阿津『Far Cry 4 極地戰嚎 4』(8) 當個快樂工具人

9 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
艾傑.格爾(Ajay Ghale)重返自己的家鄉 Kyrat。25 年前他的母親在當地發生內戰後逃了出來,為了完成去世母親希望能將骨灰撒在家鄉土地上的最後遺願,他再次回到這個地方,但他不知道其實他的家族是當地反抗軍的發起者,長期以來在此處對抗自封為王並且行使暴政的貝根.明(Pagan Min)

pc ps4 xbox one Far Cry 4 極地戰嚎 4 遠到哭 孤岛惊魂4 動作射擊多人連線對戰
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► 同系列影片清單在此 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEzqZq_wDhpfC25f0aBaKSvnEeDzRxnvX

The player character is Ajay Ghale, a Kyrati raised in America who is returning to his homeland to disperse his deceased mother's ashes after leaving with his mother at age three, either to escape Min's regime or as punishment for his mother having apparently sired a daughter with Min some time before Ajay's birth. No sooner does he arrive in Kyrat is he dragged into a civil war that is raging between Pagan Min and the rebel organization known as the Golden Path (started by Ajay's parents).
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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