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3 個月前
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#廣州 #北京路 #美食

GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/x4dmxvdgMj1hXE1x9
BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/d9/oomu
餐厅消费:脆皮牛腩 ¥62,木瓜燉雪燕 贈品,湛江特色撈粉 ¥28,湛江鹹魚蒸肉餅 ¥56
五仙觀是根據羊城的傳說而建造的一座宮觀。 相傳在周朝時廣州發生旱災,有五位仙人騎羊降臨,把稻穗及仙羊留下,從此這裡就風調雨順、五穀豐登。 後來人們為了感謝五位仙人,在他們降臨的地方建造了五仙觀以示紀念。
歷史上五仙觀曾屢建屢廢,北宋時在十賢坊(今廣仁路廣東財政廳舊址一帶)已有祀奉五仙的寺院。 到南宋嘉定年間遷至西湖玉液池畔,即今西湖路附近,稱奉真觀。 南宋末年又遷至今廣仁路,但明朝洪武元年(1368年)毀於大火,洪武十年(1377年)遷至坡山至今。 明朝成化五年(1469年)及清朝雍正元年(1723年)曾進行重修。
中華民國九年(1920年)到十二年(1923年)間,廣州市政廳為北伐籌備軍餉,接孫中山令將市內無著庵、藥師庵等7座廟庵堂寺觀及產業一律變賣,五人 仙觀也在其中,觀內道士被遣散。
至1920年代末期,孫科三度出任廣州市長,又召集香山同鄉會集資,把五仙觀的房產全部買回,在觀內仙跡池畔興建中山同鄉會小學。 1929年廣州市財政局提交一八六次廣州市行政會議通過,並議決連五仙觀(業權)一並由政府收回。
中共建政後,五仙觀包括「嶺南第一樓」由廣州市文化管理委員會接管,後來由當時的廣州博物館管理。 廣州市惠福區人民文化分館在五仙觀辦公。
唐高祖武德年間(618年-626年),伊斯蘭教「封印先知」穆罕默德派門徒4人來華傳教,於唐貞觀初年經海上絲綢之路在廣州登陸,開始在中國傳教。 貞觀元年(627年),阿布·宛葛素和僑居廣州的阿拉伯穆斯林捐資修建了這座清真寺,為紀念“穆聖”,故取名“懷聖”。 懷聖寺於元至正三年(1343年)被焚,7年後重建。 現存建築為清康熙三十四年(1695年)重建後的規制。 1949年後,懷聖寺進行過三次較大規模的修葺,基本上保持了原有建築風絡。
The Five Immortals Temple is located on Huifu West Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, China. It is a Taoist temple.
The Five Immortals Temple is a palace built based on the legend of Yangcheng. According to legend, there was a drought in Guangzhou during the Zhou Dynasty. Five immortals came riding on sheep and left the ears of rice and the immortal sheep. From then on, the place had good weather and good harvests. Later, in order to thank the five immortals, people built the Five Immortals Temple at the place where they came to commemorate them.
Historically, the Five Immortals Temple has been built and abandoned many times. In the Northern Song Dynasty, there was a temple dedicated to the Five Immortals in Shixianfang (today's Guangren Road, the former site of the Guangdong Finance Department). During the Jiading period of the Southern Song Dynasty, it moved to the bank of the Yuye Pond of West Lake, near today's West Lake Road, and was called Fengzhen Temple. At the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, it moved to Guangren Road. However, it was destroyed by fire in the first year of Hongwu (1368) of the Ming Dynasty and moved to Poshan in the tenth year of Hongwu (1377). It was rebuilt in the fifth year of Chenghua (1469) in the Ming Dynasty and the first year of Yongzheng (1723) in the Qing Dynasty.
From the ninth year of the Republic of China (1920) to the twelfth year of the Republic of China (1923), the Guangzhou City Hall prepared military pay for the Northern Expedition. Following Sun Yat-sen's order, seven temples, nunneries, temples, temples and properties in the city, including Wuzhuan and Yaoshian, were sold off. The Immortal Temple was also among them, and the Taoist priests in the temple were dismissed.
By the late 1920s, Sun Ke served as the mayor of Guangzhou three times. He also convened the Xiangshan Township Association to raise funds to buy back all the properties in Wuxian Temple and build the Zhongshan Association Primary School by the Fairyland Pond in the temple. In 1929, the Guangzhou Municipal Finance Bureau submitted it to the 186th Guangzhou Municipal Administrative Conference for approval, and decided that the Wuxian Temple (property rights) should be recovered by the government.
After the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Five Immortals Temple, including the "Lingnan First Building", was taken over by the Guangzhou Municipal Cultural Management Committee and later managed by the then Guangzhou Museum. The People's Cultural Branch of Huifu District, Guangzhou has its office in Wuxianguan.
Huaisheng Temple, also known as Guangta Temple, is located at No. 56 Guangta Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, China. It was built in the Tang Dynasty and is the earliest existing mosque in China and even one of the earliest mosques in the world.
During the Wude period of Emperor Gaozu of the Tang Dynasty (618-626), Muhammad, the "sealed prophet" of Islam, sent four disciples to China to preach. In the early years of Zhenguan of the Tang Dynasty, they landed in Guangzhou via the Maritime Silk Road and began to preach in China.
00:00 Intro
00:53 紙行路/光塔路/越秀老城區最新樓價
09:09 光塔寺/內部實況
12:51 仙鄰巷/甜水巷/市場買菜
21:26 五仙觀實況/翻新裝修中
23:46 解放中路/雲台里/網紅店大排長龍
25:55 金旺旺粵西家院/讀餐牌時間
29:23 脆皮牛腩/木瓜燉雪燕/湛江特色撈粉/湛江鹹魚蒸肉餅
39:32 惠福西路/惠福路美食街實況
45:59 Ending
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