阿津實況『決勝時刻 先進戰爭 COD Advanced Warfare』(6) 追蹤

9 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
2054年,名為KVA的恐怖組織在全世界各地發動恐怖襲擊,各國的核電站被毀壞,美國也受恐襲波及,世界各國政府機能停頓而國家軍隊也難以應付KVA的威脅,導致世上最強大的軍事組織不再是各國軍隊而是私人軍事服務公司,當中規模最大兼擁有最先進軍備的是「巨神」(地圖Atlas),其始創者喬納森·艾洛斯(Jonathan Irons,凱文·斯貝西飾演)不滿美國花費超過一個世紀仍未能向世界推動民主並且把資源浪費在改變國際勢力平衡上。前美國海軍陸戰隊成員傑克‧米切爾(Jack Mitchell)在南韓一場戰鬥中失去左臂後加入「巨神」公司,執行各種秘密任務。

pc ps4 xbox one 決勝時刻 先進戰爭 使命召喚 高級戰爭 Call of Duty Advanced Warfare 動作射擊科技戰爭
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In 2054, Jack Mitchell (Troy Baker), a US Marine who lost his left arm and his best friend during a battle against North Koreans in Seoul, joins the Atlas Corporation, the world's most powerful private military contractor. As a reward, Mitchell is given an advanced prosthetic arm to replace his lost one. Meanwhile, a terrorist group calling itself the KVA and led by a man called "Hades" begins staging numerous terrorist attacks, with the world turning to Atlas to stop them. Mitchell, his teammate Gideon (Gideon Emery) and other Atlas soldiers rescue the Nigerian prime minister and later capture a KVA technologist in Lagos. However, the KVA's attacks soon become more sophisticated, and Mitchell and his team fail to prevent the KVA forcing a nuclear reactor meltdown in Seattle
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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