Diana and Charles' first stylish dress and first fight

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Diana and Charles' first stylish dress and first fight. In March 1981, the couple went to their first evening together. Diana appeared in a new role for herself - the bride of the heir to the throne. Her choice fell on a black dress of taffeta from designers David and Elizabeth Emmanuel. The next day the press wrote that Diana is the most stylish woman in the royal family. Except Charles was of a different opinion. Diana said, "I got this black dress and thought it was great, because all the girls my age wore them. I didn't realise I was already a member of the royal family because I only had an engagement ring on my finger and no wedding ring yet. That night I walked into Charles's office and he said: "You're not going to go in that dress, are you? 'Yes, I am,' I replied. 'But it's black! - he exclaimed. - Only people in mourning can wear black! To which I replied: 'Yes, but I am not yet a member of your family. Black was the luckiest colour for me that only girls as young as 19 can wear. It was a grown-up dress.
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