
만해 한용운의 심우장

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만해 한용운의 심우장
Shim woo jang, the house of 'Manhae' Yong-Un HAN.

Han Yong-un (Korean: 한용운, August 29, 1879 – June 29, 1944) was a twentieth century Korean Buddhist reformer and poet.

This name was his religious name, given by his meditation instructor in 1905, and Manhae (만해) was his pen name.
Manhae was born in Yucheon in Chungcheongnam-do, Hongseong.

During his childhood, he studied Chinese classics in Seodang, a popular elementary school during the Joseon Dynasty.

Prior to being ordained, he was involved in resistance to Japanese influence in the country, which culminated in the Japanese occupation from 1905 to 1945.

He lived in seclusion at Ose-am in the Baekdam Temple from 1896.

During this period, he studied Buddhist sacred texts and several books of modern philosophy.

In 1905 he received the robes of the Jogye Order of monks and in 1908 he went to Japan and visited several temples to study Buddhism and Eastern philosophy for six months.

In 1919 he was one of the patriot signatories to the Korean Declaration of Independence.

한용운(韓龍雲, 1879년 8월 29일 ~ 1944년 6월 29일)은 일제 강점기의 시인, 승려, 독립운동가이다.

본관은 청주. 호는 만해(萬海)이다.

불교를 통한 언론, 교육 활동을 하였다.

종래의 무능한 불교를 개혁하고 불교의 현실참여를 주장하였으며, 그것에 대한 대안점으로 불교사회개혁론을 주장했다.

3·1 만세 운동 당시 민족대표 33인의 한사람이며 광복 1년을 앞둔 1944년 6월 29일에 중풍과 영양실조 등의 합병증으로 병사하였다.

독립선언서의 "공약 3장"을 추가보완하였다.

또한 옥중에서 '조선 독립의 서'(朝鮮獨立之書)를 지어 독립과 자유를 주장하였다.
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