
Zenly Organized

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Zenly Organized

Zenly Organized s’adresse aux femmes qui veulent apprendre à mieux se connaitre et s’organiser pour vivre de manière plus alignée et sereine. Nous y discutons d'outils de connaissance de soi et de méthodes d’organisation qui vous aideront à vous reconnecter à vous-même et à mieux vous organiser pour construire la vie que vous désirez ! Nous y parlons d’organisation selon les cycles (chronotypes, cycle menstruel, saisons), d’outils de connaissance de soi (astrologie, Human Design, etc.), de développement personnel, de spiritualité et plus encore ! Ressources gratuites: https://bit.ly/zobibli

5 Myths that Make You Work Harder, Not Smarter

Do you want to work smarter and not harder? Well, make sure you don’t make the 5 mistakes we discuss in this week’s episode!

Mentioned resources:

Chronotypes Masterclass

Episode #40: Why energy management is more important than time management

Access the Zenly Organized Library and all its free resources: https://bit.ly/zolibrary

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Episode transcript:

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2022-03-14 17:08:18

Your Menstrual Cycle: Your Best Productivity Ally?

In this week’s episode, I tell you why and how I started being interested in the power of the menstrual cycle. I also discuss how getting to know your cycle can help you make an ally of it and all the benefits this entails for you and your business!

Mentioned resources:

Free workbook “Harness the power of your menstrual cycle to boost your productivity”

Episode #41: Menstrual Cycle: How Does It Impact Your Productivity?

Access the Zenly Organized Library and all its free resources: https://bit.ly/zolibrary

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Episode transcript:

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2022-03-07 13:00:00

Menstrual Cycle: How Does It Impact Your Productivity?

Do you know your menstrual cycle well? Do you know how it affects many different areas in your life?

In today’s episode, we’re going to explore the different aspects it impacts (like your mood, your energy, your emotions, your body, etc.) and how it affects your productivity. You’ll also learn how to better understand it and use it to your advantage.

Mentioned resources:

Free workbook “Harness the power of your menstrual cycle to boost your productivity”

Episode #40: Why Energy Management Is More Important than Time Management

Access the Zenly Organized Library and all its free resources: https://bit.ly/zolibrary

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/menstrualcycle

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2022-02-28 13:00:00

Energy Management: Why It’s More Important Than Time Management + How to Better Manage Your Energy

In today’s episode, I explain why energy management is more important than time management (contrary to what is often believed). And of course, I give you tips and resources to help you better manage your energy as well!

Mentioned resources:

Chronotype & Menstrual Cycle Workbooks

Episode #1: A Simple 5-Step System to Achieve Your Goals

Episode #15: Get More Done by Doing Less - How to Prioritize Your To-Do List

Episode #31: How to Do a Year Review to Set Yourself Up for Success

Access the Zenly Organized Library and all its free resources: https://bit.ly/zolibrary

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/energymanagement

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2022-02-14 23:46:10

How to Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs to Achieve Your Goals

In this week’s episode, I have invited Self-Acceptance Coach Camille from Holywhat? Holistic! to talk about limiting beliefs.


Because these beliefs might be preventing you from achieving your goals and obtaining the life you truly want for yourself. So listen to the episode to learn what limitings beliefs are and how to overcome them!

Where to find Camille:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/holywhatholistic/

Website: https://holywhatholistic.com/en_GB/

Group coaching: https://www.subscribepage.com/holywhatholistic_group_coaching_signup

Podcast: https://podcast.ausha.co/holy-me

Access the Zenly Organized Library and all its free resources: https://bit.ly/zolibrary

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/limiting-beliefs

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2022-02-07 13:00:00

How to Stay Productive During the Winter

In this week’s episode, we talk about the impact the winter season can have on our productivity and how we can make the most of this crucial season of introspection and rest.

Mentioned resources:

Episode #12: Discover Your Chronotype to Boost Your Productivity

Episode #31: How to Do a Year Review to Set Yourself Up for Success

Download the free workbook “Harness the power of your menstrual cycle to boost your productivity: https://bit.ly/zolibrary

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/productivewinter

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2022-01-31 14:00:00

How to Use Batching to Boost Your Productivity

Today, I want to talk about a great productivity and time management technique: batching.

I’ve found it to be one of the most efficient ways to complete a lot of my tasks and gain time, so I wanted to share it with you so you can also get more done in less time!

In the episode, I explain what batching is, its advantages, how to use batching, and examples of tasks you can batch and others that shouldn’t be batched.

Mentioned resources:

Episode #10: 3 Time Laws to Boost Your Productivity with Ewa Halliday

Episode #12: Discover Your Chronotype to Boost Your Productivity

Episode #17: How to Do a Time Audit to Regain Control Over Your Time

Episode #18: Become a Time-Management Master with These 8 Time Laws

Access the Zenly Organized Library and all my free resources: https://bit.ly/zolibrary

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/batching

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2022-01-24 14:00:00

5 Important Life Lessons to Succeed at Anything

This week, the Zenly Organized podcast celebrates its first anniversary!

When I think about everything that has happened in the past year, I can’t believe it’s only been one year, and yet, at the same time, it seems like ten years have passed!

I learned A LOT of things this year, and I thought it’d be interesting to share these learnings with you because they might also help you succeed in your own projects!

Access the Zenly Organized Library and all my free resources: https://bit.ly/zolibrary

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/lifelessonsforsuccess

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2022-01-17 14:00:00

How to Implement Routines and Maintain Them In the Long Run with Ana Alice @nanaorganise

At the beginning of the year, many of us make resolutions that, unfortunately, often end up forgotten. A lot of these resolutions include implementing good habits and new routines. So I invited my friend and Organization Coach, Ana Alice from @nanaorganise, to help us implement routines and keep up with them in the long run.

In this episode, we'll see what is a routine, the advantages of implementing routines, how to successfully implement them, and how to maintain them in the long term.

Where to find Ana Alice:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nanaorganise/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/nanaorganise

Guide gratuit maison organisée et rangée: www.nanaorganise.com/guide

Formation vidéo “Organise ta maison” : www.nanaorganise.com

Playliste routines: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZKe-e9N2rIxs9GQ0-A8l6mavpXkQNbuz

Vidéo être organisée grâce aux routines: https://youtu.be/FM55Xbbadu0

Podcast, Happy Nana, Happy Mama (charge mentale): https://open.spotify.com/episode/2NRHEGU7KGmJ3WNHIqtAtb?si=ad9a8a7047554d67

Access the Zenly Organized Library and all its free resources: https://bit.ly/zolibrary

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/routines

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2022-01-10 14:00:00

8 Reasons Why Goal Setting Helps You Live a More Fulfilling & Meaningful Life

It’s the end of 2021 already, and maybe you’re sick of hearing me or other people talk about goal-setting. And I totally understand, but I wouldn’t talk so much about it if I didn’t truly believe it can change your life!

So bear with me because I want to show you how setting goals can help you turn your life around and give you the freedom and the life you want! Listen to the episode and discover 8 reasons why you should sit down and take a few hours in the coming days or weeks to set your goals!

Mentioned resources:

Goal-Setting Guide

Goal-Setting Coaching Session (get a 15% discount until January 20th, 2022 by using the promo code GOALS2022)

Episode #1: A Simple 5-Step System to Achieve Your Goals

Episode #14: 5 Methods to Efficiently Set (and Achieve) Your Goals

Episode #25: 5 Tips to Stay Motivated (or Keep Going Even If You're Not!)

Access the Zenly Organized Library and all its free resources: https://www.subscribepage.com/zolibrary

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/why-goal-setting

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2021-12-27 14:00:00

My 2021 Favorites

This week’s episode is a bit different than usual: I share my favorite organization and business tools, books, office supplies, and more, of 2021!

I’d love to know what your favorites were in 2021, so don’t hesitate to come and talk to me in DMs on Instagram or send me an email at sarah@zenlyorganized.com!

Please note that I’m not sponsored by any of these brands. This is my honest opinion of these products!

Mentioned resources:

Episode #27: 4 Tips to Set Up an Efficient and Ergonomic Workspace

Episode #30: Why I stopped using my Bullet Journal and went completely digital on Notion

Episode #32: 8 Tips to Get Started with Notion

Access the Zenly Organized Library and all its free resources: https://www.subscribepage.com/zolibrary

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/2021favorites

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2021-12-20 14:00:00

How to Do a Year Review to Set Yourself Up for Success

Were's almost at the end of 2021 already!

It means it's time to start reviewing the past year before looking ahead to the new year!

In this episode, we'll see why it's important to do an annual review, how to prepare for it, and ideas of areas of your life you can reflect on as well as questions that you can include in your review.

Mentioned resources:

Episode #14: 5 Methods to Efficiently Set (and Achieve) Your Goals Get the Goal-Setting Guide Book a Goal-Setting Power Hour with me (in English or in French)

Access the Zenly Organized Library and all its free resources: https://subscribe.zenlyorganized.com/access-to-library

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/yearreview

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2021-12-06 14:00:00

Why I Stopped Using My Bullet Journal and Went Completely Digital on Notion

In this episode, I talk about the evolution of the main organization tools I've used so far, why I chose them as well as their pros and cons, and how I use(d) them.

I'll start with the Bullet Journal Method, which is a tool I used for almost two years, and that I recently decided to abandon. Then, I'll tell you about the main tool I've been using in the past year: Notion, a great tool for task and project management as well as note-taking and much more!

Mentioned resources:

Episode #6: A Beginner's Guide to Bullet Journal

Episode #8: How to Use Your Bullet Journal Daily

Free Notion Training: https://www.subscribepage.com/zolibrary

Access the Zenly Organized Library and all its free resources: https://www.subscribepage.com/zolibrary

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/bulletjournal-notion

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2021-11-29 14:00:00

8 Tips for a Zen Christmas Shopping

Christmas is already in a month! This means that Christmas shopping is already in full swing. To avoid all the stress that comes with it, I share with you 8 Christmas shopping tips that will help you stay relaxed and zen!

Access the Zenly Organized Library and all its free resources: https://subscribe.zenlyorganized.com/access-to-library

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/tips-christmas-shopping

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2021-11-22 14:00:00

Why and How to Take Breaks More Often

Welcome back to the Zenly Organized Podcast! After a two-month break from the podcast, I explain why I took this break, but most importantly, why we should all take breaks more regularly as well as how to take them. So if you also struggle with taking time off every now and then, this episode is for you!

Mentioned resources:

Episode #16: How to Go on Vacation Serenely When You're an Entrepreneur

Access the Zenly Organized Library and all its free resources: https://subscribe.zenlyorganized.com/access-to-library

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/takingbreaks

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2021-11-15 22:41:10

How to Organize Your Month & Year with Astrology with Amba of Manipura

Today's episode is a bit different than usual because we're going to explore organization from a spiritual angle. The great Amba from the Manipura podcast will talk to us about the influence the celestial bodies can have on our productivity and organization throughout the month (under the influence of the moon) and the year (under the influence of the planets).

Amba's free workbook on organization & astrological signs (in French): https://spiritualite-et-yoga.systeme.io/productivite

Amba's IG: https://www.instagram.com/amba.manipura/

Amba's podcast & blog: https://spiritualite-et-yoga.com

Amba's services: https://spiritualite-et-yoga.systeme.io/rdv

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/organization-astrology

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2021-09-20 13:00:00

5 Tips to Stay Motivated (or Keep Going Even If You‘re Not!)

Did you notice that the end of 2021 is less than four months away? It means you still have time to reach the goals you had set at the beginning of the year!

However, more often than not, one of the biggest obstacles to the achievement of projects and goals is usually the unavoidable dwindling of motivation.

So today, I wanted to share a few tips to help you stay motivated in the long run and, hopefully, achieve everything you want!

Access the Zenly Organized Library and all its free resources: https://www.subscribepage.com/zolibrary

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/motivationtips

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2021-09-13 14:00:00

How to Work ON Your Business and Not Only IN It

As an entrepreneur, you've probably already heard about the difference between working IN your business and working ON it, and the prominence you should give to the latter to scale your business efficiently.

So in this week's episode, we're going to see the difference between these two types of work, why you should absolutely find the time to work ON your business, and how you can do that!

Free discovery call: https://calendly.com/zenlyorganized/discoverycall

Access the Zenly Organized Library and all its free resources: https://www.subscribepage.com/zolibrary

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/workonbusiness

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2021-09-06 14:00:00

5 Myths about Organization Debunked

When you hear the word organization, what comes to your mind? The words "rigid", "boring", "type A", "perfect", "time-consuming", "difficult" might have popped up. If one of these words came up, it might be because you have some misconceptions about what organization and being organized mean.

So today, let's debunk some of the myths that might be keeping you from getting more organized — and collaterally, living a much better life!

Free discovery call: https://calendly.com/zenlyorganized/discoverycall

Access the Zenly Organized Library and all its free resources: https://www.subscribepage.com/zolibrary

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/organizationmyths

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2021-08-30 14:00:00

My Top 5 Productivity Tips

In this episode, I share my five favourite productivity tips:

planning your tasks based on your chronotype batching time blocking the Pomodoro Technique regular brain dumps

What are your favourite productivity tips?

Free discovery call: https://calendly.com/zenlyorganized/discoverycall

Free workbooks, templates, video courses, and more: https://www.subscribepage.com/zolibrary

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/productivitytips

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2021-08-16 22:13:40

3 Common Productivity Mistakes

In this week's episode, we talk about three common productivity mistakes most of us make:

not prioritizing your tasks and your to-do list; having no routines or processes in place; not planning for unexpected events.

Do you make these mistakes? If you do, don't worry: we all make them!

Fortunately, there are easy ways to correct them! Listen to the episode to discover them.

Free discovery call: https://calendly.com/zenlyorganized/discoverycall

Access to the free resources: https://www.subscribepage.com/zolibrary

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/productivitymistakes

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2021-08-09 14:00:00

How to Build Good Habits (and Break Bad Ones) with Koen Meijer

In this episode, I talk about how to build good habits (and break bad ones) with confidence coach Koen Meijer. We talk about practical tips and techniques to introduce new habits into your daily life and how to make them stick in the long run!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/habits

Koen's IG: https://www.instagram.com/koenmeijer_/

Koen's Clubhouse: @koenmeijer_

Book a free discovery call with Koen: https://t.me/CoachKoen

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2021-08-02 14:07:23

Become a Time-Management Master with These 8 Time Laws

Today, I want to talk about eight time laws (Parkinson's law, Carlson's law, Illich's law, Laborit's law, Pareto's law, Hofstadter’s law, Murphy's law, Swoboda-Fliess-Teltscher's law) that will help you perceive and use your time more efficiently. Because if you use your time efficiently and productively, you'll be able to work smarter, better and less! And who doesn't want to have more time to do things they enjoy?

Free discovery call: https://calendly.com/zenlyorganized/discoverycall

Access to the library and all the free resources: https://www.subscribepage.com/zolibrary

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/8timelaws

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2021-07-19 14:00:00

How to Do a Time Audit to Regain Control Over Your Time

Time is our most precious resource, but it's also the resource we tend to waste the most.

If you want to regain power over your time, you have to know how you use it. According to Fabien Olicard, the author of the book Votre temps est infini, there are five types of ways you can use your time. By knowing what type of time your days are made of, it's easier to determine whether or not you're using your time the way you'd like to use it.

And to know exactly what you do with your time, I suggest a very insightful strategy: doing a time audit!

Free discovery call: https://calendly.com/zenlyorganized/discoverycall

Access to the library and all the free resources: https://www.subscribepage.com/zolibrary

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/typesoftime

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2021-07-12 14:00:00

How to Go on Vacation Serenely When You‘re an Entrepreneur

It's the summer! It's time to go on holiday! Ok, you might not go right away. But it doesn't mean you shouldn't prepare for it in advance. On the contrary, the better prepared you'll be, the more you'll be able to enjoy your holiday in peace. For that, there are three steps you should take: plan ahead, get organized and communicate.

Access to the library and all the free resources: https://www.subscribepage.com/zolibrary

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/vacation

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2021-07-05 14:00:00

3 Unproductive Productivity Myths

In this week's episode, we'll debunk three myths about productivity:

Myth #1: You have to be productive 100% of the time

Myth #2: Being busy equals being productive

Myth #3: You have to wake up early to be productive

Access the Zenly Organized Library and all its free resources: https://www.subscribepage.com/zolibrary

Book a free discovery call: https://calendly.com/zenlyorganized/discoverycall

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/3-productivity-myths

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2021-06-07 14:30:00

Discover Your Chronotype to Naturally Boost Your Productivity

Did you know we all have an internal clock that dictates our waking and sleeping patterns, as well as our energy level throughout the day?

This internal clock is designed to perform specific tasks in specific moments. And you'd be much more efficient if you followed it and performed your activities at the appropriate moment for your body!

So listen to the episode to discover when you should perform your tasks to be more productive and efficient effortlessly!

Mentioned Resources

Download the free workbook "Discover Your Chronotype to Naturally Boost Your Productivity": https://bit.ly/zolibrary

Take the test to discover your chronotype: https://thepowerofwhenquiz.com/

Book a free discovery call: https://appt.link/sarah-lia-girard-monteiros-meetings-xqts7nt2/discovery-call


Bear: [12:32] to [15:14]

Lion: [15:15] to 17:17]

Wolf: [17:18] to [22:25]

Dolphin: [22:26] to [25:20]

The schedules mentioned in this episode were taken from the book The Power of When by Dr. Michael Breus

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2021-05-24 13:09:29

The #1 Secret to Stay Productive in the Long Run

This week's episode is a little bit different than usual! I talk about my personal experience with toxic productivity and burnout, as well as the importance of listening to your body to stay healthy and productive in the long run. Because productivity is not a sprint; it's a marathon!

I also talk about how I learned to listen to my body and its rhythms and different ways to harness them to become more naturally productive. The cycles I talk about in this episode are chronotypes, the menstrual cycle, and the seasons.

If you're interested in discovering your chronotype right now, you can take the test here. Then, download the free workbook I've prepared to help you better understand how to harness your chronotype to boost your productivity!

I hope this episode will help you work with your body and not against it in your search for productivity!

Access the Zenly Organized Library and all its resources: https://www.subscribepage.com/zolibrary

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/body-productivity

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2021-05-10 14:30:00

3 Time Laws to Boost Your Productivity with Ewa Halliday

In this episode, I'm joined by the great productivity coach Ewa Halliday to talk about three time laws, and how you can apply them to boost your productivity! You'll discover the Pareto Law (or 80/20 Law), the Law of Diminishing Returns, and the Law of Increasing Opportunity Costs. These economics laws can be applied to time management to help you better identify your priority tasks, and focus your time, energy, and effort on what brings the most impact in your work and life in general.

Ewa's amazing FREE planner: https://ewahalliday.com/entrepreneurs-planner

Ewa's FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/zoomingproductivityspace/about

Ewa's IG: https://www.instagram.com/ewahallidaycoaching/

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/timelaws

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2021-04-26 14:30:00

How to Organize Your Closet with a Capsule Wardrobe

Would you like to declutter your closet, reduce the amount of time and energy you spend getting dressed, and drastically cut your clothing budget? If you said yes to any of these questions, you might want to try to build a capsule wardrobe!

In this episode, we'll discover what's a capsule wardrobe, what are its benefits, and, most importantly, we'll discover how to build one in 5 easy steps!

And even if you're not interested in building a capsule wardrobe, you'll find tips to declutter your closet and build a wardrobe that reflects your personality, your lifestyle, that makes you feel good and confident. Plus, I'll also give you tips to organize your seasonal wardrobe change!

Don't forget to download the free workbook to help you build your capsule wardrobe: https://www.subscribepage.com/zolibrary

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/capsulewardrobe

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2021-04-12 14:30:00

How to Use Your Bullet Journal Daily

In this episode, we'll go deeper into the Bullet Journal Method. We'll discover three important concepts to use it efficiently: rapid logging, migration and threading.

These elements of the method can also be used with a traditional or a digital planner. So even if you're not interested in the method itself, you could still learn a few interesting things!

We'll also see the pros and cons of the BuJo, its possible integration with digital tools, and the possibility to use a digital Bullet Journal.

Don't forget to download the free workbook "Achieve Your Goals in 5 Easy Steps": https://www.subscribepage.com/zolibrary

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/how-to-bullet-journal

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2021-03-29 14:00:00

15 Tips to Limit Your Screen Time

Social media and electronic devices in general are now an integral part of our lives. So much so that it's become increasingly difficult to spend time without them. They have great advantages, but they also have considerable negative impacts on our lives. So if you want to reduce your screen time and your social media use, listen to this episode to find more than 15 tips to help you reduce your screen time!

Access the Zenly Organized Library and its free resources: https://www.subscribepage.com/zolibrary

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/limit-screen-time

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2021-03-15 15:48:54

A Beginner‘s Guide to Bullet Journal

The Bullet Journal is a wonderful organization and productivity tool. It allows you to gather everything in one place, whether it be your appointments, your tasks, your goals, information you regularly need, habits you want to track. You can turn your BuJo into whatever it is you need and continually adapt it to your needs.

In this episode, you'll discover this incredible tool, how to get started, what material you need, how to structure it, and how to integrate it into your life.

Access the Zenly Organized Library and all its free resources: https://www.subscribepage.com/zolibrary

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/beginner-guide-bullet-journal

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2021-03-01 15:53:40

10 Tips to Overcome Procrastination

In this episode, I talk about procrastination, its causes, and its negative impacts. I also cover its advantages - because, yes, it has some advantages - and I give you pieces of advice to make the most out of them. But most importantly, I give you more than 10 tips to help you overcome procrastination!

Access the Zenly Organized Library and all its free resources: https://www.subscribepage.com/zolibrary

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/procrastination

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2021-02-15 15:46:25

Multitasking and Cognitive Switching: An Illusion of Efficiency?

Are multitasking and cognitive switching always unproductive and inefficient? Like most things, it's not that easy. So if you want to know when using these mental abilities can be beneficial, and more importantly, when they can be detrimental to your work, press play! I also give you five practical tips to help you focus on one task at a time to boost your productivity.

Access the Zenly Organized Library and all its free resources: https://www.subscribepage.com/zolibrary

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/multitasking

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2021-02-01 15:48:18

The Importance of Purpose in Your Organization System

Today, I want to talk about a topic that's rarely covered whenever organization, organization systems or productivity are brought up: their purpose.

If your organization doesn’t have a clear purpose, then it’s useless. You’ll probably end up using your free time on meaningless activities that don’t bring much to your life. But if it has a purpose, it can help you achieve your dream life.

Access the Zenly Organized Library and all its free resources: https://www.subscribepage.com/zolibrary

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/purpose-personal-organization-system

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2021-01-18 15:59:20

Meal Planning, or How to Lose Less Time Cooking

Today, we talk about one of my favorite topics: food! Unfortunately, many people don’t have enough time to prepare healthy meals regularly. But with the proper organization, it’s possible to cook and eat healthily without spending too much time in the kitchen. All you need is a meal list, a meal plan, and a batch cooking or meal prep session, and you’re in business!

Access the Zenly Organized Library and all its free resources: https://www.subscribepage.com/zolibrary

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/eating-healthily-and-varied

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2021-01-18 15:51:17

A Simple 5-Step System to Consistently Achieve Your Goals

In this episode, you'll learn how to define your dream life and implement a system that will help you achieve it. To do so, you'll have to clarify your vision and your priorities, set SMARTER goals, implement good habits and plan the tasks needed to accomplish it all.

Access the Zenly Organized Library and all its free resources: https://www.subscribepage.com/zolibrary

Episode transcript: https://www.zenlyorganized.com/post/achieve-your-goals

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized/

Music by La Musique Libre

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2021-01-18 15:46:04

Qui suis-je et que trouveras-tu sur Zenly Organized?

Bienvenue sur Zenly Organized! 

Dans cet épisode, je me présente et je te parle de mon objectif avec ce podcast et des contenus que tu pourras y retrouver!  

Accède à toutes les ressources gratuites mentionnées dans le podcast : https://bit.ly/zobibli

Rejoins-moi sur Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenlyorganized_fr/ 

Blog: https://www.zenlyorganized.com    

Musique par La Musique Libre 

Ikson - Lighthouse: https://youtu.be/oH2M9vXknbE 

Ikson: https://soundcloud.com/ikson

2021-01-04 05:00:47

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