
廣州!芳村!盛苑酒家!午餐!2人消費200元!西朗市場!買海鮮加工!物價如何?交通攻略!美食攻略!旅遊推薦!坐滿本地人!CP值極高!味道正!行街市!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

4 個月前
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#廣州 #市場 #美食

GOOGLE MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/73/4jg
BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/73/4jg
餐厅消费:鮮果生炒骨 ¥58,荷塘月色 ¥38,豉椒炒花甲 ¥87

芳村區是中國廣州市昔日的一個市轄區。 芳村區位於廣州市西部,三面對珠江,全區總面積46.2平方公里,共轄9個街道。 屬珠江三角洲北緣,地形平緩,氣候溫暖,無嚴冬酷暑,日照充足,屬亞熱帶季風氣候。
芳村區是花卉之鄉,以花名世,歷史悠久,是嶺南盆景藝術發祥地之一。 南漢時期,花地就以盛產素馨、茉莉而名聞天下。 元代孫蕡稱花地為「素馨茉莉天香國」 。 明清時代,品種越來越繁,素有「嶺南第一花鄉」 的美譽。
1949年11月,由芳村、崇文(崇文二十四鄉)兩區合併成芳村區。 2005年4月28日,撤銷廣州市芳村區,將原芳村區的行政區域劃歸荔灣區管轄。
民國元年(1912),撤府級建制,縣直屬省。 今芳村地區花地河以東屬番禺縣,花地河以西屬南海縣。
民國10年(1921),廣州正式成立市政廳,下設公安等6局。 芳村設公安分署,納入廣州警察區。 今芳村地區仍分屬廣東省番禺縣、南海縣。
民國12年(1923),廣州始定市界。 今芳村地區的石圍塘首先劃歸廣州市。
民國26年(1937),番禺縣崇文二十四鄉 (今花地河以東地區)正式劃歸廣州市,成立崇文區(今芳村區)。 今芳村地區分屬廣州市、南海縣。
民國36年(1947),廣州市政府將市區劃為28個行政區。 芳村地區設芳村、崇文兩個區公所。 市警局在芳村地區設芳村警察分局和崇文警察分駐所。 劃定下列芳村下湧為界,北屬芳村區管轄,南屬崇文區管轄。
Fangcun District is a former municipal district of Guangzhou City, China. Fangcun District is located in the west of Guangzhou City, facing the Pearl River on three sides. The district has a total area of 46.2 square kilometers and governs a total of 9 streets. It is located on the northern edge of the Pearl River Delta, with gentle terrain, warm climate, no harsh winters and scorching heat, sufficient sunshine, and a subtropical monsoon climate.
Fangcun District is the hometown of flowers. It is famous for its flowers and has a long history. It is one of the birthplaces of Lingnan bonsai art. During the Southern Han Dynasty, Huadi was famous for its rich production of jasmine and jasmine. Sun Di of the Yuan Dynasty called the flower land "the land of jasmine and fragrant flowers." During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the varieties became more and more diverse, and it was known as the "No. 1 Flower Town in Lingnan".
In November 1949, Fangcun District and Chongwen District (Chongwen No. 24 Township) were merged into Fangcun District. On April 28, 2005, Fangcun District of Guangzhou City was abolished and the administrative area of the original Fangcun District was placed under the jurisdiction of Liwan District.
In the first year of the Republic of China (1912), the prefecture-level organizational system was abolished and counties were directly subordinate to provinces. Today, the area east of Huadi River in Fangcun area belongs to Panyu County, and the west of Huadi River belongs to Nanhai County.
In the 10th year of the Republic of China (1921), Guangzhou officially established the City Hall, with six bureaus including the Public Security Bureau. Fangcun has a public security branch, which is included in the Guangzhou police area. Today, Fangcun area still belongs to Panyu County and Nanhai County of Guangdong Province.
In the 12th year of the Republic of China (1923), Guangzhou began to define its city boundaries. Shiweitang in today's Fangcun area was first placed under Guangzhou City.
In the 20th year of the Republic of China (1931), Shancun and Nantang, which were originally under the jurisdiction of Nanhai County, were placed under the jurisdiction of Guangzhou City.
In the 26th year of the Republic of China (1937), Chongwen No. 24 Township in Panyu County (today’s area east of Huadi River) was officially placed under Guangzhou City, and Chongwen District (today’s Fangcun District) was established. Today, Fangcun area belongs to Guangzhou City and Nanhai County.
In the 35th year of the Republic of China (1946), Kuipeng, Fengxi and Xijiao, which were originally under the jurisdiction of Nanhai County, were placed under the jurisdiction of Guangzhou City.
In the 36th year of the Republic of China (1947), the Guangzhou Municipal Government divided the city into 28 administrative districts. There are two district offices in Fangcun area, namely Fangcun and Chongwen. The Municipal Police Department has set up Fangcun Police Station and Chongwen Police Station in Fangcun area. The boundary is defined as Xiayong of Fangcun District, with the north under the jurisdiction of Fangcun District and the south under the jurisdiction of Chongwen District.






00:00 Intro
00:49 芳村西朗市場買菜/交通路線
07:07 水果肉類/物價指數
26:27 芳村盛苑酒家午餐/讀餐牌時間
30:22 鮮果生炒骨/荷塘月色/豉椒炒花甲
44:08 Ending
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