
Salesforce for Everyone by Talent Stacker

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Salesforce for Everyone by Talent Stacker
If you're looking to secure your financial independence with a high-paying job without sacrificing your freedom today, this podcast is for you. Welcome to Salesforce For Everyone, the one-stop free resource to help you land your first Salesforce job in under 8 months, even without a college degree or tech experience. This podcast will give you the tips, tactics, and inspiration to find and secure your new career, on your terms, on your way to your financial independence.
Mon, 08 Apr 2024 04:05:00 +0000
052. Is it Time to Give Up on Your Salesforce Career?

The Salesforce ecosystem is changing. In the history of Salesforce, this is known as the hardest time to land a job EVER. But is it impossible?

Today's special episode is recorded live from Camp Talentstacker, where Allie McCarron, Keegan McGoldrick, and Amy Morris join us to share their stories of how they stood firm and fought to secure their Salesforce careers. We explore the grit, persistence, and determination needed to weather the certification and job application process and discuss the key things that make you stand out in the job market. When the going gets tough, these people get going.

Handy Timestamps:

3:30: Why Salesforce is still worth it

6:40: Keegan, Allie, and Amy introduce themselves

8:40: Allie's story

11:00: Why you should be building connections, and other things you can do to increase your chances of landing a job

20:40: Keegan's story

29:00: Amy's story

36:40: Brad and the panel's closing thoughts

Links and Resources:




TalentStacker LinkedIn Page

Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

Mon, 08 Apr 2024 04:05:00 +0000
051. More Than You Wanted to Know About Salesforce Consulting

You may know him as the LinkedIn guru, but Jordan Nelson is also well-established in the ecosystem as a Salesforce Consulting expert. Whether you're interested in freelancing or not, understanding what Salesforce customers need and how consultants meet those needs is a great way to step up your Salesforce game. Stay tuned as we discuss the ins and outs of becoming your own boss, a better way to build your online network, and how owning a business can shape an entirely new lifestyle for you (thanks, tax write-offs!)

To learn more about Jordan or to book a call with the man himself, be sure to check him out on LinkedIn or visit his consultancy, Simple Salesforce.

Handy Timestamps:

5:30: Jordan gives us a rundown of his Salesforce origin story.

11:50: At what point did Jordan decide to jump from full-time to his own thing?

17:00: Brad gives his take on the key things you need to succeed in switching over to independent consulting.

21:00: Jordan advises on how to stack the odds in your favor and take full advantage of your opportunities.

25:00: We give some key tips for building authentic relationships with people online.

33:00: Jordan explains what counted as wins for him when switching to independent consulting and the new things he's gained.

42:00: Brad and Joran discuss the finer pros of owning your own business, including the multipliers for selling, healthcare, and retirement plans.

47:00: Jordan shares some hard lessons he's had to learn along the way.

Links and Resources:




TalentStacker LinkedIn Page

Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

Simple Salesforce

Mon, 25 Mar 2024 04:05:00 +0000
050. Unlock your High-Income Potential with Salesforce

We know the salary growth that comes after entry-level is impressive, but making the jump to double six figures can seem daunting or even out of reach. If you've been in the Salesforce game for a while now and are looking to cultivate your career and your earnings, this is the episode for you!

Our guest this week is Trevor Krieg, here to share how he job-hopped, negotiated, and worked his way to a double six-figure salary. Keep listening to hear his insightful tips on keeping work-life priorities straight, building confidence in negotiations, and forming quality connections that pay it forward.

Handy Timestamps:

3:45: Trevor breaks down how much he makes doing what he does.

5:50: How Trevor got started with his Salesforce career.

11:00: Trevor gives his take on the great debate in the Salesforce ecosystem: what's most important, certs or experience?

19:45: Trevor walks us through the different titles he's donned, and how his salary grew over time.

27:45: What it took for Trevor to build the confidence to negotiate his salary.

33:00: What are the impacts of job hopping on your long-term goals?

35:30: What it takes to get to double six figures.

38:45: Trevor explains the power of side gigs and community.

Links and Resources:




TalentStacker LinkedIn Page

Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

Mon, 11 Mar 2024 04:05:00 +0000
049. Understanding the Journey of the Salesforce Developer

Whether you're considering an admin-to-developer path or you're dead-set on jumping straight in, knowing where to start among the endless tutorials and how-to guides is tricky for Salesforce Developers-to-be. Enter: our special guest, Warren Walters!

This 18x certified Salesforce MVP is here to walk us through every angle in the Salesforce Developer's journey. We give a special highlight to his program, CloudCodeAcademy, discussing how it can take you from ground zero to scoring your dream dev job. Stay tuned to learn how to avoid tutorial hell, why you need to practice for your dev interviews, and how you can showcase your skill with…cat feeders.

Handy Timestamps:

6:20: There's so much information for people looking to break directly into a Salesforce developer role—where do you even start?

8:30: We talk about which certifications (if any!) you actually need to become a developer without spending extra time and money.

13:45: Warren walks us through the different skills you develop as you level up.

17:20: What is the interview process like for prospective developers, and how can they get prepared?

28:45: Brad and Warren discuss the major benefits of crossing the declarative and programmatic divide and how you can get there.

32:30: How hot is the dev market, and how much can your salary grow with experience?

38:45: Warren explains more about how CodeCloud Academy is designed and paced.

Links and Resources:




TalentStacker LinkedIn Page

Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group


Warren's Youtube Link

Mon, 22 Jan 2024 05:05:00 +0000
048. How to get FREE Salesforce Mentorship

Looking for a mentor but don't know where to start? Already have one, but aren't sure what to do next? No matter where you are in your mentorship journey, we can probably help you out!

Today we're joined by Stephanie Metal, product owner for the new, completely free Trailblazer Mentorship Program. This episode covers what you need to know to find Salesforce Mentorships, as well as what sets the Trailblazer Mentorship process apart from your typical roll-of-the-dice matches. Keep listening to hear the team's mentorship stories, tips on how to make things work, and how you, too, can ninja mentor.

Handy Timestamps:

4:20: How Stephanie found her first mentor and the common challenges that come with finding one on your own.

5:45: How can I be a good mentee?

10:00: How are Salesforce mentorships formed without a program?

15:30: All the basics you need to know about the Trailblazer Mentorship Program!

23:30: Stephanie breaks down some of the considerations taken when accepting prospective mentors into the program.

28:30: What is the time commitment like?

37:00: Stephanie, Brad, and Anita share how mentorship shaped them and what makes it a pivotal part of the Salesforce Ohana.

Links and Resources:




TalentStacker LinkedIn Page

Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

Trailblazer Mentorship Program

Mon, 08 Jan 2024 05:05:00 +0000
047. Level Up Today with the Career Accelerator Program

Want to level up your career as a Salesforce Professional? We've got just the thing for you. Listen in on this week's episode as Brad and Anita hold a special Q&A about our Career Accelerator Program to know exactly what you'll be getting yourself into by signing up.

For a taster of what this program can offer, go check out our free Career Accelerator Toolkit!

Handy Timestamps:

3:10: Why did we create the Career Accelerator Program?

8:50: How does this program specifically benefit me, a Salesforce professional?

10:00: What about the live workshops?

15:40: This sounds great, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for that right now. How do I know if this is something I should sign up for?

20:10: Why the ongoing cost?

24:00: All about our free resource, the Career Accelerator Toolkit.

Links and Resources:




TalentStacker LinkedIn Page

Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

Career Accelerator Toolkit

Mon, 23 Oct 2023 04:05:00 +0000
046. Artificial Intelligence and its role in your Salesforce Career

We’re back from our (very brief) break to bring you some good news – more episodes are to come! For today’s show, we’ll finally be addressing the thing everyone’s been talking about: AI. And who better to tackle this subject with than Salesforce GPT and AI expert, Mark Good?

Join us today as Brad, Anita, and Mark highlight what you need to know about AI in Salesforce right now, including its practical applications, the changes it'll bring to Salesforce careers across the board, and some of the resources you can use to make sure you're prepared.

Handy Timestamps:

4:00: Some good-to-knows about the AI Associate Certification: what is it, who should take it, and how can it be applied?

8:20: Mark highlights how his training program can help you hit the ground running.

12:00: Should we be waiting for Salesforce's official stamp of approval before starting?

18:10: Preparing yourself and your org for AI

25:00: Is AI affecting the job market, and how will it affect the future?

32:20: Mark explains how the transition into AI will shape the economy.

33:30: Free resources to get up to speed with

34:40: If you're still nervous or uncomfortable at the idea of AI becoming a bigger part of your life, this section is for you.

Links and Resources:




TalentStacker LinkedIn Page

Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

AI Force Training

Mon, 02 Oct 2023 04:05:00 +0000
045. The Art of Optimization: Our Top Work Hacks

We’ve all been there: you’re about to hop on camera, only to realize that your hair is going in three different directions and your background is far from flattering. Or, those inevitable "quick calls" and back-and-forth emails are eating up more time than you'd like and making remote work anything but asynchronous. They may seem like small grievances, but these daily obstacles add up and make work harder than it needs to be.

As we wrap up our final official season, tune in one more time to hear Brad and Anita’s top work hacks to streamline your work process and boost your efficiency around the clock. Because who said work couldn't be a smoother ride?

Handy Timestamps:

2:10: Why no more seasons?

5:40: Tips, tricks, and tools for planning higher-quality meetings

21:15: How to look professional with zero effort

25:05: Creating a morning routine

30:30: Using automation and preventing burnout

36:00: Setting boundaries at work and in your community

Links and Resources:




TalentStacker LinkedIn Page

Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

Mon, 10 Jul 2023 04:05:00 +0000
044. Side Gig Success as a Salesforce Freelancer

Ever wanted to go independent in your Salesforce career? In this week's episode, we're excited to have our special guest Elijah Green IV on the show as we delve into the world of Salesforce freelancing, also known as independent consulting. Join us as we share our experiences wrangling several side gigs at a time, the different elements involved in starting your own LLC, and the steps you can take to make this kind of life a reality.

Handy Timestamps:

4:25: The first step to freelancing and independent consulting is getting clients. This is how Elijah did it.

8:10: Elijah shares his experience starting his own company.

9:00: Brad discusses why imposter syndrome can hold you back from starting an LLC.

11:40: Elijah talks about how he got into his main gig as a Salesforce Architect.

14:35: Brad shares his personal experience in contracting, as well as some of the common terms you'll hear in this episode.

20:30: How does Elijah manage the workload, and what does he do with unwanted clients?

22:30: These are the top skills and qualities that serve Elijah in his career and life.

30:30: We share our favorite thing to splurge on and how it ties into financial freedom.

36:15: Elijah gives some pointers to anyone wanting to start down a similar path.

Links and Resources:




TalentStacker LinkedIn Page

Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group


Mon, 03 Jul 2023 04:05:00 +0000
043. Ace your interview, nourish your network, and other helpful Q&As!

In this Q&A, we walk you through the questions you're most likely to get asked in a Salesforce interview and equip you with answers that'll set you apart from other candidates. We also go over the common mistakes people make when building connections in the Salesforce community, and provide tips on how to avoid them to ensure a flourishing and supportive network.

For the specific questions we address in today's episode, be sure to check out the Handy Timestamps below!

Handy Timestamps:

2:15: What are some effective strategies for finding Salesforce job opportunities in a competitive market?

33:15: What are effective ways to expand my professional connections in the Salesforce community?

36:35: Are there any common mistakes to avoid when networking or building a personal brand?

40:30: How can I leverage my current Salesforce experience to move up the career ladder?

Interview Questions

10:45: Tell me about yourself.

14:10: Out of all the companies out there, what made you choose this one?

18:45: What are your biggest weaknesses?

22:10: What is a situation where you made a mistake, and how did you handle it?

26:00: What would you do if you came across something you didn't know how to do?

29:15: What is the difference between profiles and roles, and explain the Salesforce security framework.

Links and Resources:




TalentStacker LinkedIn Page

Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

Anita Unboxed

Mon, 26 Jun 2023 04:05:00 +0000
042. Salesforce for Non-Profit Professionals: An Insider's Guide

Attention all non-profit professionals! Feeling trapped in a career that doesn't give you the support you need? Exhausted from long hours and financial worries?

The non-profit industry may have a reputation for being soft and fuzzy, but the truth is that it can be just as frustrating as any other field. After years of feeling unsatisfied in their line of work, Tracey Braun and Megan Malone-Franklin recognized the need for a change. Tune in to learn how their transition to Salesforce empowered them to work with non-profits on their own terms and leverage their background expertise as a pivotal force in their journey.

For an in-depth guide to interview prep and salary negotiations, be sure to check out Megan's resource in the links and resources below!

Handy Timestamps:

3:30: Tracey and Megan share what brought them to Salesforce.

7:45: Transferrable skills aren't just valuable; they're a top pick for employers. We discuss how the wide range of industries in Salesforce lets people like Tracey and Megan excel at what they do.

15:40: How do non-profit salaries differ from other sectors in Salesforce?

18:00: Our guests share whether their expectations line up with their experience switching to new careers.

27:20: What certifications did Tracey and Megan go after when pivoting?

28:30: Our guests offer guidance for those still in that uncertain transitory phase.

35:10: When you have a background in non-profit, you're drawing from years of background experience. Here are some of the intangible skills you can build on that Salesforce won't teach you.

41:00: Tracey and Megan share some final thoughts about their Salesforce journey.

Links and Resources:




TalentStacker LinkedIn Page

Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

Interviewing & Negotiating Resources

Mon, 19 Jun 2023 04:05:00 +0000
041. Maximizing Your Career Acceleration

Imagine you've been a Salesforce professional for several years now. You've made remarkable progress since getting hired and are killing it at work, but that big raise or promotion you've been patiently waiting for is starting to feel like wishful thinking, and the success stories of other Salesforce professionals aren't lining up with your reality. What happened?

If this situation hits close to home, we have good news for you! The six-figure salaries, growth opportunities, and career freedom we discuss on this show are very real and attainable - all you need is a little behind-the-scenes elbow grease. This episode will bring you up to speed on everything you need to know to level up your Salesforce game, get the most out of your career, and kiss those couch potato work habits goodbye.

Handy Timestamps:

2:15: Brad and Anita share why challenging yourself at every step of your Salesforce career can launch you to new heights.

4:40: Does the professional branding ever stop? We go over some of the exciting opportunities that intentional networking can get you.

13:50: Anita breaks down the art of negotiating your raise and Brad breaks the job-hopping myth.

23:20: Here are some ways to keep your interview skills fresh after you land your job.

29:30: When you work from home (or are a Salesforce enthusiast), maintaining a work-life balance is a lot harder. We give some tips on how to set boundaries so you can keep your professional and personal life separate.

40:00: Brad outlines some of the powerful ways communication can influence your career.

Links and Resources:




TalentStacker LinkedIn Page

Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

Mon, 12 Jun 2023 04:05:00 +0000
040. Rock your role, discover your niche, and more great Q&As!

In this week's show, we wrap up our miniseries by tackling any lingering questions you have about Salesforce roles. Stay tuned to find out which certifications are most practical for your career path and how you can make the most of your chosen role. That's not all! We'll also explore some of the innovative strategies that'll be sure to impress your employer and help you stand out from the crowd.

For the specific questions we address in today's episode, check out the Handy Timestamps below!

Handy Timestamps:

3:50: How important are certifications for different roles?

8:15: What happens when you already have experience in Salesforce but aren't certified? We help this listener make their next job change meaningfully.

10:00: Is transitioning between roles a good way to develop a cross-functional skillset?

14:20: What niche roles can people with specialized skill sets pursue?

18:20: This listener wants to know if taking a different certification path will help them differentiate themself.

20:05: We suggest some ways to gain experience that'll pique the interest of any employer.

25:10: What's the biggest factor impacting how much money you make - roles, certifications, or experience?

Links and Resources:




TalentStacker LinkedIn Page

Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

Mon, 05 Jun 2023 04:05:00 +0000
039. Day in the Life of a Salesforce Developer

If you can relate to Brad's 12-year developing free streak, you might be interested but hesitant about programming-heavy career options. Sure, the other Salesforce roles involve some coding, but Developers are in a completely different ballpark…right?

Buckle up as we journey into the wonderful (and occasionally misunderstood) world of Salesforce Developers with Tamara Chance. Along the way, we'll learn how she broke into developing with no background tech experience, why coding isn't as intimidating as it seems, and some handy tips for those looking to take up this role. This episode is packed with coding terminology, so keep an ear out!

Handy Timestamps:

2:50: Tamara shares what made her commit to a four-month coding boot camp.

5:30: If you don't have a background in tech but want to get into developing, here are some things to keep in mind before taking the plunge. You might be surprised at what you already know!

11:00: Tamara walks us through what she really does all day. Spoiler alert: It's not all coding.

15:20: What certifications are ideal for people on the Developer path, and what might make someone well-suited for this role?

22:10: Even if the path to success is clear, it's not easy. Brad and Tamara discuss how the balance between pay, effort, skills, and interest can help you break into a job more efficiently.

25:50: Tamara shares some of her long-term goals and the tools that are important for new developers to know.

27:20: Can AI really beat the human touch in tech jobs?

31:25: Some key takeaways from today's episode.

Links and Resources:




TalentStacker LinkedIn Page

Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

Mon, 29 May 2023 04:05:00 +0000
038. Day in the Life of a Salesforce Consultant

Think consulting is only for seasoned Salesforce pros? Think again!

For this week's Salesforce career breakdown, we talk with Dave Massey (remember him from Episode 32?) to learn about his dive into consulting as his very first Salesforce role and how having a top-tier support system helped him skill up.

You'll also get to hear why it's so important to diversify your industry experience as well as some of the many companies you could work with as a consultant. This is how you become recession-proof, people!

Handy Timestamps:

2:45: Dave discusses the start of his Salesforce career as a consultant.

4:30: A recap of the job application process! Remember, you can't really overdo it here.

7:30: When it comes to consultancies, size does matter.

12:00: We get to hear how our guest learned the ropes of consulting with a few helping hands.

19:50: What is it that makes Salesforce jobs so secure? Brad and Dave discuss the beauty of diverse industry experience.

26:30: What are some of the challenges unique to Salesforce Consultants?

35:45: Dave discusses how his experiences helped him form Get Force Certified.

Links and Resources:




TalentStacker LinkedIn Page

Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group


Mon, 22 May 2023 04:05:00 +0000
037. Day in the Life of a Salesforce Business Analyst

Now that you have a good idea of what a Salesforce Administrator is (if you don’t, check out our last episode), it’s time to move on to our next role!

In this episode, we're joined by Pei Mun Lim to give you a peek into the life of a Salesforce Business Analyst. We also discuss the specific skills and traits that make up an exceptional BA. Keep listening to learn why vacation planning and PB&J sandwiches can help you flourish in this role.

Be sure to check out Pei's book Salesforce Discovery 101 here in the Links and Resources below!

Handy Timestamps:

2:50: If you don't already know who Pei is, here's a little bit about her and the experience she has as a Salesforce professional.

5:00: Pei and Brad explain what people do in Discovery and why the work BAs do is so important.

12:15: How do Business Analysts fit into the network of other Salesforce roles within a project team?

15:10: This is why focusing on your skills before relying on tools is essential to doing your job well.

22:50: Pei gives some tips to those looking to become a Business Analyst.

29:50: How can entry-level individuals stand out in the BA role, and what are the core skills they should practice?

37:05: As with any situation involving teamwork and communication, making assumptions is the kryptonite to well-run projects.

39:50: Pei discusses her favorite part of being a BA.

42:00: Here's one piece of advice for anyone who wants to become a Salesforce Business Analyst.

Links and Resources:




TalentStacker LinkedIn Page

Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

Salesforce Discovery 101

Mon, 15 May 2023 04:05:00 +0000
036. Day in the Life of a Salesforce Administrator

So, you want to become a Salesforce Administrator. But…what do Admins do, exactly? Before you commit to any given role, it's a good idea to do some extra research on what you're getting yourself into.

This week, returning guest Dennison Adad is back to star in our first Day in the Life episode. Stick around to hear about his past experiences as a Salesforce Admin, including the lessons he learned, the highs and lows (though they're mostly highs), and of course, money.

Handy Timestamps:

4:20: How Dennison got into the Salesforce Administrator role.

8:20: What does an Admin even do at their company?

10:10: Dennison and Brad discuss what starting at their first jobs was like.

14:40: Here are some of the things you can do when feeling overwhelmed in Salesforce.

16:30: Dennison shares what he enjoyed most as an Admin.

18:10: The group lists off some rookie mistakes they've made in the past.

24:20: We talk about more of the highlights of being a Salesforce professional.

35:30: How have Dennison's goals changed over his career, and what are his plans now?

40:50: For those going down the Admin path, these words of advice can help you make the most of your experiences.

Links and Resources:




TalentStacker LinkedIn Page

Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

Mon, 08 May 2023 04:05:00 +0000
035. The Main Salesforce Roles, Explained

Admins, analysts, and developers, oh my! Figuring out which Salesforce role to go after first is tricky business if you don’t know what you’re after. Looking to kickstart your career in Salesforce but are unsure about what each role entails? Struggling to find something that aligns with your personality? Then this episode is for you!

In the first part of this miniseries, Brad and Anita break down the core roles in Salesforce so you can choose your career path with confidence. We also offer some advice for those looking to land their first job. Stay tuned for our upcoming Day in a Life episodes for a closer look at what we covered today!

Handy Timestamps:

2:45: Brad and Anita give a quick overview of the Salesforce Administrator role.

8:15: If the Admin role doesn’t have to be my first choice, what can? Here’s the breakdown of what we think are the three core competencies.

16:20: Instead of a high paycheck, this is what you should look for in your first job.

21:15: We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: you don’t have to meet the job requirements to qualify for the job. Brad and Anita discuss what job search strategies really work.

Links and Resources:




TalentStacker LinkedIn Page

Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

Salesforce Admin Skills Kit

Mon, 01 May 2023 04:05:00 +0000
034. Strategize your certs, fast track your training, and other helpful Q&As!

It's our first Q&A of the season, and are we excited to share it with you!

In this short but sweet episode, Brad and Anita answer some questions sent in from voicemails. If you'd like your voice to be on the show, you can send us your own question at talentstacker.com/voicemail.

For the specific questions we address in today's episode, check out the Handy Timestamps below!

Handy Timestamps:

1:00: Anita shares some exciting news!

2:00: Collect certifications like Pokémon, or get fussy? We give our insight into the great cert-collecting debate.

8:25: This listener wants to know if outsourcing should be a concern when it comes to Salesforce roles.

20:10: How fast can you jump from course to career? We think these tips will help this listener land a Salesforce job in record time.

Links and Resources:




TalentStacker LinkedIn Page

Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

A Recap of Episodes 1-8

Mon, 24 Apr 2023 04:05:00 +0000
033. Degrees Matter Less Than You Think

4+ years. Thousands of dollars per semester. By the time we graduate, our shiny new degrees have us asking one question: Was it worth it?

Most of us are told that college is the best, if not only, way to land a high-paying job. But what if there was a way to save the time and money you'd spend in school AND get a head start in the job market?

In today's episode, Ryan Maruyama, Brad, and Anita break down why getting a college degree isn't always the answer, and why jumping into Salesforce could be a better fit for those looking to kickstart their careers without unnecessary fees and effort.

To learn more about going Degree Free, be sure to check out Ryan and Hannah's podcast in the Links and Resources below!

Handy Timestamps:

2:50: Ryan shares what drove him to start Degree Free.

6:30: Knowing your priorities is a crucial first step when it comes to designing the life you want.

9:55: Our guest breaks down how the value of college degrees has evolved over time.

12:30: This is the difference between a job hunter with and without a college degree.

22:00 Ryan answers the three most common questions that he receives on his podcast.

31:00: Brad dives into the different sources of knowledge we can learn from and why it might be a good idea to go beyond college professors.

35:40: How things have changed post-pandemic.

Links and Resources:




TalentStacker LinkedIn Page

Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group


Mon, 17 Apr 2023 04:05:00 +0000
032. Study Smarter for Your Cert in 2023

Whether you’re just getting started or already have a couple up your sleeve, studying for a certification can be a daunting task. With over 40 kinds available and an overflow of resources to learn with, it can be a struggle knowing where or how to even start!

In this week’s episode, 10x certified Dave Massey joins us to talk Salesforce certifications, including which one to get, how to study effectively, and where to find trustworthy sources. We also take a closer look at the Associate Certification and explain how it can help those looking to get started.

If you're looking to build your Salesforce knowledge in a way that's intuitive and efficient, be sure to check out Dave's training platform Get Force Certified in the links and resources below.

Handy Timestamps:

4:40: Dave gives his perspective on the associate certification, and how it's changed things for the Salesforce community.

6:40: We go over some helpful tips to deal with exam anxiety.

11:15: Dave explains the origin story of Get Force Certified.

19:50: Should you bother taking the Associate Cert if you already have other certifications?

21:30 Brad stresses the importance of following advice from trustworthy sources.

26:50: How did he do it all? Dave breaks down the strategies he used when studying for all his certifications.

34:10: Our guest talks about what sets Get Force Certified apart from other Salesforce training platforms.

Links and Resources:




TalentStacker LinkedIn Page

Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group


Mon, 10 Apr 2023 05:05:00 +0000
031. Welcome to Season 3!

You asked, and we listened.

Thanks to your feedback and suggestions, we've created a lineup of topics for Season 3 that we know you'll love.

In this series, we get into the fundamentals of what it means to BE in a Salesforce career, with a diverse set of voices from all kinds of roles sharing their insider perspectives and words of wisdom.

Whether they be developers, consultants, or business analysts, this season's guests will give you a taste of what a day in the life is like for them.

On top of that, we'll dive deeper into how you can Salesforce SMARTER, whether you're still working on getting certified or looking to take your career to the next level.

In today's episode, Brad and Anita come together in a rundown of their first episodes to discuss how the Salesforce ecosystem has changed in the past year.

Our Q&A episodes will be making a return, so be sure to hit us up on LinkedIn, our Facebook Group, our email at ask@talentstacker.com, or via voicemail at talentstacker.com/voicemail to get your question on the show.

Handy Timestamps:

2:40: A preview of the new topics coming up for Season 3.

6:15: Brad and Anita discuss whether the Salesforce ecosystem has changed in the past year.

12:30: How hot is the Salesforce job market now?

14:50: No, you still can't get away with Trailhead and certifications alone.

19:30: Resumes: Brad still doesn't like them.

23:40: It may be good, it may be bad, and it may be ugly, but getting hands-on experience is still a must-have when it comes to finding good work.

28:00: Do you still suck at interviews?

30:50: Brad and Anita break down the job-search process.

36:10: When it comes to money, knowing your worth is an essential part of negotiating your salary.

Links and Resources:




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Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

Mon, 03 Apr 2023 05:05:00 +0000
030. Are Salesforce Careers Recession-Proof?

The past few years have been rough for everyone. After a global pandemic and everything else that followed, topics such as financial security and career stability have gone through quite the whirlwind. Luckily for you, if you're looking to start a career in Salesforce or have already done so, there's a good chance you'll be able to get through whatever economic flops come your way.

For the final episode of Season 2, we're joined by Jodi Hrbek, author of Rock your Role as a Salesforce Admin. With over 20 years in the Salesforce space, Jodi breaks down the history of Salesforce and how it's been able to weather so many storms over time. This is not an episode you want to miss!

Handy Timestamps:

2:50: What did Jodi’s career look like before, and how did that transform into Salesforce?

9:30: Jodi shares how Salesforce has evolved over the past 20 years.

17:15: What happened during the housing market crash? Brad and Jodi explain what makes Salesforce so powerful and why it’s such a stable career choice.

33:50: The diversity of Salesforce means there’s something for everybody! No matter your interests or skill set, you’ll find a career that lights you up.

40:20: Brad and Jodi share why the high demand for Salesforce talent can give you the upper hand.

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Rock your Role as a Salesforce Admin

Mon, 02 Jan 2023 05:05:00 +0000
029. No Program? No Problem! How to DIY it with Free Resources

As you’ve probably noticed, most of our guests so far have been alumni from the Talent Stacker Program. And while programs like Talent Stacker can be a huge help on your journey to Salesforce, it’s certainly not the only way to get there. For some, opting for the DIY path might be a more suitable choice – no costs, no coaches, you set the pace. But what does that look like, and how does it compare to following a program?

In this week’s episode, Zach Bremer shows us that you can go from having no background in tech to landing a Salesforce job in under a year with nothing but free resources and a lot of determination. Even if you don't think the DIY route is for you, stick around for the handy tips and strategies we learn from him!

Handy Timestamps:

4:05: What made our guest decide to go down the Salesforce path, and what it was like getting certified without a program.

6:35: Doing it yourself means getting through it without study groups. Zach shares how he kept himself accountable despite the workload.

9:10: These are some of the doubts Zach ran into when studying for his cert.

13:45: Zach reveals the not-so-secret weapons that helped him land a job in two months.

22:30 We learn some useful strategies to make yourself stand out in interviews.

30:30: How’s it going at work? Our guest tells us more about what his current work life is like.

37:45: When it comes to taking the DIY route, free resources are a must. Here are some of the ones Zach recommends.

39:20: After going through the entire process, Zach reflects on what he would have done differently.

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Mon, 26 Dec 2022 05:05:00 +0000
028. Skills That Turn Employers On

Job hunting: We all know the struggle. Maybe you’ve spent hours perfecting your resume and LinkedIn profile only to get rejected after an interview, or maybe you’re not sure how to even get your foot in the door. If you’ve been trying to get hired as entry or junior-level talent and are looking for a few pointers, then this is the episode for you!

In today’s episode, Recruitment Director at Fast Flow Motion Sam Donaghey joins us to unpack what happens on the employer’s side of the hiring process, and what companies look for when hiring candidates. (Spoiler alert: It’s less about technical skills than you’d think!)

Handy Timestamps:

5:50: Sam explains the main things he looks for when interviewing possible candidates, including the softer skills that often go overlooked.

14:20: It can be easy for candidates to misunderstand the employers’ side of things. Sam breaks down what the hiring process is like at FSM.

23:30: Brad and Sam unpack what job descriptions are really meant for, and why culture is such an important part of the equation.

27:15: How does one even get to the interview stage? Brad and Anita wonder how to get Sam’s attention.

31:20: We’re back to the age-old question of whether college degrees matter for recruiters.

32:20: For as hot of a topic as the economy is, Salesforce seems to have the upper hand when it comes to recessions (and pandemics!)

36:30: Sam goes over the different Salesforce roles and how relevant they are at FSM.

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Mon, 19 Dec 2022 05:05:00 +0000
027. Six-Figure Stories: How They Got There and Where They Are Now

If you listened to last week's Q&A, you'll know what this episode is all about! Today, we dive into the stories of individuals who made it to six figures in under 18 months and the valuable insights they have to offer. Not only that, but we also get to see how freeing yourself from the paycheck-to-paycheck lifestyle can open up a whole new world of possibilities and opportunities.

Join us as Tucker Gartner, Mallory Donohue, Dennison Adad, and Tanya Anglin share how they designed themselves fulfilling Salesforce careers without compromising their lives or their paychecks, and some strategies they used to become un-messwithable in the workforce.

Handy Timestamps:

5:05: The panel shares the big changes that have happened in the past 18 months.

13:30: Tanya describes how she negotiated a four-day work week, and Brad gets passionate about career design.

23:10: If your first job isn’t exactly what you wanted, don't panic! Getting in that experience might just help you land your dream job.

32:00: Salesforce careers don't just mean you can work from home, you can work from anywhere! Dennison and Brad share their experiences working remotely.

39:50: Money may be important, but it's not everything. The panelists discuss the different factors that were part of their job negotiations.

44:00: Even after you get certified, continuing to learn is important. Our guests explain how they can keep studying with their six-figure jobs.

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Mon, 12 Dec 2022 05:05:00 +0000
026. Settle your salary, strike a work-life balance, and more great Q&As!

In today's Q&A session, Anita and Brad help listeners set salary expectations for themselves and their interviewers in order to establish more realistic goals. They also discuss the different admin roles that can give listeners more time to spend with their kids and dedicate more hours to other responsibilities.

For the specific questions we address in today's episode, check out the Handy Timestamps below!

Handy Timestamps:

2:30: How do I set salary expectations during interviews?

6:10: How do Salesforce salary ranges differ from country to country?

9:45: How do I navigate the Salesforce ecosystem, and what are the differences between the main roles?

15:10: What does work-life balance look like for different admin roles, and how can I set personal boundaries to prevent burnout?

23:35: Is it possible to work full-time in Salesforce while traveling in an RV?

30:45: How quickly can I expect to hit $100k or more?

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Mon, 05 Dec 2022 05:05:00 +0000
025. Doubling family income as a Salesforce power couple

What would it be like to work side by side with your partner, double your income, and get more time off with your family ALL from the comforts of your own home?

In today's episode, the two couples Hever & ShaniQua Capote and Justin & Jennifer Hecht share how having both spouses working in Salesforce opens up a whole new world of possibilities for them and their families.

If you've been trying to get your partner to join you on the Salesforce side, this is the episode for them!

Handy Timestamps:

2:50: Our couples share how they started Salesforce.

10:20: Why join something Talent Stacker? The panel goes over the unique advantages this program can give you when trying to land a job.

14:57: Hever, ShaniQua, Justin, and Jenn discuss the benefits of being a remote Salesforce couple.

22:50: How the increased flexibility and income will change the trajectory of their life plans.

34:30: Who has the better job, consultants or administrators?

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Mon, 28 Nov 2022 05:05:00 +0000
024. Military spouses and veterans score Salesforce careers

It can be scary to step outside the norm and take a different career path different from everyone else's. For military spouses and veterans, this might mean breaking free from traditional stay-at-home parenting and civil service work. Whether it be to provide financial cushioning for your spouse or to kickstart a new career without much background experience, Salesforce is a great place to start!

Thanks to programs such as Trailhead Military, Merivis, and Talent Stacker, Karri Webster and Kyle Gaubert have been able to find their footing as Salesforce professionals and use their unique skillsets to thrive in their careers. Tune in as we discuss these and so much more, including some tips they would give to others looking to transition out of the military.

Handy Timestamps:

3:20: Karri and Kyle share how they stumbled upon Salesforce.

6:40: We shine some light on the benefits and resources available to military families.

16:25: If you're a military veteran or spouse, you might be wondering if your skills are transferrable to a Salesforce career. Don't worry, some of them are!

20:42: Karri and Kyle discuss why Salesforce was a better alternative for them than other careers.

24:30: Our guests share some of their current goals as they continue to thrive in the Salesforce ecosystem.

26:20: What were some of the main fears and concerns that came with making such a huge jump? Karri and Kyle share how they felt during the transition process.

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Mon, 21 Nov 2022 05:05:00 +0000
023. How Blue-collar Workers are Breaking into White-collar Jobs

Ever think about the side effects your job will have on Future You? Be it physically or psychologically, the drawbacks of blue-collar jobs have workers asking themselves: "How long can I keep this up?"

But what if you could earn more money with less labor, and do it all from the comforts of your own home? Or even better, what if you could spend paid time off with your family and enjoy vacations together?

Join us as Hugh Richardson, Carrick Harp, and Jared McCarty share how they got certified as Salesforce administrators with almost no background experience, and how they're enjoying the benefits of their jobs now.

Handy Timestamps:

6:05: What made Hugh, Carrick, and Jared decide to go into blue-collar work?

12:25: How their skills helped them pivot to Salesforce careers.

13:28: There aren't a lot of jobs that let you work from your living room couch, but Salesforce is one of them! The panelists discuss the demands of their old and new jobs.

17:00: How did they hear about Salesforce, and how would other blue-collar workers hear about it?

25:55: We all know manual labor isn't easy. Our guests share the tolls working blue-collar took on their mental and physical health, and how it pushed them to switch out their careers.

37:50: Let's talk about money. How do the salaries in manual labor compare to Salesforce salaries, and where do they level out?

31:00: Hugh, Carrick, and Jared share some of the surprising benefits their new careers have brought them.

35:40: Finally, our guests explain what the interview process was like for them.

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Mon, 14 Nov 2022 05:05:00 +0000
022. Make your job app pop, wrangle study groups, and other Q&As!

In this episode, Anita and Brad share some tips with our listeners on how to prosper in the Salesforce community, turn their job applications into interview magnets, and more!

For the specific questions we address in today's episode, be sure to check out the Handy Timestamps below!

Handy Timestamps:

2:30 Are bootcamps and launchpad programs worth it?

7:22 How old is too old to start Salesforce, and can it be done part-time?

12:45 What is the right job search strategy, and how do I land an interview?

19:53 How can I find or put together my own study groups and team projects?

25:20 How young is too young to start working toward a Salesforce certification?

28:30 Does having a college degree affect your salary, and how valuable is it compared to a Salesforce certification?

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Mon, 07 Nov 2022 04:05:00 +0000
021. Why teachers are switching to Salesforce careers

In this episode, we turn our attention to teachers and school administrators who decided to pivot into new Salesforce careers. The biggest takeaways? More autonomy, more flexibility over time, and the ability to work from home. Oh, and better pay and benefits never hurt!

Join us as Brandon Van Galder, Lindsey Giles, Jesse Nguyen, Jaime Jarosz, and Kim Kennedy share why they left their careers in education to become Salesforce professionals, and why they are never looking back

If you are still in education, or maybe someone you know still is, this is one episode not to be missed!

Handy Timestamps:

4:20: How the educators on our panel decide on becoming Salesforce professionals.

12:55: The panelists share the pay and benefits that they are now earning. Spoiler alert: it's a lot more than what they earned as teachers!

18:05: Teachers have some of best transferable skills when they pivot into Salesforce careers. Here's why so many are succeeding in their new tech careers.

23:20: What issues the educators were facing in their previous roles, and how that was adding to the grind and burnout.

28:45: The panelists discuss some of the things they love the most about their new careers.

33:10: What does the future of education look like if the good teachers leave for better paying jobs with great control of their time?

35:50: The panelists share some advice to other teachers who still grappling with burnout and wondering what to do about it.

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Mon, 31 Oct 2022 04:05:00 +0000
020. From Stay At Home Parents to High Paying Salesforce Careers in Under 6 Months

If you think you don't have time or the energy to get into a new Salesforce career, you may draw some inspiration from the three Stay At Home Parents and their amazing Back To Work stories.

Thanks to the step-by-step, work-at-your-own-pace Talent Stacker program, Akemi Ono, Brandi Barnett, and Audrey Dye have gone from juggling children and pets to pulling down large paychecks while still have the time to be there for their kids.

Along the way, they bust many myths about why Stay At Home Parents can't possibly get a high-paying tech-adjacent Salesforce job. Some of these include:

  • Employers are going to zoom in on the resume gap, and it would be too hard to account for those years away from a career.
  • There are no transferable skills Stay At Home Parents can bring to a Salesforce role.
  • You need a tech background to do the job.
  • You need a 4-year degree to get the job.
  • This is one of our all-time favorite episodes, and we think it will be yours too!

    Handy Timestamps:

    4:45: What was going through the minds of the stay home parents when they decided to go back to work, and, how they landed on Salesforce as their choice.

    11:30: Why Salesforce truly is for everyone. If stay home parents can make the pivot into technical SF careers, where they are respected and making good money while having the flexibility for family.

    14:10: what were some of the major shifts in the lives of their families, including their spouses, when they started making big paychecks?

    17:10:Was the gap in their resumes an issue at all for them?

    26:40: How did they juggle their schedules while they were going through the Talent Stacker program and getting their Salesforce certification?

    29:10: The guests share how their Salesforce careers have given them the freedom to live their best lives, without having to compromise on family, themselves, travel, or finances.

    35:30: Find out why, after a year under your belt as a Salesforce administrator, you get to flip the script and become the one interviewing prospective employers, rather than the other way round.

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    Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

    Mon, 24 Oct 2022 04:05:53 +0000
    019. Slay imposter syndrome, disarm pre-interview jitters, and other helpful Q&As!

    We're back with our first Q&A episode of Series 2, and do we have a great slate of your questions lined up!

    These include several questions that were sent in from voicemails. If you would like your voice to be on the show, record your own question at talentstacker.com/voicemail.

    For the specific questions we address in today's episode, check out the Handy Timestamps below.

    Handy Timestamps:

    2:05: We've all felt it - those anxious moments just before an interview. We think these tips will help ease this listener's mind and help with their job search.

    10:07: One monitor or two? Standing desk or not? This next listener would like some options for setting up a home office for success. We deliver.

    19:10: How do you actually know whether you are good enough to hold a Salesforce job? We help this listener disarm imposter syndrome.

    24:00: Not certified but want to start the job search and impress recruiters and hiring managers? We help a listener put their best foot forward.

    30:20 and 34:50: We wrap up with questions from two people in their 40s and 50s wanting to find out what obstacles they may face. Spoiler alert: the answer is NOT "you are too old"!!

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    Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

    Mon, 17 Oct 2022 04:05:39 +0000
    018. How to Leave Healthcare to Thrive in a New Salesforce Career

    The COVID pandemic was tough for many people, but it was especially difficult for those in healthcare. That said, it was still surprising to see so many people make successful transitions from healthcare into Salesforce.

    We’ve seen EMTs, administrators, physical therapists, nurses, and even a doctor or two make the decision to leave not just a profession behind, but an identity that they have invested time, money, and tears into over years.

    Join us as Lisa Mayo, Carly Meyers (back from Ep 11), Lory Tibbetts and Rafael Castillo share why they traded in their scrubs for a Salesforce career, and the very many ways they are thriving today.

    Handy Timestamps:

    4:35: What made Lisa, Carly, Lori and Rafael make the switch from healthcare to a Salesforce career?

    11:10: What were some of the fears and uncertainty that they had to grapple with when they made the pivot?

    17:10: How transferable were their skills from Healthcare?

    21:55: What their lives are like today, versus the caregiver burnout they were facing back in healthcare.

    26:35: Healthcare professionals are known for working long hours. How do their new Salesforce careers compare?

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    Mon, 10 Oct 2022 04:05:06 +0000
    017. Earn $70k a Year While Still In School As a Salesforce Professional

    Think back to the last part-time job you had when you were in college. Chances are, you probably were not earning much at the time.

    But what if you could be making at least $35 an hour as a Salesforce administrator, while going to college? Or even more amazing, working as a Salesforce professional without a 4-year college degree?

    Our guests today are Tucker Gartner, Eric Kogan, and Patrick Amis, who got certified as Salesforce administrators and launched their careers before getting their 4-year degrees. One of them even got started back in high school!

    If you know someone who might want to explore an alternative to the 4-year-college path that would still land them a high-paying job, this episode is one they need to tune into!

    Handy Timestamps:

    5:13: How Nathan, Eric, and Patrick made the decision between a Salesforce career and college.

    8:20: Knowing what they know now, what might they tell their younger selves about going to college?

    12:40: How they dealt with ageism for being so young in the corporate world.

    17:05: How long it took them to earn a 6-figure salary.

    21:40: How their parents reacted when they guys revealed that they were going to take a path less traveled and pursue a Salesforce career?

    27:30: What advice they may have for others who aspire to start Salesforce at an early age, but who are afraid of going against societal norms.

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    Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

    Mon, 03 Oct 2022 04:15:21 +0000
    016. Welcome to Series 2 of the Show!

    If you want to be inspired by and to replicate the success of people who made successful career pivots into Salesforce, you are going to love Series 2 of the show.

    From healthcare providers and educators, to blue collar workers and veterans, we celebrate every single win on the show.

    We even have stay-home parents who have decided to go back to work, despite not having worked for a long time. Some of our guests are crushing Salesforce careers even though they do not have 4-year degrees.

    When we say Salesforce is for everyone, we MEAN it, and our guests in this series prove it EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

    We almost wanted to call it the "How They Did It and How You Can Too" series, but thought twice since we will also have plenty of great Q&A episodes.

    To ask your own questions, hit us up on LinkedIn, our Facebook Group, email at ask@talentstacker.com, and new for us, via voicemail at talentstacker.com/voicemail.

    Handy Timestamps:

    01:30: Update on what Brad and Anita have been up to since Series 1. TL:DR: Anita got a bunch of professional certifications that will earn her more pay, and Brad moved to Houston.

    4:40: An update on how well the podcast has done. Thanks to you, the listener, we're even beating podcasts made by Salesforce.

    6:50: A look back to the topics covered in Series 1 that will help anyone go from zero to Salesforce hero in weeks.

    8:20: A preview of topics in Series 2, driven by listener feedback. We are leaning into success stories of those who took what we discussed in Series 1 and applied consistent effort and earning their new Salesforce careers. Some of the topics:
    30:40: How to get a Salesforce job using only free resources.

    32:00: How to drive where we go with this show by sending us your feedback and questions.

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    Mon, 26 Sep 2022 05:00:18 +0000
    015. How to make even more money as a Salesforce pro, and more great Q&As

    In this episode, Anita and Brad help listeners with new Salesforce jobs make even more money and carve back time and control for themselves so they can make the most of their new careers.

    For the specific questions we address in today's episode, check out the Handy Timestamps below.

    Handy Timestamps:

    2:30: I'm already a Salesforce professional - how do I make even more money?

    9:45: Which certification should I get next?

    18:10: What can I do to advance my career?

    25:40: How and when do I can do another pivot and get into freelance?

    30:10: What are some ways to set boundaries in your Salesforce career so that we can get work-life balance in our favor?

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    Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

    Mon, 04 Jul 2022 05:00:42 +0000
    014. Should I Give Up if I Fail the Salesforce Administration Exam, and other FAQs!

    If you have already thrown your hat into the ring and are striving towards a Salesforce job, this episode is for you.

    Anita and Brad move on to listener questions to help people who have started working on their Salesforce certifications, applying for jobs, and lining up their first interviews.

    For the specific questions we address in today's episode, check out the Handy Timestamps below.

    Handy Timestamps:

    2:30: If I used Salesforce as an end user previously, can I put that down as hands-on experience?

    8:30: What do I do if I'm told I don't have enough experience during Salesforce job interviews?

    13:00: I've applied for hundreds of jobs with little traction. Are you sure they're still hiring?

    17:05: All of the job postings say 2-3 years job experience or college degree are needed. Some even ask for multiple certifications. How do I handle this?

    23:45: I failed the administration exam, so what do I do now? Should I give up?

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    Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

    Mon, 27 Jun 2022 05:00:20 +0000
    013. Is the Salesforce job market already saturated, and more Q&As answered!

    We had so many questions in the last episode from people considering pivoting into a Salesforce career that we just had to do one more to help new people figure out their next steps.

    For the specific questions we address in today's episode, check out the Handy Timestamps below.

    Don't worry, the Q&As for people already started on their Salesforce journey, or who already have Salesforce jobs and are considering their next steps (like, more pay, or switching into freelancing) are coming!

    Handy Timestamps:

    2:50: With so many individuals entering the Salesforce job space, won't the market becomes saturated?

    6:45: Are entry-level Salesforce jobs remote, and do they come with benefits?

    9:20: For remote roles, are there pay differences based on a person's location.

    15:35: Can I land a job even without a Salesforce certification?

    18:50: What are the titles of some of the most common entry level roles?

    22:15: What does a typical day look like as an entry level Salesforce professional?

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    Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

    Mon, 20 Jun 2022 05:00:18 +0000
    012. Stealthy Steps to Polish Your LinkedIn Branding, and Other FAQs!

    In the first of our Q&A series, Anita and Brad take questions from listeners who are still trying to figure out if a Salesforce career is for them.

    For the specific questions we address in today's episode, check out the Handy Timestamps below.

    In the following episodes, we will answer questions from listeners who are further along their own Salesforce journey!

    Handy Timestamps:

    2:35: What are the basic compatible gear and computer systems I'll need to start pursuing a Salesforce career?

    5:15: How many hours should I study every day to pass the Salesforce Administrator exam?

    7:45: Do I need to take notes while I'm studying.

    10:30: I don't have a tech background or specialized college degree. Can this work for me?

    12:20: How do I vet the companies I will be interviewing for?

    16:50: Are Salesforce positions full-time, or are they just contract roles?

    22:55: I hear so much about the Salesforce Administrator Certification. But is that the job I would actually be applying for?

    24:24: I've heard that Salesforce Administrator jobs are going away? Is that true, and should I become a Salesforce Developer instead?

    30:15: What are some of the stealthy steps I can take so that my boss or co-coworkers don't see all the profile and branding changes I am making on LinkedIn?

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    Mon, 13 Jun 2022 05:00:21 +0000
    011. How to Dump a Toxic Job for More Family Time and Pay

    What do you do when the career you have loved for 14 years stops loving you back, at the very moment you are needed even more by your family?

    You make the leap and trade it in for another career.

    One that will give you control over your time while paying a lot more.

    That's precisely what Carly Myers did when she said goodbye to her career and identity as a physical therapist assistant.

    In today's episode, find out why she took the hard step of hanging up her scrubs to kick off a new career as a Salesforce admin.

    Handy Timestamps:

    02:37: Why Carly wrestled with the idea of giving up her identity as a physical therapist assistant.

    05:20: What made her consider a radically different career path.

    06:54: Discover the surprise that made Carly kick her committment to a Salesforce admin career into high gear.

    13:03: Why the Hidden Job Market continues to be so powerful for new job seekers.

    18:19: What are some of the transferable skills people with an existing career can bring with them into a new Salesforce role?

    20:49: Carly breaks down how her new job has benefited her family's financial outlook. Spoiler alert: the bonuses aren't just parties and swag!

    26:01: Carly reflects on why she wakes up looking forward to working with her new team.

    Links and Resources:


    TalentStacker LinkedIn Page

    To ask questions: Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

    Mon, 06 Jun 2022 05:00:33 +0000
    010. Landing a Salesforce Job as a College Alternative

    For decades, the most common advice given to most high schoolers was to either enter the trades, or go to college.

    We love the trades, and there is ample evidence why that is such a valid path for many people, with a high return on investment of your time and money.

    But college? That is less clear cut in a reality with ultra high college expenses.

    What if there was a better alternative to college, one that would lead to a high paying $60,000 - $70,000 career in tech without sacrificing the time and money that most people have to endure?

    In today's episode, Nicholas Wenzel shares with Bradly and Anita how joining Talent Stacker during college helped him land a new Salesforce career in just a few months. His success even prompted him to quit college and begin his own path towards Financial Independence!

    Handy Timestamps:

    01:56: How Nicholas got his start in Salesforce.

    03:27: Why he quit not just college, but also high school.

    04:48: How his parents felt about his unconventional path.

    07:55: Why he feels that college for most people is nothing but a big scam.

    09:57: What Nicholas felt was the biggest risk of pursuing a full time high-paying career in Salesforce versus taking the college track.

    11:48: How has his new career changed his financial outlook.

    13:05: What is the return on investment on college, versus pursuing an alternative? Hint: It's at least a couple of years and more than $50,000!!

    14:15: How any one still in college can take a low-risk way to try out if a Salesforce career might be right for them (and why parents should encourage them!).

    18:25: Can people in their late teens and early 20s really get hired into these high-paying Salesforce jobs? (Spoiler alert, the answer is yes - here's why).

    21:38: What about people who are mid-career, looking to pivot out of a career or profession that no longer lights them up? Do they to go back to college?

    24:59: So what are the scenarios where it makes sense to go to college?

    32:19: Preview of next episode.

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    Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

    Mon, 30 May 2022 05:00:09 +0000
    009. Double Your Income, Win Financial Independence, And Earn Respect As Salesforce Wizard

    What would it be like to more than double your income, pay off all your debt, move to a lower cost of living location to be closer to loved ones, AND be treated with the respect for the specialized skills you possess?

    In today's episode, Heather Rhoden shares with Bradly and Anita how joining Talent Stacker helped her land her new Salesforce career in just 3 1/2 months.

    Better yet, the ability to earn more and save more has allowed her to win back her Financial Independence!

    Handy Timestamps:

    2:10: How listening to two inspirational stories - and taking action - changed Heather Rhoden's life helped her win back her financial independence.

    4:00: How Heather paid off her credit card debt and earned herself a fresh start.

    7:30: How the Financial Independence community is so similar to the Talent Stacker and Salesforce communities in helping to lift you up and keep you on task.

    11:00: How Heather eventually got her first Salesforce job in just 3 1/2 months, with double the pay and quadruple the respect.

    13:00: First time decisions that come with financial strength: max out employer-sponsored 401 K retirement account, or get into house-hacking with real estate?

    15:45: A higher paycheck flips the Financial Independence equation of earn more, spend less, and invest the difference. Here's how.

    19:50: How a 100% remote Salesforce career sets you up for geo-arbitrage: earning a high income and moving to a low cost of living region while being closer to family.

    27:45: How a Salesforce career and FI allows you to take your life on the road, Personal Time Off days be damned!

    29:20: By exceeding expectations in their Salesforce roles, most people will earn the respect of their co-workers and get $10-$20k raises within a year of getting started.

    34:30: Preview of the next episode.

    Links and Resources:


    TalentStacker LinkedIn Page

    Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

    Mon, 23 May 2022 05:00:45 +0000
    008. You Got The Offer! Now how much should you get paid?

    Congratulations! You've done everything right, such as:

    • getting your first Salesforce certification (episode 003)
    • polishing up your personal branding and network engagement on LinkedIn (episode 004)
    • getting some solid hands-on experience so stand out from the competition (episode 005)
    • preparing your story so you ace your interview (episode 006)
    • finding the opportunities to apply for, including cracking the Hidden Job Market.

    Now you've been selected as the top candidate and presented an offer. Do you take it? Or do you ask for more?

    Anita and Bradley walk you through some essential things you need to consider in this stage of becoming a Salesforce professional.

    Handy Timestamps:

    3:03: So you got the offer! Here's what's next.

    6:43: Here are some reasons to take the offer with minimal negotiation, including the strong likelihood of getting $10k or more within half a year.

    11:18: But if you are coming from a place of strength, here are some reasons for negotiating. Sure, more money is great, but here are some non-monetary things to ask for too.

    17:28: Thinking of holding out for an extra additional $5,000? If you are coming from a position of relative weakness, you need to listen to how Anita and Brad break it down.

    27:12: If this is your first Salesforce job, take the offer and buckle up for the supercharged trajectory that is the Salesforce professional's paycheck within 6 months.

    34:57: A preview of next episode.

    Links and Resources:


    TalentStacker LinkedIn Page

    Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

    Mon, 16 May 2022 05:00:38 +0000
    007. There Are No Jobs Available? Think again!

    In this episode, Anita and Brad bust another major misconception: that there are no Salesforce jobs available.

    There is a major disconnect here, especially when recruiters and employers are consistently lamenting the fact they can't seem to hire Salesforce professionals quickly enough.

    Tune in to find out how Talent Stackers can crack the code and plug the job search gap!

    Handy Timestamps:

    2:16: Here's why so many people mistakenly think that there are no Salesforce jobs available.

    4:31: Don't let cut-and-paste job descriptions deter you from applying. These are often wishlists that the hiring company will not be able to fill due to the demand for Salesforce professionals.

    8:30: Many companies are still learning that their unrealistic job descriptions aren't cutting it in today's job market. In the meantime, here's how to stay on their radar until reality bites their futile hiring efforts.

    13:04: Here's another myth we need to bust. People think that getting a certification entitles them to a job. On the contrary, that's just the price of admission!

    18:08: Imposter syndrome: we all feel it sometime. Here's how to dispell yours when looking for a Salesforce job.

    21:51: Another tip: don't just look for opportunities in your city or state! Cast a wider net!

    24:48: Find out how many job applications is too many.

    27:05: If you are in a niche industry, you have an extra edge landing your first Salesforce job.

    29:37: Not every job vacancy is going to be posted - 1 out of 3 people get recruited within The Hidden Job Market. Here's how to optimize for that.

    37:26: A preview of next episode.

    Links and Resources:


    TalentStacker LinkedIn Page

    Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

    Mon, 09 May 2022 05:00:09 +0000
    006. You Suck At Interviewing

    In this episode, we are joined by another special guest, Justin Dux, to help you level up your first set of Salesforce job interviews.

    Justin is the real deal - he has helped over a hundred Talent Stackers crush their Salesforce job interviews - even when they were completely new to the eco-system.

    This is one episode you don't want to miss, especially if you have an interview on the books!

    Handy Timestamps:

    3:45: How to set yourself apart from all the other people being interviewed for your role.

    6:06: The world is powered by stories, so you need yours ready to ace the interview.

    10:09: Some surefire tips to present yourself in the best light (sometimes literally) and impress the interviewers.

    15:45: Why being your most authentic self is also the most effective - but only if you prepare your story.

    19:16: We've all heard those "tell me your weakness" type of questions. Here's how to turn that into a competitive advantage.

    25:32: What do you do if you are asked a question you don't have the answer to?

    28:01: Why follow ups are so important, even if you don't get the job.

    34:57: A preview of next episode.

    Links and Resources:


    TalentStacker LinkedIn Page

    Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

    Mon, 02 May 2022 05:00:04 +0000
    005. Getting Hands-on Experience | The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

    In this episode, we bring on Alex Warneke, our OG Talent Stacker to help us crack that age-old Catch-22 dilemma, where employers want people with experience, but how do you get experience if you are completely new?

    The answer: getting some solid hands-on experience under your belt to help you stand out when it's time for your job interview!

    Handy Timestamps:

    2:55: Why hands-on experience is so important if you want to break into the Salesforce ecosystem.

    5:22: What is an "Org" in the Salesforce context? We break it down.

    8:34: Why having hands-on experience enriches your job interviews.

    13:00: Some pitfalls to watch out for when working on a volunteer project.

    16:34: How to find your own projects to get valuable hands-on experience.

    20:18: If you are new and are thinking of skipping these projects, think again. Here's why.

    27:33: You've decided to volunteer with a non-profit for hands-on experience. Great! Here's what next.

    31:55: A preview of next episode.

    Links and Resources:


    TalentStacker LinkedIn Page

    Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

    Mon, 25 Apr 2022 06:00:31 +0000
    004. Resumes Are "So Last Year"!

    In this episode, hosts Bradley Rice and Anita Smith destroy a trite job-hunting advice that does more harm than good.

    Then they discuss:

    • how you can use personal branding to get Salesforce job recruiters to come to you,
    • how LinkedIn is the best platform for recruiters to discover you,
    • some proven actionable items to you get to #JobLanded in less time and with less angst.

    Handy Timestamps:

    2:31: Why Personal Branding is the secret sauce for landing a new Salesforce job from Day Zero.

    4:55: How to use LinkedIn to remake your Personal Brand, and draw recruiters in.

    7:18: If you aren't on LinkedIn, you're turning your back on your next Salesforce Job.

    10:12: Tips you can use now make your LinkedIn profile pop and shout #HireMe

    19:55: How LinkedIn is also your source for connecting with the people who will help you succeed.

    28:01: Why taking a proven path will get you the job in less time and with less angst.

    33:48: Next level actionable LinkedIn tips to get recruiters to reach out.

    39:58: A preview of next episode.

    Links and Resources:


    TalentStacker LinkedIn Page

    Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

    Mon, 18 Apr 2022 06:00:10 +0000
    003. Trailhead and Certifications Aren't Enough To Land A Job

    In this episode of the show, hosts Bradley Rice and Anita Smith take you on the next logical step in the journey to a new Salesforce job: Getting your first Salesforce certification.

    This is a significant step, one that will boost your chance of getting to #JobLanded by more than 85%, and you'll find out how to earn your certification in the fastest and simplest way possible!

    Handy Timestamps:

    1:50: Why Certification is the gateway to a new Salesforce Career.

    4:13: How to use Trailhead to study for your Certification

    7:39: Find Trailhead too overwhelming? Here's a fix for that.

    12:36: How long would it actually take to go through Trailhead and earn your first Salesforce Certification?

    14:45: 2 advanced tips to stack the odds of getting Certified.

    17:12: Congrats! You got certified! Now what?

    21:09: What is the Hidden Job Market, and how do you unlock that?

    22:45: What else do you need to do to get to #JobLanded?

    Links and Resources:


    Trailhead Start Page

    TalentStacker LinkedIn Page

    Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

    Mon, 11 Apr 2022 06:00:39 +0000
    002. The Salesforce Job Market

    In this episode, hosts Bradley Rice and Anita Smith map out, step-by-step, why the demand for Salesforce professionals is so hot, there is an ongoing talent war to snap up even those with just a few months of experience under their belt.

    They then make the case for why that demand will continue to remain red-hot well into the end of the decade, and share examples of the hundreds of people who have pivoted into a new Salesforce job, all without any tech experience or a big college bill.

    Handy Timestamps:

    1:41: Why is there such a huge opportunity in Salesforce even if you're starting from Day Zero?

    5:00: Some numbers on the Salesforce job market from recruiting firm Mason Frank.

    6:50: Why Salesforce professionals are the beneficiaries of a talent war.

    7:55: How the talent war is an opportunity for Salesforce professionals to live their best life NOW.

    14:42: Introducing Trailhead, Salesforce's free self-paced, on-demand university.

    16:13: Why demand for Salesforce, and Salesforce professionals, will continue to be strong.

    18:25: How to succeed at a new Salesforce career, even without college.

    20:52: Awesome success stories of everyday people who have landed new Salesforce jobs.

    28:34: A preview of next episode.

    Links and Resources:


    TalentStacker LinkedIn Page

    Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

    Mon, 04 Apr 2022 06:30:23 +0000
    001. Unlock Financial Freedom With A Salesforce Career

    Welcome to the first episode of the Salesforce For Everyone Podcast! Hosts Bradley Rice and Anita Smith discuss how a Salesforce career can be the launchpad to financial independence for most people, even if they do not have a college degree or tech experience. They show why they aren't kidding when they say Salesforce is for everyone!

    Handy Timestamps:

    3:11: How Salesforce let Bradley have it all: be there for his new daughter, while earning a 6-figure income working 20 hours a week.

    5:46: Wait … what the heck is Salesforce anyway?

    8:49: Why Salesforce professionals get paid so much, even without college or tech experience.

    11:16: The ridiculous salary rocket engine that every Salesforce pro enjoys.

    12:36: Why Financial Independence and a new Salesforce career is the ultimate unlock to living your best life.

    18:24: Why community is such an important piece of success with a Salesforce career.

    21:39: Turning the best practices from the community into a replicable free resource for everyone.

    24:39: Check out the cheat-sheet topics we'll cover in the next few episodes.

    26:31: A preview of the next episode.

    Links and Resources:



    TalentStacker LinkedIn Page

    Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group

    Sat, 02 Apr 2022 08:35:22 +0000
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