grow their online businesses and make money online, using podcasting. She is the host of a top 25 globally ranked business podcast, Online Business for Christian Women. She believes it's possible to partner with God to create income and impact without sacrificing your family, faith, or buying into social media hustle. Start a Podcast: https://sarahbeisel--stefaniegass.thrivecart.com/podcastprouniversity/ Free Podcast for Growth Workshop: www.podcastforgrowth.com Listen to her podcast: https://stefaniegass.com/thepodcast
Tue, 26 Sep 2023 00:00:00 -0700
99 // 4 Steps to Set Up Your Facebook Group for Success

Ever wondered what it takes to actually set up your facebook group for success? On the surface, it's just a few buttons and your group is done, but it takes a lot more than that to create the foundations that will take your group to 100, 500, 1000 members and beyond.

In today's episode, I'm breaking down the 4 steps you need to make sure your facebook group is set up to succeed! These are tips you can implement right now and see an improvement in your community.

Happy Listening!


Join the Grow Your Christian Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE 30 Days of Service Challenge -> www.sarahbeisel.com/30daysofservice

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Want to know exactly what steps to take to increase engagement in your facebook community? Let me audit your group and create an action plan for you to get more of the right members into your group and get them commenting consistently! Send me a message via voxer for a quick discovery call -> https://web.voxer.com/u/sarahbeisel

Tue, 19 Sep 2023 00:00:00 -0700
98 // 10 Weekly Post Ideas for Engagement in Your Facebook Community

Do you struggle to get engagement in your facebook group? Are you wondering what post ideas you can share that will encourage your members to leave a comment?

If you've been asking yourself those questions, you'll love today's episode. I'm sharing with you 10 weekly post ideas you can use in your community to encourage more engagement from your members!

Happy Listening!


Join the Grow Your Christian Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE 30 Days of Service Challenge -> www.sarahbeisel.com/30daysofservice

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Want to know exactly what steps to take to increase engagement in your facebook community? Let me audit your group and create an action plan for you to get more of the right members into your group and get them commenting consistently! Send me a message via voxer for a quick discovery call -> https://web.voxer.com/u/sarahbeisel

Tue, 12 Sep 2023 00:04:00 -0700
97 // 3 Tips for Getting More Engagement in Your Facebook Group

It's frustrating when you aren't seeing the engagement you want in your facebook group. You're left wondering "why don't people want to interact in there?" And more importantly, "what can I do about it?" In today's episode, I'm sharing 3 quick tips to give your facebook group engagement a boost. These are things I do regularly inside my own community to encourage members to interact more!

Happy Listening!


Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation

Tue, 05 Sep 2023 00:00:00 -0700
96 // Do I need to only serve Christians in my God-centred Business?

One of the questions I hear a lot is whether you need to only serve Christians in order to have a God-centred business. And while it's true that many Christian entrepreneurs choose to only work with other Christians, it's not the only way forward!

Today, we're chatting about whether you can still have a God-centred business if you work with non-Christians. I've got a few things for you to think about as you decide what works for you in your business!

Happy Listening!


Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation

Tue, 29 Aug 2023 00:00:00 -0700
95 // Is Copywriting Manipulative? My Thoughts on Using Psychology In Your Biblical Marketing Plan

I heard someone say recently that they don't like copywriting because it's a manipulative way to sell. And as a copywriter who also built a whole business around teaching people 'non-sleazy' ways to sell, it really got me thinking. Is copywriting truly manipulative? Is it just another 'sleazy marketing tactic' used to sell things people don't need to people who don't really want them? In today's episode, I'm exploring this question and sharing my thoughts on using psychology to sell. I'm reflecting on whether this is biblical and at what point things may cross a line into being manipulative.

Happy Listening!


Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation

Tue, 22 Aug 2023 06:42:19 -0700
94 // Finding Peace In Your Business With Social Media Boundaries. A Conversation with Amy Stout.

For so many of us, social media is a necessary part of our business. And while some of us love using the platforms, for others it can be a source of stress, comparison, distraction, and depression.

When these apps are designed to keep you addicted, it's hard to not fall prey to their tactics and it's all too easy to be swept in and trapped. That's why I brought Amy Stout on to the podcast today. She is the founder of Abide and The Peaceful Entrepreneur, and it's her mission to bring entrepreneurs more peace in their businesses.

Join us for a conversation around finding peace with social media, boundaries, and what we can do to stay in control of our time and emotions so we don't get stressed out by social media. It's a great conversation!

Happy Listening!


Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation

Connect with Amy:

website: abidewithpeace.com

Instagram: @abidewithpeace and @thepeacefulentrepreneur

Podcast: https://abidewithpeace.com/podcast

The Free Business Braindump Worksheet: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/632db3287a59217f23255c70

Additional Resources:

Chasing Simple Marketing: https://www.amazon.com/Chasing-Simple-Content-Marketing-Business/dp/B0CBQBKR2M/

Tue, 15 Aug 2023 00:00:00 -0700
93 // Simplify Your Services Page for a Website that Makes an Impact

If you're a coach or service provider, the services page is one of the most important parts of your website. It's where people go to learn what you offer and how they can hire you.

I've worked on a lot of services pages over the years as a copywriter, and I've learned that it's super common to overwhelm your readers on this page. You're trying to provide your ideal client with all the information they need to make a decision, but the problem is, it's just too much!

So in this episode, I'm sharing my top tips for how to simplify your services page. It's going to make your page so much more effective and make it easier for your ideal clients to say yes to your offers!

Happy Listening!


Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation

Tue, 08 Aug 2023 00:00:00 -0700
92 // How to Use Your Story To Make an Impact and Grow Your Business

Storytelling is an easy and powerful way to connect with your ideal clients. And in today's episode, I'm breaking down exactly why that is and some of the best types of story you can start sharing today!

Today's episode comes from the Bibles, Babies, and Business Podcast, hosted by Camie Wilke. She recently had me on as a guest and the episode was too good to not share with you! So dive in as we chat about storytelling and connecting with your ideal clients!

Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation

Connect with Camie:

Podcast: Bibles, Babies, and Business Podcast

Connect on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/camie.wilke/

Free Get More Clients Training: https://www.camiewilke.com/free-training

Tue, 01 Aug 2023 00:01:00 -0700
91 // Are You Following God’s Lead And Trusting Him With Your Business Plan? Coaching with Derrika.

The beauty of being an entrepreneur is the freedom to pursue different ideas and follow your passions! But those new ideas can be such a huge source of distraction if you aren't letting God lead you and trusting Him in your business.

Do one thing at a time. That's the advice I had for Derrika when she came to me for coaching on her business transition. In this coaching episode, we chat about how to transition your business, integrating new ideas and business ventures, and trusting God's plan for your business. It's a great and encouraging episode!

Happy Listening!


Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation

Tue, 25 Jul 2023 10:54:22 -0700
90 // 6 Spiritual Practices to Strengthen Your Christian Business

You'd take a course or set aside time to learn new skills so you can serve your customers well. But how often do you spend time strengthening your faith?

And I'm not just talking about spending time with God every day. That's important, but it's not what I'm talking about today. I'm talking about spiritual disciplines, spiritual practices. Things that stretch and grow our faith beyond our daily quiet time.

In today's episode, I'm taking you through 6 spiritual practices to start implementing in your life to strengthen your faith and your business. I do these as often as I am able and I love getting to connect with God in all of these different ways!

Happy Listening!


Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation

Tue, 18 Jul 2023 00:00:00 -0700
89 // Do These 5 Things Before You Dive into Facebook Ads

I see so many people diving into facebook ads super early in their business. And don't get me wrong, paid advertising is a huge benefit for scaling your business. But if you dive into them too soon and unprepared, you could end up with a huge hole in your pocket and nothing to show for it.

So before you start running ads on facebook, I've got 5 things you need to do so you can set yourself up for success!

Happy Listening!


Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation

Fri, 14 Jul 2023 00:00:00 -0700
88 // I’m Leaving Instagram... And I’m Totally at Peace. The Truth Behind Partnering With God in Your Business.

I finally left Instagram. Seems silly just as the app is expanding, right? But that's just what partnering with God can feel like sometimes. He asks us to step out in faith. But I know that whatever God asks me to do, it's for His Kingdom and it's in my best interest.

Join me in today's episode where I share my journey towards making this decision and why I'm totally at peace getting off Instagram. I hope this encourages you as you wrestle with hard decisions in your business.

Happy Listening!


Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation

Tue, 11 Jul 2023 00:00:00 -0700
87 // 4 Simple Phrases to Help You Organize Your Thoughts as a Multi Passionate Kingdom Entrepreneur

Do you consider yourself multi-passionate? Have tons of amazing ideas for your business but no idea how to organize them all? Or perhaps you find yourself getting sidetracked super easily because you want to pursue all your ideas at the same time.

I totally get it. As someone who always has a ton of fun ideas for her business, I understand how distracting those new ideas can be! But let me tell you, it's not helpful to get off course by pursuing something new all the time. You need a system to keep your ideas organized so you can add them into your business when the time is right.

In today's episode, I've got 4 simple phrases to help you organize all your ideas. I find this system super helpful myself and allows me to focus on the things God calls me to without getting off track all the time.

Happy Listening!


I use meistertask for my business systems and organization! Get started for free.

Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation

Fri, 07 Jul 2023 00:00:00 -0700
86 // Prayer of Protection Over Your Kingdom Business

The enemy comes to destroy everything that is connected to the goodness of God. Is your business protected against these attacks?

Today, I have a simple prayer of protection to pray over your business. Listen to this whenever you need to pray protection, or use it to be inspired to create your own prayer of protection.

Happy Listening!


Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation

Tue, 04 Jul 2023 10:25:19 -0700
85 // Elevate Your Brand & Marketing Strategy with Graphic Design. A Conversation with Jacqui Naunton.

It takes less than 7 seconds to make an impression. So what impression are your business graphics leaving? We are in a super visual world, and as a business owner, your social media profile is now your shop window. So of course, you want your shop window to be inviting and show to people that you mean business. But if you're like me, graphic design is NOT your gift, so it can be tricky to figure out exactly how to create good designs that actually look great. That's where Jacqui Naunton comes in. On today's podcast, Jacqui and I chat about why graphic design is so important, and she's got a super simple model to help you start thinking more strategically about your brand!

Happy Listening!


Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation

>> It's time to celebrate!! Grow Your Christian Business is turning 1 year old and it's time to party 🥳 We are running a mega sale on A Firm Foundation, plus there are giveaways to snag up throughout the week.

As a huge thank you for making this podcast everything it is, you can get 25% off A Firm Foundation through July 2nd. Head over to www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation to save $375 cad!! Pay in full to secure a bonus 60-minute 1:1 call with me (valued at $150 cad)

I also have a giveaway running all week long. Follow these steps to enter:

1. Leave a review for the show (or take a screenshot of you listening to the show). 2. Take a screenshot of your review or of you listening and share it to your IG stories or to my Facebook Group 3. Use the hashtag #5kparty and tag me (@sarah.beisel)

You will get one entry for sharing in my group and one entry for sharing on IG.

The winner will receive a free 60-minute breakthrough session with me (valued at $150!). And I have some secret prizes that will be revealed later in the week! I can't wait to celebrate with you

Fri, 30 Jun 2023 00:00:00 -0700
84 // Prepare for the Long-Term Plan without Sacrificing Your Business in the Short Term. Live Coaching!
Playing the long game is what it takes to be successful in business decades into the future. But we can't be so wrapped up in the long-term plan that we forget our current needs. After all, we've got bills to pay! But in the same stroke, we can't be so focused on the wins of today that we sacrifice our future. So how do we balance these two competing needs? In this coaching episode, I chat with Desiree as she seeks my support planning her marketing strategy for her coaching program. We discuss her transition from 1:1 coaching to a group program, and how to prepare for her long-term vision while still working to sell out her program in the present. This is a fun one! Happy Listening! Sarah Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation

>> It's time to celebrate!! Grow Your Christian Business is turning 1 year old and it's time to party 🥳 We are running a mega sale on A Firm Foundation, plus there are giveaways to snag up throughout the week.

As a huge thank you for making this podcast everything it is, you can get 25% off A Firm Foundation through July 2nd. Head over to www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation to save $375 cad!! Pay in full to secure a bonus 60-minute 1:1 call with me (valued at $150 cad)

I also have a giveaway running all week long. Follow these steps to enter:

1. Leave a review for the show (or take a screenshot of you listening to the show). 2. Take a screenshot of your review or of you listening and share it to your IG stories or to my Facebook Group 3. Use the hashtag #5kparty and tag me (@sarah.beisel)

You will get one entry for sharing in my group and one entry for sharing on IG.

The winner will receive a free 60-minute breakthrough session with me (valued at $150!). And I have some secret prizes that will be revealed later in the week! I can't wait to celebrate with you

Tue, 27 Jun 2023 00:00:00 -0700
83 // Your Facebook Group Strategy Isn’t Working Because You Don’t Understand the Customer Journey

I just finished the most amazing workshop on facebook group strategy today, and I felt led to share a small portion of it with you on the podcast.

So many people are not using facebook groups correctly. There are loads of coaches that teach you to sell, sell, sell, in these groups, but that advice is outdated and simply doesn't work anymore. And in reality, it's far more likely to get you kicked out of a group these days.

Today's episode shares one very important factor to consider when building your facebook group strategy. You need to know this whether you have your own group or just use other people's groups to grow your business.

Plus, I have some special announcements for you if you tune in to the episode! You're not going to want to miss out on this!

Grab your 30 days of service challenge --> sarahbeisel.com/30daysofservice

Happy Listening!


Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation

>> It's time to celebrate!! Grow Your Christian Business is turning 1 year old and it's time to party 🥳 We are running a mega sale on A Firm Foundation, plus there are giveaways to snag up throughout the week.

As a huge thank you for making this podcast everything it is, you can get 25% off A Firm Foundation through July 2nd. Head over to www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation to save $375 cad!! Pay in full to secure a bonus 60-minute 1:1 call with me (valued at $150 cad) I also have a giveaway running all week long. Follow these steps to enter:

1. Leave a review for the show (or take a screenshot of you listening to the show).

2. Take a screenshot of your review or of you listening and share it to your IG stories or to my Facebook Group

3. Use the hashtag #5kparty and tag me (@sarah.beisel)

You will get one entry for sharing in my group and one entry for sharing on IG.

The winner will receive a free 60-minute breakthrough session with me (valued at $150!). And I have some secret prizes that will be revealed later in the week! I can't wait to celebrate with you

Fri, 23 Jun 2023 15:40:42 -0700
82 // Are You Radically Committed to your God-Given Identity?

Too many of us are afraid to show up as our complete selves. We worry about what others might think, and are afraid that if we say the wrong thing, we'll lose out on business opportunities. I'm here today to share just how wrong that is. In today's episode, I'm breaking down my most popular email in my welcome sequence. This email is a radical commitment to my God-Given identity, and as a result, it's actually one of the best emails I send out.

Dive in with me to learn why this email is so powerful, and why bold commitment to who you are is the best way forward in your business!

Happy Listening!


Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation

--> Want to learn how to monetize facebook groups? Join me for Facebook Group Fellowship! This 90-minute workshop will teach you how to set your own facebook group up for success, AND share my top strategies and tips for finding clients in other people's groups. Get signed up at sarahbeisel.com/workshop

Tue, 20 Jun 2023 10:46:37 -0700
81 // How Podcasting Helps Accelerate Your Business Growth. A Conversation with Andria Singletary

You know I'm a huge fan of podcasting. It's become my favourite marketing strategy and it's the thing I look forward to most in my business. And the best part is that it WORKS.

And here to talk about just how well it works and why is Andria Singletary. Andria is a podcast coach and strategist and host of the Mama Turned Mompreneur Podcast. We have a great conversation about our podcasting journeys, our reasons why we love podcasting, and just how beneficial it can be to implement into your marketing strategy.

Get ready to feel inspired to start your own podcast!

Happy Listening!


Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation

--> Want to learn how to monetize facebook groups? Join me for Facebook Group Fellowship! This 90-minute workshop will teach you how to set your own facebook group up for success, AND share my top strategies and tips for finding clients in other people's groups. Get signed up at sarahbeisel.com/workshop

Fri, 16 Jun 2023 00:00:00 -0700
80 // The Attitude Shift You Need to Make In Your Faith-Based Business Before You’ll Ever See Success

How many times have you felt like giving up in your business? I get it, there are seasons of intense frustration and we can wonder if this is even the path God is calling us to.

I'm coming to you today with some encouragement for you, friend. When you feel like giving up, when you feel frustrated because nothing seems to be working. Listen to this and be reminded of a small, simple tweak in your mindset to help you see success.

Happy Listening!


Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation

--> Want to learn how to monetize facebook groups? Join me for Facebook Group Fellowship! This 90-minute workshop will teach you how to set your own facebook group up for success, AND share my top strategies and tips for finding clients in other people's groups. Get signed up at sarahbeisel.com/workshop

Tue, 13 Jun 2023 00:00:00 -0700
79 // Use This One Hack to Sell Every Day Without Being Pushy. Biblical Marketing Series: 6 - Invitation

9 times out of 10, when someone joins my facebook group they tell me their biggest struggle is not knowing how to sell without feeling pushy. It seems like this is a big problem amongst Christian Entrepreneurs.

Join me for our final episode of the Biblical Marketing Series. We've been diving into my Biblical Marketing Framework and we've reached the finall pillar: Invitation.

I've got some thoughts to share with you about selling. I promise, you're overthinking it. Take a listen and go on a journey with me today as I speak some TRUTH over you.

Happy Listening!


Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation

Sun, 11 Jun 2023 00:11:00 -0700
78 // You’re using Facebook groups completely wrong. How to really make money from facebook groups. Biblical Marketing Series: 5 - Fellowship

Y'all, I have a lot of thoughts about community. People are using facebook groups completely wrong and it breaks my heart. There is so much potential for growing your business through facebook groups, but I see so many of you passing up this amazing opportunity!

Grab a coffee and join me for today's episode, part 5 of our Biblical Marketing Series. I'm spilling the tea on how you should really be using facebook groups to make money in your business.

It's a good one. Probably one of my favourite episodes yet.

Grab my Facebook Group challenge, 30 Days of Service: www.sarahbeisel.com/30daysofservice

Sign up for the Facebook Group Fellowship Workshop: www.sarahbeisel.com/workshop

Happy Listening!


Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation

Sat, 10 Jun 2023 00:04:00 -0700
77 // Why You Should Teach Your Audience In Parables. Biblical Marketing Series: 4 - Testimony

Jesus taught in parables all the time. It was a hallmark of his ministry and something we still study and learn from today. There's a reason his parables were so impactful.

Join me today for the fourth episode of the Biblical Marketing Series! I'm bringing you 6 juicy episodes this week where I'm chatting you through my biblical marketing framework.

Today, I'm breaking down why storytelling is so important for your business. It's one of the most powerful things you can add into your marketing strategy. Your audience NEEDS your parables!

Get more storytelling prompts here: https://sarahbeisel.com/storytellingprompts

Happy Listening!


Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation

Fri, 09 Jun 2023 00:00:00 -0700
76 // 2 Reasons Your Content Isn’t Working and How to Fix It. Biblical Marketing Series: 3 - Ministry

Content is the foundation of your online business. So it's essential you know how to create content people actually care about. It's why we get so frustrated when we don't see our content performing well, and we wonder what's going on!

Join me today for the third episode of the Biblical Marketing Series! I'm bringing you 6 juicy episodes this week where I'm chatting you through my biblical marketing framework.

Today's topic? Content! I'm breaking down why content is your ministry inside your business, and I'm going to share with you two reasons why your content may not be working for you. This will help you figure out where you might be going wrong so you can fix the issues and create content that people actually love!

Happy Listening!


Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation

Thu, 08 Jun 2023 00:00:00 -0700
75 // Get Clear on Who God Called You to Serve So You Can Make More Money! Biblical Marketing Series: 2 - Calling

God has a group of people specifically picked out for you to serve. He's given you a calling. It's up to you to connect with Him to learn who that is, and then get to know that person like the back of your hand!

Join me today for the second episode of the Biblical Marketing Series! I'm bringing you 6 juicy episodes this week where I'm chatting you through my biblical marketing framework.

In today's episode, we're chatting about how to get clear on who God called you to serve. I'm pulling back the cover on the topic of niches and what to do to know your ideal client intimately.

Happy Listening!


Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation

Wed, 07 Jun 2023 00:00:00 -0700
74 // Are You Living Out Your Identity as a Christian Entrepreneur? Biblical Marketing Series: 1 - Identity

Your brand voice is the most important thing to get clarity on as a business owner. It should take priority over your offer, over your audience, over your sales strategy, everything. Because if you're not clear on your brand identity, you don't really have a business.

Join me today for the first episode of the Biblical Marketing Series! I'm bringing you 6 juicy episodes this week where I'm chatting you through my biblical marketing framework.

In part 1, we're taking a look at what your brand identity is and why it's so important, and we'll talk about the most important step to getting clarity on your voice.

Be sure to grab your biblical marketing blueprint if you haven't already so you can follow along with each episode!

Happy Listening!


Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation

Tue, 06 Jun 2023 00:00:00 -0700
73 // Worried That Selling Is Sleazy and Pushy? 3 Biblical Principles to Sell With Authenticity

I hear it all the time: "I'm afraid to sell because I don't want to sound sleazy." "I don't want to talk about my offer, what if I come across as pushy?"

Listen, I get it. You find selling uncomfortable. But friends, there is NOTHING in the bible that says you can't tell people about your offer. In fact, by following these 3 biblical principles, you can guarantee you sell in a way that feels amazing to both you and your audience!

Join me in this episode as I take you through 3 biblical principles that will help you sell with authenticity. This episode will give you a confidence boost and help you feel at peace when you talk about your offers!

Happy Listening!


Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation

Fri, 02 Jun 2023 00:00:00 -0700
72 // ”Should I Start A Facebook Group?” 6 Tips For Starting Your Own Community.

I get so many questions about facebook groups from my students and members of my community. So in today's episode, I'm answering one of the biggest ones: "should I start my own facebook group?"

It's very popular advice to tell people to start facebook groups, but it's not always the right move for everyone. So I'm going to help you figure out if a facebook group is the right decision for your business. Once we've figured that out, I've got 6 tips to help you start your own community and get it off to a great beginning!

Happy Listening!


Grab your 30 days of service plan: www.sarahbeisel.com/30daysofservice

Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation

Tue, 30 May 2023 00:00:00 -0700
71 // How to Stay Organized and Feel at Peace as a Busy Christian Mompreneur. A Conversation With Desireé Robinson.
You wake up and start tackling your work tasks for the day, only to be disturbed by the baby waking up. So you head to take care of the baby and realize the laundry never got folded. You quickly fold the laundry and get back to work only to get sidetracked by all of the random to-do's on your list. And it doesn't stop there. Your whole day is filled with this back and forth, disorganised chaos. You end the day feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. Oh, and you never got to those business tasks you started out doing in the early hours of the morning. If that sounds anything like you, you'll really love today's guest episode with Desireé Robinson! She's passionate about helping Christian mompreneurs create a peaceful, balanced life through building habits and routines. I brought her on the podcast to chat about her timeblocking method and how it helps her manage her home and her business without feeling burned out. Happy Listening! Sarah Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation Connect with Desiree: Website: www.unprocessedmomma.info FB Group: https://m.facebook.com/groups/490669698120001/?ref=share&mibextid=S66gvF Instagram: @unprocessedmommadesireé Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/wholistic-lifestyle-homemaker-mom-life-balance-schedules/id1586917703 Stress free cleaning schedule - https://mailchi.mp/db3b11ac71ea/cleaningschedule
Fri, 26 May 2023 09:57:17 -0700
70 // How to Plan Out Your Content So You Never Run Out of Ideas Again! Live Coaching with Sarah Moffat
Do you ever find yourself trying to create content and coming up with nothing? You know you need to post something but you've got no ideas for what to share? I'm going to help you solve those problems in today's live coaching episode! I sat down with Sarah who needed help writing content when she was feeling uninspired. We chatted about my content mapping system, how to brainstorm ideas, and how to keep everything organized once those ideas are flowing! Happy Listening! Sarah Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation
Tue, 23 May 2023 21:09:56 -0700
69 // Are you prioritizing the right people in your faith-based marketing plan?
Who should you prioritize in your business? Your clients, or your leads? Most people would answer "clients, obviously!" But I'm here to offer you a different perspective. In this episode, I'm sharing with you personal experiences I had with two very different churches. The good and the bad. It's going to help you understand exactly where so many business owners go wrong when it comes to who to focus their attention on. Don't forget, our next workshop, Fellowship, is right around the corner! Come and learn how to build solid relationships with your audience so they feel seen and heard, leading to them buying from you! Get all the details and sign up at sarahbeisel.com/workshop Happy Listening! Sarah Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation
Fri, 19 May 2023 00:00:00 -0700
68 // How to choose the right niche so your Christian business can stand out and be profitable
When you create a business, you need to deicde who you serve and how you're going to help them. But choosing this niche can fill our heads with all sorts of doubts... "is this too broad?" "will there actually be enough people in this group to make money?" It can leave us wondering if we chose the right niche and how to get that balance right. In today's episode, I share a sneak peak into one of the coaching calls inside A Firm Foundation. We had a great conversation about niches and you'll hear me help 3 students get clear on what their niche should be. If you've ever wondered what it's like to work with me, this is a great episode to tune into! Don't forget, our next workshop, Fellowship, is right around the corner! Come and learn how to build solid relationships with your audience so they feel seen and heard, leading to them buying from you! Get all the details and sign up at sarahbeisel.com/workshop Happy Listening! Sarah Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation
Tue, 16 May 2023 00:00:00 -0700
67 // How to plan your week as a busy Christian entrepreneur - Part 2: What you should be doing every week to move the needle in your business
Welcome to part 1 of our organization mini-series! When you're growing your business, it can get so overwhelming trying to keep track of everything that needs to get done. You need to serve your clients, find new ones and create content, all while maintaining your website, budgeting and invoicing, planning your events, and does the list ever end?? So in this 2 part series, I'm breaking down how to organize your week for a productive and successful business. In this episode, part 2, I'll share what it is I do each week to run and grow my business. I'm breaking down the 3 categories of work I do and what that actually involves. These are the exact steps I take to move the needle and make money in my business. Make sure to go back and listen to part 1! I shared HOW to stay organized. I'll share the methods I use to plan my week as well as my 3 favourite tools to keep track of everything. Get 15% off a Horacio Planner with code SARAH15 Get Meistertask for your task management: https://www.meistertask.com/?r=1262482 Happy Listening! Sarah Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation
Fri, 12 May 2023 00:00:00 -0700
66 //How to plan your week as a busy Christian entrepreneur - Part 1: How to organize everything you need to get done
Welcome to part 1 of our organization mini-series! When you're growing your business, it can get so overwhelming trying to keep track of everything that needs to get done. You need to serve your clients, find new ones and create content, all while maintaining your website, budgeting and invoicing, planning your events, and does the list ever end?? So in this 2 part series, I'm breaking down how to organize your week for a productive and successful business. This episode, part 1, will take you through HOW to stay organized. I'll share the methods I use to plan my week as well as my 3 favourite tools to keep track of everything. Make sure to join me for part 2, where I'll share what it is I do each week to run and grow my business. Get 15% off a Horacio Planner with code SARAH15 Get Meistertask for your task management: https://www.meistertask.com/?r=1262482 Happy Listening! Sarah Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation
Tue, 09 May 2023 00:00:00 -0700
65 // Don’t Know How to Get in Front of Your Target Audience? 4 Questions to Help You Figure Out Where to Be Sharing About Your Offer!

Sometimes the reason we're not seeing success in our business is simply down to the fact that we're not getting our message in front of the right people. But thankfully it's a super simple thing to fix!

Today, I've got 4 questions to help you get your offers in front of your target audience. These questions will help you get clarity on you and your avatar in a way that will make it clear to you where you should be showing up!

Happy Listening!


Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation

Fri, 05 May 2023 00:01:00 -0700
64 // 3 Lessons After 3 Years as a Christian Entrepreneur

May marks 3 years since I started my business! And what an incredible journey it's been. So today, I thought I would share with you the 3 most important things I've learned over the past 3 years.

I pray this episode can be a source of encouragement, reassurance, and inspiration as you walk your own business journey!

Happy Listening!


Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation

Tue, 02 May 2023 00:00:00 -0700
63 // How to Partner With God in Your Business

As Christian entrepreneurs, we get God as a business partner, how amazing is that!! But how do we actually go about partnering with Him in our business? It's actually much easier than you think.

Come with me in today's episode as I walk you through all the steps I take to make sure I'm partnered with God.These steps are super simple and make sure I'm in constant communication with Him!

Happy Listening!


Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation

Fri, 28 Apr 2023 00:00:00 -0700
62 // How Podcasting Helps You Get in Front of the Right Audience. A Conversation With Sarah Moffat
You know I'm a big fan of podcasting. It's the BEST way to market your business, whether you have your own or just get on other people's as guests. It's so helpful for getting in front of the RIGHT people and connecting with your ideal client! Today's episode features Sarah Moffat. She's a podcast manager and she's here to spill the beans on exactly why podcasting and podcast guesting is such a powerful marketing tool, AND how to get yourself featured on other people's podcasts. We also chat about her business journey and how clearly God has been laying the path down for her! Happy Listening! Sarah Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com Get your ticket to my storytelling workshop, Testimony! It's happening April 28th at 9am pst. Tickets are $35 CAD. Sign up at sarahbeisel.com/workshop Ready to take the next step and implement a bible-based marketing plan in your business? Join me in my program, A Firm Foundation. Let's grow your business and get you more impact and income! www.sarahbeisel.com/firmfoundation ABOUT SARAH MOFFAT Sarah Moffat is a podcast manager, launch strategist, and Daughter of the most high King. She and her husband, Billy, help eliminate the guesswork from the technical side of podcast launching and management, so their clients can focus on what they do best: create and empower others with their voices. While Sarah handles the behind-the-scenes duties of podcasting – uploading, scheduling, and writing show notes – Billy edits your episodes and creates custom intro music to help set your podcast apart from the sea of stock music. While Sarah isn't helping faith-based entrepreneurs manage their podcasts, you can find her volunteering at Meals on Wheels with Billy, or curled up on the couch reading a good book. Website: https://www.musicalcrimeproductions.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/musicalcrimeproductions/
Tue, 25 Apr 2023 00:00:00 -0700
61 // 3 Types of Story Every Christian Entrepreneur Should Share in Their Content

You will never get me to stop talking about how beneficial storytelling is for your business. I'm back with more juicy storytelling tips for you! In today's episode, I break down 3 types of story you absolutely need to be sharing in your business.

These prompts will help you connect with your audience. They will help you stand out and get them excited to work with you. Let's dig in and get tactical with these storytelling prompts!

Happy Listening!


Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Get your ticket to my storytelling workshop, Testimony! It's happening April 28th at 9am pst. Tickets are $35 CAD. Sign up at sarahbeisel.com/workshop

Fri, 21 Apr 2023 00:00:00 -0700
60 // Say ”NO” more in your Christian business... but not in the way you think!

Saying "no" is never easy, especially for the people pleasers of the world! But I've got a story for you today about just how important it is to keep those boundaries in place. We need to learn to say no as clients, but also as coaches and service providers.

It can be super scary to put ourselves into that position, but with what I'm about to share with you, you'll understand just how important it is. So grab a coffee and dig in to this story with me!

Happy Listening!


Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Tue, 18 Apr 2023 00:01:00 -0700
59 // 5 Verses for Patience When You’re Struggling to Trust God’s Timing for Your Business Journey
Do you ever feel yourself comparing where you are in your business journey to everyone else you see around you? Do you find it hard to trust God's plan for you and wish that you could speed up the journey a little? Friend, patience is HARD! I get it! We live in an instant gratification world, and when we've got bills to pay and people doubting us, it's so tempting to want to rush to the end result and feel like we've "done it."So today, I want to encourage you. I've got 5 bible verses to help you be patient and trust in God's plan for your business journey. Happy Listening! Sarah Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com
Fri, 14 Apr 2023 00:00:00 -0700
58 // The Truth About Using a High-Ticket Sales Strategy in Your Christian Business. A Conversation With Camie Wilke.

If you've ever been afraid to raise your prices or charge 'large' amounts for your offer, this episode will be GOLD for you. I've invited Camie Wilke on to the podcast to chat about her high-ticket sales strategy. She has made over 6-figures from selling high-ticket coaching packages on instagram, and she's here to tell you the TRUTH about selling high-ticket offers. You're not going to want to miss this episode!

Happy Listening!


Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com


Podcast: Bibles, Babies, and Business Podcast

Connect on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/camie.wilke/

Free Get More Clients Training: https://www.camiewilke.com/free-training

Tue, 11 Apr 2023 00:00:00 -0700
57 // Generate 20+ Ideas for Your Content in 10 Minutes or Less With These 4 Steps!

There's nothing worse than staring at a blank page while you try to create content! So in today's super tactical episode, I've got 4 steps to end that headache and help you generate a TON of content ideas in under 10 minutes!

Happy Listening!


Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Fri, 07 Apr 2023 00:00:00 -0700
56 // Do you have the personality trait many Christian entrepreneurs have that gets in the way of them making money?
I LOVE personality tests! It's so interesting to learn about yourself and discover your strengths and weaknesses. My favourite test is the Big 5 Personality test, but there's one trait in the Big 5 that may actually be hurting your business! In this episode, I break down which trait you might have as a Christian woman that could be holding you back from making more money in your business. I've also got 4 tips to help you overcome this trait so you can show up as your whole, complete self and work WITH the way God made you and reach your full potential as a business owner. Happy Listening! Sarah Take the Big 5 Personality test for yourself: Understand Myself Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com
Tue, 04 Apr 2023 00:00:00 -0700
55 // 3 Ways You Can Improve Your Copywriting Today! A Conversation With Jennifer Breeze

Most people are SO CLOSE to having amazing copy in their business. They've got a solid foundation and just need a couple of pointers to take it from good to great. And the good news is that those little tweaks are super straight forward! You just need to know where to start.

So in today's episode, I have fellow copywriter Jennifer Breeze on the podcast to chat all things copywriting! She's got 3 simple tips to share with you that will help you improve your copywriting today!

Happy Listening!



Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: Faith-Filled Business | Facebook

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com


Jen is on a mission to Simplify Marketing for female entrepreneurs, and as a former Teacher & School Administrator—she is skilled at making complex ideas suddenly easy, fun, and DOABLE. Jen lives in Kentucky, USA with her husband, Pastor Mike, and their 2 young children. She balances homeschooling, entrepreneurship, and 15 years of sobriety by leaning on ice cream and the serenity prayer.

Connect with Jennifer: https://www.facebook.com/jennifer.shellhammer/ www.breezecopywriting.com https://www.instagram.com/jenniferbreezemarketing/

Show Up Tall: Simplified Marketing for Coaches & Consultants | Facebook

Fri, 31 Mar 2023 00:01:00 -0700
54 // Build trust and increase your conversion rates with this content strategy

When we're creating content for a lot of different platforms, groups, events, and for our services, it's tempting to want to copy-paste everything everywhere and call it a day. But it's important to remember that people don't always interact with us in the same way in all of these different places. In some places, our audience is brand new to us, and in others they have a much more intimate relationship with us.

In today's episode, I'm sharing a snippet from my recent workshop, Ministry, where I break down the concept of a content funnel, and why it's so important to use in your content strategy. You can use this to make sure you're connecting with your audience in the right way in all the different places you show up, which will build trust and increase your conversion rates!

Happy Listening! Sarah

Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

Tue, 28 Mar 2023 00:00:00 -0700
53 // 10 tools I use in my online business every day! Get organized this spring.

Spring is a great time to take a look at our productivity and get organized! It's a time where we feel a fresh energy and new life. But in case you haven't noticed, there are A LOT of options for tools and software to use in your business. It can be overwhelming to know what to use.

So today, I'm sharing with you 10 tools I could not live without. I use them almost every single day in my business to keep me organized!

If you want to check out any of this software for yourself, here's the list:

(some of these links are affiliate links. This means I earn a commission at no extra cost to you.)

  • Canva

  • calendly

  • voxer

  • podbean

  • sked social

  • kajabi

  • showit

  • bonsai

  • mindmeister

  • meistertask

  • Happy Listening!


    Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: Faith-Filled Business | Facebook

    Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 24 Mar 2023 12:01:29 -0700
    52 // 5 Things I Wish I Knew About Writing Content When I Started Building My Christian Business

    When I first started posting on social media for my business in 2020, I had no idea what I was doing. I put so much pressure on myself and tried to copy what everyone else was doing.

    It took me years to figure out how to actually show up well online. A lot of trial and error and a few mistakes along the way. But I've learned so much on this journey and there is so much I would do differently if I was starting over.

    If I could go back in time and share what I know now, I would tell myself 5 things to make content creation a heck of a lot easier. Take a peek at what those 5 things are in today's episode!

    Happy Listening!


    Register for the Ministry workshop! Create standout content that fulfils your business ministry, serves your audience well, and most importantly: sells! 27th March, 9am PST. www.sarahbeisel.com/workshop

    Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: Faith-Filled Business | Facebook

    Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Tue, 21 Mar 2023 10:40:59 -0700
    51 // Are ”I help” statements dead? My thoughts on having an elevator pitch and 3 tips to write one well
    I heard a coach recently talking about how "I help" statements weren't necessary. But everywhere you look, people are sharing these statements! So what's the big deal? Are "I help" statements really needed? Or are they just another thing that coaches tell us to create and then they sit there gathering dust? I'm sharing my thoughts on this on today's episode, and I don't hold back! Plus, I've got 3 tips to write an elevator pitch well so you'll know how to create an "I help" statement for your business!

    Happy Listening!


    Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: Faith-Filled Business | Facebook

    Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 17 Mar 2023 00:00:00 -0700
    50 // 4 steps to build a business that actually makes you money

    Ever wondered what steps you need to be taking to build a business that actually makes you money? Today, I'm bringing you a training I did in my friend Megan Corder's facebook group, Level Up Lounge.

    There's a lot of different advice about what you need to know to have a successful business. But really, all of that advice can be broken down into 4 simple parts. Listen in to hear these 4 key steps to grow a faith-filled business - GOD'S WAY!

    Happy Listening!


    Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: Faith-Filled Business | Facebook

    Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Tue, 14 Mar 2023 00:00:00 -0700
    49 // God’s calling is greater than anything! How God is using network marketing to fulfil His vision. A Conversation with Karissa Trecker
    When God calls, we must answer. This is exactly where Karissa found herself when she discovered the network marketing company, Mary and Martha. The Lord has given her a big, audacious vision for how to serve people and she is using her network marketing business to accomplish it! Join us for a conversation on network marketing and how God is using this amazing company to grow the Kingdom and bless people. Plus Karissa shares the vision God has given her for her business! Karissa Trecker is am a wife and mother of three, but most importantly a disciple of Jesus Christ. She works with Mary & Martha. Their vision & mission is to bring eternal hope & encouragement into every home every day and to build women up in faith & business. They provide inspirational products for your heart, home, table & kids. Their heart is to gather to equip the body of Christ to put the Lord and His word as top priority in every area of our lives. Shop her store: http://www.mymaryandmartha.com/beautyfromashes Join her facebook group: Beauty From Ashes w/Karissa Mary & Martha Consultant | Facebook Connect with Karissa on facebook: PhilipKarissa Trecker | Facebook

    Happy Listening!


    Join the Faith-Filled Business Facebook Community: Faith-Filled Business | Facebook

    Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 10 Mar 2023 00:00:00 -0800
    48 // How to Create a Powerful Sales Page That Makes Money. Live Coaching With Raina!

    For any coach or course creator, your sales page is the meat of your online business. It's where everyone goes to purchase your offer, and one day you'll want the process to be completely automatic.

    Because of this, sales pages are so important to get right. They're also one of the hardest pieces to do by yourself. This is where Raina needed my help. She has an amazing program that people are really benefiting from, but she didn't know exactly how to convey that value in her sales page.

    I coached her through the best structure for a sales page and we brainstormed some of the copy together! Now she's got a powerful sales page that takes her readers on a journey to build trust and authentic connection.

    Listen in and apply these tips to your own sales page!

    Happy listening!


    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your free copy of the Biblical Marketing Blueprint! My 6-step framework for selling your offers GOD's way: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Tue, 07 Mar 2023 22:26:21 -0800
    47 // Are you making this mistake in your bio? PSA to all Christian entrepreneurs!
    We're fixing some mistakes today on the podcast! I see so many people with bios or descriptions that aren't written correctly, and it's all because of one tiny error in the way they think about these pieces of copy. But I promise, it's a super easy mistake to make and super easy to fix. So hop on to the podcast today to learn what mistake people are making in their bio's and how to fix it!

    Happy listening!


    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your free copy of the Biblical Marketing Blueprint! My 6-step framework for selling your offers GOD's way: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 03 Mar 2023 00:00:00 -0800
    46 // I just joined a facebook group, now what? 10 post ideas to get rooted in facebook groups
    I recently did a survey in my facebook group, and most of the members said they wanted to engage more, but didn't know how. It's a pretty common problem. We know we should post in facebook groups, but we don't always know what to say. And if you're going to market your business on facebook, building relationships with people in facebook groups is a really fundamental part of that process. You need to know your way around groups so you can take advantage of everything they have to offer! So today, I'm going to solve that problem for you. I've got 10 post ideas to help you get rooted in facebook groups so you can start building deep connections with other members.

    Happy listening!


    PSSST! Did you sign up for February's workshop yet? Calling: Understanding the who at the heart of your God-given mission. Tickets are $35 CAD. Sign up at www.sarahbeisel.com/workshop

    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your free copy of the Biblical Marketing Blueprint! My 6-step framework for selling your offers GOD's way: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Tue, 28 Feb 2023 00:00:00 -0800
    45 // This 1 thing will forever change how you connect with your avatar! (this is the secret to creating messaging that converts)
    I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you can't connect with your ideal clients, you're going to have a really hard time selling your offers. You need to understand your avatar inside and out to know what their needs are so you can serve them well. There's a lot of advice out there on how to connect with your person, but I don't think you'll have ever heard of this method before. In today's episode, I've got 1 unconventional way you can get to know your ideal client and it will CHANGE how you connect with them.

    Happy listening!


    PSSST! Did you sign up for February's workshop yet? Calling: Understanding the who at the heart of your God-given mission. Tickets are $35 CAD. Sign up at www.sarahbeisel.com/workshop

    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your free copy of the Biblical Marketing Blueprint! My 6-step framework for selling your offers GOD's way: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 24 Feb 2023 00:00:00 -0800
    44 // What does it mean to be a good steward of your money? A conversation with Raina Olliver
    Ah money. Every Christian entrepreneur's *favourite* subject to discuss. But actually, you should get excited about the subject of money, because there's so much good that God can do with money. So let's talk about it. In today's episode, I have Raina Olliver on the podcast to talk about being a good steward of our money. She's got 3 things to help you change your attitude towards money and bring it into alignment with biblical truths. It's a fantastic conversation!

    Happy listening!


    Connect with Raina:



    Get her free video training: Discover why you can't earn more nor manage money well

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your free copy of the Biblical Marketing Blueprint! My 6-step framework for selling your offers GOD's way: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    PSSST! Did you sign up for February's workshop yet? Calling: Understanding the who at the heart of your God-given mission. Tickets are $35 CAD. Sign up at www.sarahbeisel.com/workshop

    Tue, 21 Feb 2023 00:00:00 -0800
    43 // Feeling stifled with your content? Try this one hack to rediscover freedom in your Christian business.
    Sometimes we just get in a content rut. You're uninspired, going through the motions, and everything just feels a bit... bleh... If you're feeling like you've lost your creative spark and are a little burned out from creating content, try out this one little hack to rediscover freedom in your content creation!

    Happy listening!


    PSSST! Did you sign up for February's workshop yet? Calling: Understanding the who at the heart of your God-given mission. Tickets are $35 CAD. Sign up at www.sarahbeisel.com/workshop

    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your free copy of the Biblical Marketing Blueprint! My 6-step framework for selling your offers GOD's way: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:00:00 -0800
    42 // How to create engaging content for your product-based business. Live Coaching with Jessica!

    Creating engaging content can sometimes feel like a challenge, especially when we're just getting started and have nothing to go on yet!

    This is what Jessica came to ask me about in our coaching session. She's a new business owner who hasn't created much content yet for her business, and needed some help getting ideas of what to post on social media for her product-based business.

    Whether you have a product, service, or do coaching, the things we discuss here will be helpful for your own content plan!

    Happy listening!


    PSSST! Did you sign up for February's workshop yet? Calling: Understanding the who at the heart of your God-given mission. Tickets are $35 CAD. Sign up at www.sarahbeisel.com/workshop

    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your free copy of the Biblical Marketing Blueprint! My 6-step framework for selling your offers GOD's way: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Tue, 14 Feb 2023 06:57:59 -0800
    41 // The number 1 way to authentically connect with your ideal clients so they trust you and want to buy from you
    Trust is the most important sales factor out there. Every investment, no matter how big or small, has some element of risk to it. "will they deliver on the results?" "Am I actually going to improve as a result of this?" "Is this just going to be a waste of my time and money?" It's completely natural for people to have those thoughts. But in order for them to overcome those thoughts and make a purchase, you have to help them trust you. So in today's episode, I'm sharing a super simple way to make that connection with your ideal clients so they'll easily trust you! This is something you can try out for yourself today!

    Happy listening!


    PS: Get in early on the Calling workshop! We'll be spending a whole hour on the topic of connecting with your ideal clients! Tickets are $35 CAD. Get signed up at sarahbeisel.com/workshop

    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your free copy of the Biblical Marketing Blueprint! My 6-step framework for selling your offers GOD's way: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 10 Feb 2023 00:02:00 -0800
    40 // 3 tips to show up confidently in your business as a woman of faith! A conversation with Lynsey Mahoskey.
    I've got a super special episode for you today friend! I invited Lynsey Mahoskey onto my podcast to talk about confidence. I've noticed that there's a lot of people I've connected with who have some fear or hesitancy in their business. They're worried people won't buy what they have to offer, afraid people might dislike their posts or think they're being too pushy by talking about their business. I hear you. Those thoughts are real and they suck. So in today's episode, I have a chat with Lynsey about how important it is for us to show up as ourselves. She's got 3 tips to share with you to help you gain more confidence! Happy Listening! Sarah Lynsey Mahoskey is a Confidence and Clarity Coach, wife, and mother of two crazy boys. She encourages women to live unapologetically and to show up as their most authentic selves online. Lynsey helps women understand that by stepping into their confidence they can get rid of the noise and find true clarity. Lynsey is the founder of Confidently YOU: a series of conferences, workshops, and summits that help women unlock their confidence, gain clarity, and unleash their power to live unapologetically! She is also an administrator of a large online network of female entrepreneurs in Utah, a future author and podcast host, and YOUR biggest hype woman! Connect with Lynsey: https://www.heyitslynsey.com/ https://www.instagram.com/heyitslynsey/ Grab her free self-care challenge! https://www.heyitslynsey.com/challenges

    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your free copy of the Biblical Marketing Blueprint! My 6-step framework for selling your offers GOD's way: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Tue, 07 Feb 2023 00:00:00 -0800
    39 // 4 things you need before you make any money in your biblical business
    There are 4 things every successful business knows. Without these pillars in place, you're going to find it real hard to make money and see the impact you're dreaming of. Join me for today's episode where I share the 4 foundations your business needs to grow. This is going to set you on the path to more success, profitability, and more FUN in your business! My new program, A Firm Foundation, is here! If you want to dive into these 4 pillars with me so we can create a solid foundation for your business to grow in impact and income, send me an email and let me know! Let's do this! hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Happy listening!


    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your free copy of the Biblical Marketing Blueprint! My 6-step framework for selling your offers GOD's way: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 03 Feb 2023 00:00:00 -0800
    38 // 4 Questions to ask yourself to determine which platform you should market your faith-based business on
    Let's ditch the idea that you need to be on certain platforms to be successful. Whoever told you that is wrong. You can be successful on any platform, social media or off social media. What matters more is aligning yourself to the platform that allows you to thrive. How do you do that? By picking a platform that matches your giftings. Today, I've got 4 questions for you to help you sort through the different places you could show up online to market your business. It's going to help give you clarity on where you should be investing your time!

    Happy listening!


    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your free copy of the Biblical Marketing Blueprint! My 6-step framework for selling your offers GOD's way: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Tue, 31 Jan 2023 00:00:00 -0800
    37 // Build a strong relationship with your email list. Coaching call with Jen!
    Email lists can sometimes feel super impersonal and one sided. And it can be hard to know what to do to build a good relationship with your subscribers in a way that feels easy and not spammy at the same time. This is what Jen wanted my help with in her coaching session. We chatted about different email marketing strategies and what kind of content to share in an email list to create genuine connections with her subscribers. Listen in and use these tips for yourself!

    Happy listening!


    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your free copy of the Biblical Marketing Blueprint! My 6-step framework for selling your offers GOD's way: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 27 Jan 2023 00:00:00 -0800
    36 // When God calls, you answer. 4 Lessons from Abraham.
    Do you ever feel like God's calling you to something, and your response is "you want me to do that right now? Can't it wait, I'm a little afraid" I'll be the first to raise my hand! It can be TERRIFYING when God calls us to things, especially if we don't feel prepared or it's something that seems so big and difficult. But when God calls, you answer. In today's episode, I'm sharing 4 lessons from Abraham to encourage you to be obedient in God's calling in your life and business.

    Happy listening!


    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your free copy of the Biblical Marketing Blueprint! My 6-step framework for selling your offers GOD's way: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Tue, 24 Jan 2023 00:01:00 -0800
    35 // The top reason people aren’t buying your offers as a Christian entrepreneur
    There are a lot of people out there struggling to make money. They're looking at their content and going: "people aren't buying from me. Nobody wants this thing. Nobody's signing up, nobody's liking my posts. Nobody says that they wanna work with me." I see this frustration A LOT. But here's the thing. It's probably not that your offer sucks. It's just the way you're communicating it! In today's episode, I'm breaking down the top reason you're struggling to get your offer to connect with your avatar. Fixing this one thing is going to help you sell so much easier! Happy Listening! Sarah There's still time to register for the Identity workshop! Come spend an hour with me as we get clear on your brand voice so you can step into the identity God created for you and see your impact and income grow! It's happening January 24th 2023. Tickets are $35 CAD. See you there! Sign up at sarahbeisel.com/workshop.

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your free copy of the Biblical Marketing Blueprint! My 6-step framework for selling your offers GOD's way: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 20 Jan 2023 00:00:00 -0800
    34 // How to create an authentic brand voice that connects with your ideal clients and makes you money. Coaching call with Michelle!

    The first and most important step towards growing your impact and income as a Christian business owner is to create a brand voice that truly reflects who you are. You can't skip this if you want to have a successful business! But it's not always easy to do. That's why Michelle asked me to help her with this on our coaching call! Listen in as we chat about how to determine what your brand voice is and how to know if it connects with your audience.

    Happy Listening!


    Register for the Identity Workshop! Step into who God created you to be and create a brand message that makes you money.

    January 24th 2023. Tickets are $35 CAD. Go to sarahbeisel.com/workshop to register!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your free copy of the Biblical Marketing Blueprint! My 6-step framework for selling your offers GOD's way: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Tue, 17 Jan 2023 00:00:00 -0800
    33 // 5 rules for creating powerful CTA’s that actually move the needle in your biblical business

    CTA's are one of the most important things in your business. They're what directs your audience to their next step in their journey.

    Although they're short, they're not always easy to do right. So today, I'm taking you through 5 rules for creating powerful CTA's that will actually move the needle in your business.

    Grab your notebook and get ready to jot these down!

    Happy listening!


    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your free copy of the Biblical Marketing Blueprint! My 6-step framework for selling your offers GOD's way: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 13 Jan 2023 00:00:00 -0800
    32 // Are you confusing your audience by making this one mistake?

    Is your audience confused by you? "Absolutely not" you say to me, but chances are, you may be doing something that's causing a little confusion in your business.

    Trust me, it's so easy to do, even when you have the best intentions. And I'll be the first to raise my hand and say that I've done this more than I'd like to admit.

    Join me in today's episode where I share with you one mistake you might be making right now in your business that's causing your audience to be confused, and as a result, you're missing out on precious sales and opportunities to connect with your people.

    Happy listening!


    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your free copy of the Biblical Marketing Blueprint! My 6-step framework for selling your offers GOD's way: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Tue, 10 Jan 2023 00:00:00 -0800
    31 // The 3 things your Lead Magnet needs to get sign ups and build your email list

    Lead magnets are an easy way to grow your audience. After all, who can resist a freebie?? But because this piece of work is one of the first things someone will experience in your business, it's crucial you get it right. In today's episode, I've got 3 tips to help you create a stunning lead magnet that people are excited to download. This will help you get people signed up to your email list and curious about what you offer! For email lists and funnels, I use flodesk! You can get 50% off your first year using the code "SARAHB50" at checkout. Or follow this link: https://flodesk.com/c/SARAHB50

    Celebrate 1,000 downloads with me!!! I have some epic prizes to give away. Here's how you can join the fun:

    Step 1: leave a review for the podcast and take a screenshot. (If you've already left a review, then share this podcast with a friend or on socials and take a screenshot.)

    Step 2: Come to my facebook group, Authentic Christian Entrepreneurs, and post your screenshot with the hashtag #1000downloads

    Here's what you could win:

    -- a 30-minute coaching session

    -- a 2023 workshop pass

    -- $350 off the cost of my brand new group coaching experience, 'A Firm Foundation', starting end of January (that's a 50% discount!)

    You can enter once a day until January 8th, so get sharing and get posting!!

    Happy listening!


    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your free copy of the Biblical Marketing Blueprint! My 6-step framework for selling your offers GOD's way: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 06 Jan 2023 00:00:00 -0800
    30 // 5 steps to growing your biblical business in alignment with your purpose. A conversation with Jeremy Reyes

    As Christian business owners, the number one thing we often focus on in our business is impact...purpose...calling. But it can sometimes feel like we are asked to choose between following that calling and being profitable. In today's episode, my guest Jeremy Reyes is here to challenge that thought and show you a better way to do business! We have a long conversation about how to grow your biblical business in alignment with your purpose, and how you can create a business that loves people AND makes money. You're going to need your notebook for this one! Grab a coffee and let's dive in together.

    Happy listening!


    Celebrate 1,000 downloads with me!!! I have some epic prizes to give away. Here's how you can join the fun:

    Step 1: leave a review for the podcast and take a screenshot. (If you've already left a review, then share this podcast with a friend or on socials and take a screenshot.)

    Step 2: Come to my facebook group, Authentic Christian Entrepreneurs, and post your screenshot with the hashtag #1000downloads

    Here's what you could win:

    -- a 30-minute coaching session

    -- a 2023 workshop pass

    -- $350 off the cost of my brand new group coaching experience, 'A Firm Foundation', starting end of January (that's a 50% discount!)

    You can enter once a day until January 8th, so get sharing and get posting!!

    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your free copy of the Biblical Marketing Blueprint! My 6-step framework for selling your offers GOD's way: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Jeremy Reyes is the founder of Purpose Beyond Profit. He helps people grow profitable brands that love people. Connect with him here:

    FB Group: www.facebook.com/groups/apurposebeyondprofit Website: apurposebeyondprofit.com Purpose Beyond Profit Assessment: https://fvh6pztrp3m.typeform.com/to/dLbxfq1k

    Tue, 03 Jan 2023 00:00:00 -0800
    29 // 5 Mistakes I Made in My Faith-Based Business 2022 and What I’ll Do Differently in 2023

    It's the end of 2022! And what better way to round the year out than to reflect on the last 12 months.

    Today, I'm sharing with you the 5 biggest mistakes I made in my Christian business this year, and what I'm going to be doing differently heading into 2023 so I don't make those same mistakes. I hope you can learn from my mess ups so you can skip the pain and setbacks I caused myself!

    Pick up your 2023 workshop pass! Access to every workshop I run throughout 2023: https://dashing-firefly-287.myflodesk.com

    Happy listening! Sarah Let's connect! Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity Grab your free copy of the Biblical Marketing Blueprint! My 6-step framework for selling your offers GOD's way: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 30 Dec 2022 00:00:00 -0800
    28 // Why Having a Clear Brand Identity Is a Non-negotiable as a Christian Entrepreneur

    Having a strong sense of your brand identity isn't just important, it's foundational for your faith-based business. How do I know this? In today's episode, I get vulnerable friend! I'm sharing a story from my childhood that will help you understand just how important your brand voice is, and why every coaching journey I start with my clients begins with this concept. You really don't want to miss this episode!! Pick up your 2023 workshop pass! Access to every workshop I run throughout 2023: https://dashing-firefly-287.myflodesk.com

    Happy listening! Sarah Let's connect! Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity Grab your free copy of the Biblical Marketing Blueprint! My 6-step framework for selling your offers GOD's way: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 23 Dec 2022 00:00:00 -0800
    27 // 4 steps to boost your productivity as a busy Christian entrepreneur. A conversation with Lynette Williams

    How often do you begin your week with good intentions and all of a sudden you've found yourself sidetracked with a hundred tasks and you end the week feeling like you've accomplished nothing? Or you begin to plan out your week and find yourself so overwhelmed by everything that needs done that you have no idea how you'll accomplish it all, let alone find time to take care of yourself? This week, my guest Lynette Williams is going to help you overcome these productivity nightmares with her foolproof system to help you get everything done while prioritising yourself! Grab a coffee and a pen because you're gonna want to take notes for this one!

    Don't forget to grab your 2023 workshop pass! It's your ticket to every workshop I'm running next year for one low payment. Grab your pass here: https://dashing-firefly-287.myflodesk.com

    Happy listening!


    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your free copy of the Biblical Marketing Blueprint! My 6-step framework for selling your offers GOD's way: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Lynette Williams is a homeschooling mama living her best life in Florida with her sweet hubby of 16 years and their 3 beautiful daughters. When she's not playing chauffeur between extracurricular activities she LOVES helping you monetize your Social Media, organize your business, and all-around save time doing #allthethings

    Get her free gift, Coffee and A Prayer: https://bit.ly/Coffeeandaprayerebook www.foolproofproductivity.com/contentgenerator https://shop.foolproofproductivity.com/products/profits-with-purpose

    Fri, 16 Dec 2022 00:00:00 -0800
    26 // Making money is biblical! What God really has to say about money. Matthew 25 bible study

    There are so many Christians out there with a fear of money. After all, the bible does warn us that money can easily become an idol. But the bible doesn't ever tell us that earning money is bad!

    In today's bible study episode, I dig into the parable of the talents from Matthew 25 and share 3 takeaways you need to reflect on in your biblical business.

    Happy listening!


    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your free copy of the Biblical Marketing Blueprint! My 6-step framework for selling your offers GOD's way: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 09 Dec 2022 00:00:00 -0800
    25 // What is biblical marketing? And why every Christian Entrepreneur NEEDS to follow this system

    I use the phrase "biblical marketing" a lot, but what does it actually mean? And why does it matter to Christian entrepreneurs? In today's episode, I am breaking down my 6-step framework for biblical marketing! This is the system I take my clients through in my 12-week coaching program. You can use this system in your business to get aligned with God's way of entrepreneurship so you can start seeing the impact and income He has set apart for you! Grab your free copy of biblical marketing blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint Pick up your 2023 workshop pass! Access to every workshop I run throughout 2023: https://dashing-firefly-287.myflodesk.com

    Happy listening! Sarah Let's connect! Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity Grab your free copy of the Biblical Marketing Blueprint! My 6-step framework for selling your offers GOD's way: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 02 Dec 2022 00:00:00 -0800
    24 // Are You Pursuing Short Term Goals or Long-Lasting Impact in Your Christian Business? Genesis 25 Bible Study!

    When the pressure is on and the bills are piling up, it can be tempting to focus on the here and now, today's problems and tomorrow's worries. But friend, if we are doing business for the Kingdom of God, we can't get caught up in the troubles of today! In this episode, I take a look at Genesis 25 and talk about why we have to keep the right perspective and focus on our long-term impact as Christian business owners! Register for my free workshop, Map Out Your Faith-Filled 2023, happening on December 1st: bit.ly/faith-filled2023

    Happy listening! Sarah Let's connect! Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity Grab your free copy of the Biblical Marketing Blueprint! My 6-step framework for selling your offers GOD's way: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 25 Nov 2022 00:00:00 -0800
    23 // How to Use Storytelling in Your Podcast Description to Connect With Your Ideal Client

    Everything you do in your business needs to connect with your ideal client. It's the only way to show that you can help them and that you have something valid to offer! But how do you build that strong connection with your audience? In this coaching episode, I help Rosie build storytelling into her podcast description so the right people can find her podcast and connect with her! We talk about the types of story you can share and how each of those stories are used in your business to relate to your audience in different, powerful ways! You don't want to miss this! Register for my free workshop, Map Out Your Faith-Filled 2023, happening on December 1st: bit.ly/faith-filled2023

    Happy listening! Sarah

    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your free copy of the Biblical Marketing Blueprint! My 6-step framework for selling your offers GOD's way: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 -0800
    22 // Short social media posts are dead! Here’s what to do instead

    Friends, I’m about to get controversial. Short social media posts are dead.

    You know the ones. The colour block posts. The ‘buy my thing before I make it paid’ offers. The ones that flood your feed and make you want to quit social media.

    I’m not shy to say that I don’t like these posts at all. And in today’s episode, I’m digging up the dirt on why these posts are not helpful for your business and what you should be doing instead to get genuine and authentic engagement on social media.

    Grab your free copy of the Biblical Marketing Blueprint!: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Happy listening! Sarah

    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your free copy of the Biblical Marketing Blueprint! My 6-step framework for selling your offers GOD's way: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 11 Nov 2022 00:00:00 -0800
    21// Are you following these 5 purposes of your Biblical Business?

    God has a purpose for your business friend. And as a Christian entrepreneur, it’s your responsibility to seek out that purpose and follow it!

    But on top of the calling and vision God has given you, there are some general purposes that we should seek to implement too. Today, I walk you through 5 purposes for your Biblical Business that you need to be following. These things will set you up for success and give you a solid biblical foundation to grow from!

    Grab your free copy of the Biblical Marketing Blueprint! à bit.ly/biblicalmarketingblueprint

    Happy listening! Sarah

    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your free copy of the Biblical Marketing Blueprint! My 6-step framework for selling your offers GOD's way: bit.ly/biblicalmarketingblueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 04 Nov 2022 00:00:00 -0700
    20 // 10 Things Every Successful Sales Page Has

    Sales pages are by far my favourite thing to write as a copywriter. But they are also one of the most challenging things to get right. (maybe that’s why I love them so much!)

    And if you’re trying to create your own sales page without a professional copywriter, it can feel pretty overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be!

    I took a look at every sales page I’ve ever written over the past few years for my clients and picked out the 10 things that every single one of them had in common. Use this list to help you write (or review) your own sales page and make sure your money maker is working for you!

    Happy listening! Sarah

    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 28 Oct 2022 06:00:00 -0700
    19 // 6 Questions You Need to Ask About Your Audience So You Can Connect With Them Better

    How well do you know your audience? It’s a tricky thing to do. It’s so easy to make assumptions about who our avatar is and what they want. (trust me, I’ve done this plenty!)

    If you really want to sell successfully, you need to have a deep understanding of your audience, and the easiest way to do this is through market research!

    So today, I’ve got 6 questions you need to ask about your audience so you can connect with them better. These questions are going to give you amazing insight into the real struggles your ideal client is facing right now so you can show up to serve them in the moment.

    Happy listening! Sarah

    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 21 Oct 2022 06:00:00 -0700
    18.5 // 5 Bible Verses to Guide Your Marketing Plan and Keep You Rooted in Faith

    I just love the bible, friend! And I will also be the first to admit that I don’t spend as much time reading the bible as I should. There is so much goodness in there that we can read it every single day and never be out of things to learn!

    And as I’ve been ramping up the time I spend in my bible, I have been reflecting on some of my favourite bible verses that I use in my business. So today, I decided to share them with you!

    I have 5 verses to guide your marketing plan. These will encourage you and keep you rooted in faith as you seek to grow your biblical business!

    Happy listening! Sarah

    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Tue, 18 Oct 2022 06:00:00 -0700
    18 // Are you making powerful decisions in your business? A conversation with Kayla Eggenberger

    We are fighting a battle friends. God has a beautiful calling for your life and business, and it’s going to take everything you are to live it out.

    But it’s not easy. And often, you might find yourself slipping into autopilot, letting the days roll by. I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve spent too much of my life in this mode. But we can choose to make a change and begin making powerful and purposeful decisions for our lives and businesses!

    In this episode, I sat down with Kayla Eggenberger, a Christian Life Coach and founder of Fruition Mindset. We had a deep conversation about powerful decision making and the difference it can have when we choose to show up for ourselves.

    I certainly found the conversation so helpful for myself, and I hope you will too!

    Kayla Eggenberger is a Christian Life Coach and founder of Fruition Mindset. For over a decade she’s been helping her clients ditch doubt, take action and achieve their goals. She specializes in helping brilliant Christian entrepreneurs go from stuck, frustrated, and overwhelmed to feeling brave, strong, and free as they experience the joy that comes from making powerful decisions and living their unique purpose.

    Find her everywhere!

    Podcast: www.fruitionmindset.com/podcast

    Website: www.fruitionmindset.com

    Freebie / The Super Simple Life Checkup: www.fruitionmindset.com/lifecheckup

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fruitionmindset/ Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/841017343531306

    Happy listening! Sarah

    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 14 Oct 2022 06:00:00 -0700
    17 // 3 Signs You Might Need a Copywriting Coach

    Have you ever wondered when the right time might be to invest in a copywriting coach? I’m gonna say something a little controversial here.

    It’s not always the right time to invest!

    But there will come a point (if you’re not already there) where you need to step up in faith and get some help with your marketing. And that’s what today’s episode is all about!

    I’ve got 3 signs to share with you to help you figure out if you need to invest in some copywriting help. If you are experiencing any (or all!) of these things, I encourage you to consider seeking support so you can get yourself unblocked!

    Happy listening! Sarah

    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 07 Oct 2022 06:00:00 -0700
    16 // 6 Tips to Be Confident on Your Next Sales Call

    Love ‘em or hate ‘em, sales calls are something EVERYONE knows about. And sometimes, they’re a necessary (and important) part of our sales process!

    I know how intimidating those calls can feel. I used to do them all the time when I focused on freelancing. I had a sales call before every single project and wouldn’t start any work without one. So I’ve learned a thing or two about how to have a sales call successfully.

    So on today’s episode, let’s talk about how to show up confidently on those calls! I’ve got 6 tips to help you nail your next sales call and take the fear out of the process!

    Happy listening! Sarah

    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 30 Sep 2022 06:00:00 -0700
    15 // How to Write Copy for Your Website So You Can Connect With Your Ideal Clients and Get Found on Google

    We’re back this week with another live coaching episode! I sat down with Sarah, a funnel builder and designer, to create copy for her website.

    We talked about:

    ✓ how to talk about what you do without the technical language

    ✓ digging in to the benefits of your offer (rather than just the surface-level details)

    ✓ and how to write copy for your website that will get you FOUND on Google

    You won’t want to miss this!

    Do you have questions about your website copy? Come over to my facebook community and get them answered! Join us at facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Special shout out this episode! I had the joy of working on this episode with Billy and Sara of @musicalcrimeproductions and they are just the best! If you're looking for podcast editing and management, please get in touch with them!

    Happy listening! Sarah

    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 23 Sep 2022 06:00:00 -0700
    14 // 3 Mindset Shifts You Need to Make to Improve Your Marketing Strategy

    It’s true, mindset is everything when it comes to running a business. And especially when you’re still trying to figure out that winning marketing strategy, it’s important that you stay focused and don’t let the setbacks hold you back.

    So today, we’re talking about 3 mindset shifts to make that will change your perspective on running your business and help you improve your marketing strategy.

    Want to dig more into mindset and the best way to show up on social media? Join my 7-day email challenge, Sell on Socials! I’m going to help you use your content to connect with your ideal clients and sell your offers with confidence!

    Sign up here: www.sarahbeisel.com/sellonsocials

    Happy listening! Sarah

    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 16 Sep 2022 06:00:00 -0700
    13 // My 3-Step Formula to Write Content That Actually Gets Engagement

    Ever had it happen to you? You put all this effort into creating your content, you post, and…. Nothing.

    Trust me when I say that it’s happened to everyone. But that doesn’t make it fun. But the good news is there’s a few things you can do to give your content its best chance at getting high engagement!

    I have a 3-step formula for your content so you know every time you post something, you’ve got all the pieces you need for people to read and engage!

    Happy listening! Sarah

    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 09 Sep 2022 06:00:00 -0700
    12 // Struggling to Come Up With Content Ideas? Try These 4 Brainstorming Tips!

    We’ve all been there… sat in front of a blank sheet of paper trying to figure out what to post about. If you’re feeling lost for ideas, this episode is for you!

    I’ve got 4 brainstorming tips to help you get through the moments where you’re totally stuck for content ideas. These are sure to get the juices flowing and give you some inspiration!

    Happy listening! Sarah

    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 02 Sep 2022 06:00:00 -0700
    11.5 // Are You Operating Your Business From Within Your Spiritual Gifts

    God has given you unique gifts and a specific calling for your business. But are you confident that you are operating your business within those giftings?

    This question is what I explore in this BONUS podcast episode. I wasn’t intending to record this, but I felt like this message needed to be shared.

    We dig into the spiritual gifts set out in 1 Corinthians 12 and in Romans 12 and I have 3 questions to help you discern whether you are using your gifts to fulfil God’s calling.

    Happy listening! Sarah

    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Tue, 30 Aug 2022 11:28:36 -0700
    11 // How to Write an Amazing Welcome Sequence That Will Blow Away New People on Your Email List

    Everyone tells you to build your email list, but once you’ve got the subscribers, then what? There’s nothing worse for your marketing plan than putting all the effort in to get people to sign up to your list, then just ghost them.

    You need a strong welcome for new subscribers to keep the energy up and help them feel like they’re part of your circle! Today, I’ll take you through the 3 emails you need to write an amazing welcome sequence.

    This is the same sequence I write for all my clients and what I teach to my students! You don’t want to miss this!

    Happy listening! Sarah

    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 26 Aug 2022 06:00:00 -0700
    10 // How to Make Money Online as an Introvert

    Introverts, this episode is for you!

    Have you ever felt like you couldn’t make money online because you’re too introverted? I used to feel that way sometimes. It seemed like the only way to show up online required a ton of my time and energy, and as an introvert, I couldn’t do that and constantly be at my best for people.

    But with a few simple tweaks, I was able to protect my energy and show up confidently! So if you’ve been feeling like I used to, this is the episode for you. I’ve got 6 quick tips to help you show up in a way that honours your introvert self!

    Happy listening! Sarah

    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 19 Aug 2022 06:00:00 -0700
    9 // How to Create a Funnel and Streamline Your Social Media Marketing

    Have you ever looked at your business and felt completely stuck when it comes to speaking to your target market and figuring out how to pick a niche?

    And even if you have those pieces figured out, how do you create a funnel so you can streamline your social media marketing and not having to show up in all the places all of the time?

    This is exactly where Shanik was getting held up in her business. So we hopped on a coaching call and I helped her sort through all her thoughts and we created a plan.

    Listen in to our coaching call in today’s episode. You’re getting a sneak peak into what coaching with me is like AND you’ll learn a thing or two about mastering the message you want to share with your audience.

    Happy listening! Sarah

    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 12 Aug 2022 06:00:00 -0700
    8 // 3 Reasons Why Social Media Marketing is Harder Than Ever... and 3 Ways to Overcome It and Increase Sales

    I have a love/hate relationship with social media marketing. It’s such a powerful tool for you to connect with people and grow your business, but these days it seems harder than ever to actually make any progress online.

    There are 3 reasons why I think social media marketing is becoming harder than ever before, and in today’s episode, I’m going to talk through what those are.

    But it’s not all doom and gloom! You can still have an incredibly successful business and increase sales on social media if you want to! So I’m also sharing 3 ways you can work WITH social media to get the traction and growth you want.

    Happy listening! Sarah

    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 05 Aug 2022 06:00:00 -0700
    7 // The Best Way to Share Your Why So You Can Easily Generate Leads

    You’ve heard it a hundred times:

    “share your why!”

    “tell people your why!”

    “people need to know why you started your business.”

    And they’re right.

    But HOW do you actually do that? In this episode, I’m going to share my favourite way to share your “why” with your audience and why this method is so powerful! This is the easiest way to generate leads for your business.

    Happy listening! Sarah

    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 29 Jul 2022 06:00:00 -0700
    6 // The WORST Cold Pitches I Ever Received! (And How to Improve Them so You Can Establish Good Business Relationships)

    If you rely on sending DM’s or cold pitching for your business, this episode is for you!

    I’ve not exactly hidden my opinion on random DM’s or cold pitches. I hate them. And full disclosure: I’ve been there, done that. I regret it, but I’m not gonna judge past me for not knowing any better.

    BUT. Cold pitching is a way that many people choose to build their business, and if it’s done correctly, you can avoid the sleazy, spammy feeling and make solid business relationships

    So today, I’m taking you through 4 of the worst cold pitches I’ve ever received from people. We’re going to talk about what makes them so bad AND some simple steps to improve them so you don’t make the same mistakes!

    Happy listening! Sarah

    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 22 Jul 2022 06:00:00 -0700
    5 // 6 Questions To Help You Get Clear on Your Brand Identity and Nail Your Marketing Plan

    Your voice is the most important thing you own. It’s also the thing that will make or break your business. People are gonna sign up to work with you because of who you are and your unique approach to their problems. So it’s more important than ever that you understand who you are so you can share it loud and proud with the world!

    Your brand identity is a non-negotiable as an entrepreneur. So in today’s episode, I share 6 questions that will help you get clear on your brand voice.

    You’re gonna get deep and personal with yourself, and it’s going to have a HUGE impact on your business. Once you’re clear on who you are, you can communicate so easily and confidently with your audience, potential customers, and your current clients. It’s going to take your marketing plan to the next level.

    For more brand voice questions -> https://view.flodesk.com/pages/616f646e74d564fa09f3fcfc

    Happy listening! Sarah

    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 15 Jul 2022 06:00:00 -0700
    4 // 6 Things You Need to Create a Story (You’ll Want These For Your Content Strategy!)

    So you wanna create a story, do you? Great! But how do you do that? Trust me, it’s not as complicated as it might seem. I believe everyone can write stories for their business, even if they’re “not a writer”.

    So in today’s episode, I’m giving you 6 things you need to create a story. You’ll want these for your content strategy! It’s going to turn that regular old content into a powerful narrative that people will just fall in love with!

    *this list originally comes from the book Sell with a Story by Paul Smith. It’s an amazing book, I definitely recommend checking it out! https://tinyurl.com/2p89tjdn

    Happy listening! Sarah

    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Fri, 08 Jul 2022 06:00:00 -0700
    3 // Want to Make Money Online? Build THIS Into Your Marketing Plan

    The phrase we’ve all heard a million times: “know, like, trust.” But what the heck does it even mean???

    In today’s episode, I’m breaking this phrase down in a way I’ve never heard anyone else do before. We’re getting deep into what it really means for our audience to ‘know, like, and trust’ us so you can start putting it into action and building those strong relationships that bring you sales!

    Happy listening! Sarah

    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Wed, 29 Jun 2022 12:49:33 -0700
    2 // 3 Reasons to Use Storytelling to Build Business Relationships

    I’m not ashamed to say it: I love storytelling. I swear by it. It’s hands down the BEST method for selling your offers and building business relationships.

    But if you’ve never written a story before, you may be wondering what makes it so different from just regular old content? Today, I’m digging into 3 reasons storytelling is so effective for selling your offers. By the end of the episode, I’m sure I’ll have you convinced that storytelling is amazing and you need to be using it!

    Happy listening! Sarah

    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Wed, 29 Jun 2022 12:48:25 -0700
    1 // 4 Questions That Will Improve Your Marketing Strategy and Increase Sales

    If you've been having trouble nailing your messaging and getting the right people to say "yes" to your offer, this post is for you! ​ ​I've got 4 questions for you to ask yourself to evaluate your marketing strategy.

    It can be super frustrating to do all the things, check all the boxes, and still not see anyone signing up for your offer. In today’s episode, I’m going to take you through 4 questions to help you troubleshoot what might be going wrong in your offer posts so you can tidy them up and start seeing those sales come in!

    Happy listening!


    Let's connect!

    Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity

    Grab your FREE Biblical Marketing Blueprint: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint

    Contact me: hello@sarahbeisel.com

    Tue, 28 Jun 2022 13:02:29 -0700
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