
Grok Chatbot AI: What is It and How to Use It

7 個月前
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Elon Musk has introduced a new AI chatbot named Grok, developed by his company xAI, as part of his venture into the AI landscape. Grok stands out from conventional AI due to its unique personality that incorporates humor and sarcasm, reminiscent of 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.' Unlike other AIs that typically avoid sensitive issues, Grok addresses them with a witty, humorous approach that also discourages illegal activities.

Grok is in beta and is expected to be part of a premium service on the X platform, showcasing Musk's vision for an AI that not only provides information but seeks truth and understands the nature of the universe. This AI taps into the X platform's real-time information, distinguishing it from others that may depend on older data.

Musk's relationship with AI is nuanced; he is a proponent of its development but also cautions against its risks to humanity. Nonetheless, his company is moving forward to develop AI responsibly.

In tests, Grok has reportedly surpassed GPT-3.5 in certain areas, such as solving middle-school math problems, but it hasn't quite reached the sophistication of advanced models like GPT-4 due to lesser training data and computational power. Grok is part of Musk's broader vision for AI, which entails creating a tool to augment human abilities, but with careful consideration for ethical development. The early access program for Grok offers a preview into a more interactive and human-like AI future.

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