
警車開道,家長老師歡送,全國送考車隊護送考生,祝金榜題名! #高考 #祝所有考生金榜題名

3 週前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
#新聞 #熱點新聞 這個影片記錄了全國各地送考車隊在警車護送下出發的場景。家長和老師們齊聚一堂,熱情歡送即將參加高考的學子們。警車開道,車隊浩浩蕩蕩,彰顯了全社會對考生們的關愛和支持。讓我們一起為這些努力拼搏的考生們加油,祝他們在高考中金榜題名,夢想成真!

This video captures the scene of exam convoys nationwide, departing under police escort. Parents and teachers gather to warmly send off students who are about to take the Gaokao exam. The police escort, along with the impressive convoy, demonstrates the community's care and support for the students. Let's cheer for these hardworking examinees and wish them great success in the exams!
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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